Celebrating a Teacher, Teacher of Teachers, Father, Mentor, Grandfather and More, Professor Johnson Adu Lawani, at 90! & Applauding the Favourite Teacher of the CoMUI Jubilarian MBBS Class of 1974

A Tribute to Professor Johnson Adu Lawani

On Sunday 9th June 2024, Professor Johnson Adu Lawani clocked 90, and as Provost of our dear College of Medicine, I am honoured to share this special tribute in appreciation of my teacher.

A 90th birthday is no mean feat, and I will start on a note of appreciation to God for keeping our dear teacher till this age. May His name be forever praised!

We recently hosted the 1974 class at the College to celebrate their 50th anniversary since graduation, a day after his birthday. This event also platformed the launch of the Leadership and Management course that we are instituting at the College spearheaded by this great class. One key highlight of the event is the kind words by the class members for Professor Lawani who was specially invited by the class to give the keynote lecture at the event. They mentioned how Prof took an interest in them as students and offered tutorials in his house, many of whom were also treated to delicious meals in his home. Sadly, I missed that invitation during my time! Another thing that struck me at the event was that, during his speech, even at 90, Professor Lawani was clear, distinct, and articulate, more brilliantly so, as he didn't have a prepared speech for the event.


Throughout his great career, Prof. Lawani exemplified the qualities of a remarkable educator β€” approachable yet firm, strict yet friendly. His commitment to excellence in teaching and mentorship impacted generations of medical professionals, many of whom attribute their success to his guidance and wisdom.

In this special birthday release in his honour, you will read some kind words from past students and mentees. I have lifted their words verbatim unedited (with all the emojis) to capture the raw emotions and gratitude for a life that has impacted so many. Kindly spare some minutes to read them too, and his shared profile in his honour.

As we celebrate his life, let us remember the invaluable lesson Professor Lawani teaches us β€” that our actions and kindness toward others are seeds that can grow into mighty trees, benefiting generations to come. May we all emulate his dedication and compassion in our little corners and endeavours.

Sir, as your days, so shall your strength be. May God continue to bless you abundantly, granting you wisdom and firm strength like the Cedars of Lebanon. May He preserve your health and vitality, and shower His blessings upon your family, keeping them in good health and happiness.

Happy 90th Birthday, Prof. Johnson Adu Lawani!

Professor Olayinka Omigbodun FAS

Professor of Psychiatry and Provost


Professor Lawani at the 50th Post-graduation Anniversary of the 1974 Class








Tributes from students and mentees


Congratulations to Professor Johnson Lawani, the trainer of my trainers. I was privileged to glean from his training at the Kefa Clinic even after he had retired from UCH. He was full of energy and had great plans even in his relatively old age then. Congratulations πŸΎπŸŽ‰πŸŽˆπŸŽŠ.He demonstrated that a man lives and dies when he wants to. He was operating at about 70 years of age when last I was with him. I wish him excellent health and comfort in the years ahead. Congratulations Baba Lawani

It is obvious there is longevity in the genes of urologists, it may be from the smell of urine πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

Prof. Demola Popoola.

University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital.

Congratulations to yet another grandfather of Urology in Nigeria and our subregions.

Wishing you more healthy years ahead, sir.

Prof Ajape, University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital.


Big congratulations to our Professional great grandpa.

Here is wishing you, sir, sound health to enjoy the rest of your years in pleasure.

Dr. Taiwo Alabi

Consultant urologist.


Congratulations Pa Prof. Johnson Lawani. A trainer Per excellence, he trained and prepared us for part 2 in 2012. We are grateful for the mentorship sir. Best wishes

Dr. Abdullahi Giade.

Consultant urologist.

Wow! Happy birthday to Prof Lawani. Kefas clinic update remains indelible in my mind. Kefas clinic specialised Urology update provided the needed avenue for us to fellowship with our teachers and trainers. 

It was in that clinic in 2010 that I heard Prof Shittu say "if you take care of this resectoscope and telescope, it will take very good care of you" while teaching us care of endoscopy instruments and instrumentations.

Thank you, our great teachers.

Prof. Uzoma Timothy.


Oh wow!!! He is still STANDING ERECT.

Happy birthday sir

I tap into this longevity with good health.

Dr. Omodu

Consultant Urologist.

Happy birthday Prof

More blessings Sir.

Yes we remember Kefa's clinic and its impact.

Have a wonderful day sir.

Dr. Ayandike

Consultant urologist and a former Senior Registrar in the Urology Division in UCH Ibadan.

Woa! Glory to God. Congratulations on his birthday, Doyen of Urology.

Prof.  Ekeke.

University of Port-Harcourt Teaching Hospital.

Happy Birthday Prof. Wishing you more blessings in strength and good health.

Thank you Sir,  for the opportunity to learn more and interract with many of our teachers then at the Kefa Clinic Urology Update.

Dr. Isiwele Edoise.

Consultant urologist.

Formerly a Senior Registrar in Urology at UCH Ibadan.

Hah! Great to hear/read this about Baba Prof Lawani. A father-figure, mentor and teacher. I remember the Kefas Clinic experience in the early 2000s. His counsel transcended academics to family and social life. I wish I could be in Ibadan to wish him a very happy birthday filled with joy, happiness, peace and sound health.

Dr. Albert Ukpong.

Consultant urologist.

