COMUI Provost’s End-of-Year/New-Year Message

Dear esteemed members of the College of Medicine, University of Ibadan,

We have once again, by the grace and mercy of God, come to the intersection of the dusk of one year and the dawning of another. We usher in 2025 with deep gratitude, a renewed sense of hope, an opportunity for some reset and a fresh start. Indeed, the year 2024 was one that was filled with challenges that touched us all in our private lives and impacted our   College, as a distinct population of our great University.

My team assumed the leadership of our great College 5 months ago and, through the help of God and the goodwill of the members of the College Community, we have been building on the foundations of our forebears, strengthening the pillars that hold us strong and innovating to model a ship that will continue to thrust forward, riding on the storms rather than being limited by them. I appreciate the various engagements and collective efforts of all staff towards the  progress of our College.

The welfare of our students and staff will continue to take the center stage in our directed efforts. We are determined more than ever to ensure that our students learn in an optimal environment. We are committed to ensuring  that COMUI remains the enviable birthplace of the next generation of practitioners across the various health professions. I certainly look forward to an exciting 2025,  hoping that as a College we will continue to explore ways to deepen our leanings on cutting edge technology for teaching and research while  expanding our international collaborations .

I am not oblivious of the effect and consequences of the numerous exhausting challenges that have hitherto confronted us as a community, particularly with respect to contracting funding of the College and the persistent energy crisis. I wish to assure you that we will continue to engage with the University administration and also seek the support of our alumni association and well-wishers in resolving these issues.

I would like to encourage us all to launch into the New Year with a renewed vigour, optimism, and a sense of purpose directed at ensuring that COMUI remains the beacon of medical education not just in our region and Africa but in the world at large. I acknowledge that the growth and development of each of us eventually translates to the growth of the College and so I pray that each member of our community will continue to grow robustly in our various fields.

Finally, I thank each of you for your tireless dedication and unequal commitment to the advancement of our great College. I wish you all a joyous, healthy and prosperous 2025.

Professor T. O. Ogundiran, FAS, FAMedS

13th Provost

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