TRANSFORM Work Packages


 WP 1 – Rapid community-based ethnographic assessment

We engaged with members of the communities where our research is being carried-out to explore local and contextual understandings of health, illness, and help-seeking behaviour.

WP 2 – Developing training packages for traditional/faith healers and community health workers and raising community awareness

We conducted a series of workshops with faith-based healers, traditional healers, and community health workers (CHWs) to co-produce training packages that will be used for intervention in WP 3.

WP3 – Piloting and implementing the training intervention

The co-produced training packages have been piloted, and feedback gathered during the pilot training was integrated into our training manual. The training manual has been designed to be used to deliver a training intervention to faith-based healers, traditional healers, and community health workers (CHWs) in our study locations. The training package aimed at empowering them to identify signs of SMDs in individuals who come to them for care so that they can refer them for proper biomedical care.

WP 4 – Community identification, referral, and outcome assessment of SMD cases

The number of individuals with SMDs who present to selected biomedical facilities before and after our intervention will be measured to evaluate the changes/increase in access as a result of our intervention. We will also track the number of referrals and referral sources for individuals with SMDs who access care at the health facilities.

WP5 – Health economic analysis and methodological development

Patient/ caregiver costs associated with SMDs will be estimated before and after the intervention. This will help us in measuring the improvement in patient outcomes, mental health awareness and reduced stigma, and access to care.

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