Hello Professor Johnson Lawani, Sir. I was especially privileged to serve under you and the recently deceased Professor Edet O. Nkposong in UCH, Ibadan, in the 70s. It was that service that introduced me to urology, and I have not left since.  Both of you were two of a kind, Sir, if I may say so. I am very pleased to be able to felicitate with you on your 90th birthday celebration. May God grant you the grace of a peaceful, joyous, and healthy life until it pleases Him to call you home many years from now. I wish you a very Happy birthday, Prof. Lawani, Sir. Hearty congratulations.

Prof. Paul D. Ekwere.

[πŸ‘†Prof Ekwere is a Professor of Surgery and consultant urologist, University of Calabar teaching hospital. OBS.]



Good to see you here Sir.

You really look good Sir.

Kefas Clinic Urology update course was a great experience.

You made remember to "stage the repair of a difficult urethral stricture."

Happy birthday to you Sir. May God continue to keep you strong.

Dr. Ikenna Nnabugwu.

Consultant urologist.

Happy Birthday to Baba🎁🎁

We are grateful to Professor Lawani for being a grandfather and a grandmentor to us.

We can never forget his role in shaping our careers and in making sure we took-off on a solid foundation.

I rejoice with him that the Lord has rewarded his kindness to humanity with long life and grace & I wish him more grace and good health as he enjoys many more years.

Happy 90th birthday to our Baba.

Dr. Ṓọla Ajamu

Consultant Urologist.

He trained in UCH,  Ibadan.

Currently working in the Middle East


Congratulations and Many Happy Returns as our Father, Teacher, Trainer, and Mentor, Professor Johnson Lawani turned 90 years old yesterday Sunday, the 9th of June 2024 πŸ€—.

The 2nd day of the OPEN HOUSE Celebrations to commemorate the occasion held in his residence yesterday, and it was a glorious occasion πŸ€— πŸ™.

We wish him more years in Good Health and Happiness.

Cheers. OBS.

(Professor Layi Shittu, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan & University College Hospital, Ibadan)




Profile of A Distinguished Life Well Spent: Professor Johnson Adu Lawani

Professor Johnson Adu Lawani was born in Akure, Ondo State on the 9th of June, 1934, to Mama Janet Bankefa and Papa Lawani Onigbogi. He attended St. David's Primary School, Akure, and gained admission on a scholarship to Government College, Ibadan, in January 1949. He was in Field House, where he became a House Prefect in 1953. Professor Lawani has been an active member of the GCIOBA for over 60 years and is one of the three pillars of his 1949 class, the Forty-niners. He was involved in many extracurricular activities and captained the GCI 2nd Eleven Cricket Team against the Kings College team, as well as featuring prominently in GCI’s 1st Eleven Hockey Team of 1953. He was also involved in swimming, athletics, and lawn tennis. He had a grade 1 pass in the Cambridge School Certificate Examination the same year. After GCI, he attended the Nigerian College of Arts, Science, and Technology, Ibadan, between 1956 and 1958. He was also a member of the Nigerian College Hockey 1st Eleven and Cricket Team from 1956 to 1957 and captained the cricket team in 1957. He moved on to University College in 1958 and was there until 1963 when he achieved his MBBS (Lond) qualification. At UCL, he was an outstanding member of the Hockey and Cricket Teams in 1959 and 1960. As captain, he was decorated with the university colours and played for the Nigerian Cricket Team. He went to England for initial postgraduate surgical training and met his future wife, Stella Omolabake Adeyinka, a nurse and midwife, and they got married there in 1965. He obtained his fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons in 1969 and completed training in England under leading lights in urology such as the late Professors John P. Blandy and Richard Turner-Warwick, the latter dubbed "the father of reconstructive urology". He returned to UCH Ibadan and worked for over 30 years as a consultant urologist at UCH and lecturer at the University of Ibadan College of Medicine. He later served as Dean of the Faculty of Clinical Sciences and Dentistry in the mid-90s, after which he took over headship of the Department of Surgery for around five years. Lifelong friends include GCI old boys Engineer Bisi Shonubi, Professor Sam Alasoadura, Dr. Tunji Fadahunsi, and Engr. P.B. Oyebolu. He also maintained strong friendships with captains of industry like Mr. Herbert Ademola Ajayi, Chief Olu Olayinka of Trumed Pharmacy, and his distant cousin, Professor Dupe Olatunbosun. Professor Lawani holds patents for various useful appliances, has published five books, and has scores of publications in medical and scientific journals. After retiring from UCH, Ibadan, Professor Lawani set up Kefa Clinic at Ring Road, Ibadan, mainly for urological practice, and later as an institute providing training for surgeons preparing for the West African College of Surgeons examinations. He served as an examiner for the West African College for several years. His long marriage to his sweetheart, Mrs. Stella Lawani, who retired as Chief Matron of UCH, Ibadan, is blessed with children and grandchildren.

Lawani4 Family Photo at 37 Osuntokun Avenue, Bodija

Lawani4 Professor Lawani and Mrs. Stella Lawani at their wedding (To the left is the best man, Professor Osuide, who later became the pioneer DG of NAFDAC)

Lawani4 Professor Lawani and his wife at their engagement party in London England

Lawani4 Professor Lawani and his wife at a service at the Chapel of Resurrection, University of Ibadan, Ibadan

Lawani4 Again, Prof. Lawani with his wife, Mrs. Stella Lawani, at a social event post-retirement

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