Professor Akinyele O. ADISA


 Dr Adisa

Name: Akinyele O. ADISA

Designation: Professor
Faculty: Dentistry
Department: Oral Pathology
Phone Number: +234 803 7252 207

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Area of Specialization

My research is focused on odontogenic tumors, particularly ameloblastoma and the evolution and molecular characterization of head and neck cancers (mainly oral squamous cell carcinoma and salivary gland tumors). Ameloblastoma is a benign odontogenic neoplasm exclusively located in the jawbones. It is characterized by local (aggressiveness) invasiveness, propensity for gross facial deformity, tooth displacement, a high rate of recurrence, occasional metastasis and malignant transformation. I and my research collaborators have focused on this to categorize biologic behaviors of different clinical/histologic variants of ameloblastomas in Black Africans (which has not been done before). This molecular characterization will also support identification of altered molecular pathways that may allow us to detect novel targets for chemotherapeutic intervention or other molecular targeted therapy and so prevent or limit extensive surgical intervention. Surgical excision with wide margins is currently the “best” modality for treatment, but even with this type of intervention the recurrence rates are still unacceptably high and the quality of life drops significantly post-operatively. The evolution of oral squamous cell carcinoma begins at the point of mutations that can be related to several etiologies. A prominent example of such etiological factors is tobacco. We have studied the use and misuse of cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products among different categories of persons and the effect of policy on its marketing locally and globally. This is important to knowledgeably influence policy recommendations and limit a root cause of oral cancer. Molecular characterization of tumors is a baseline in the progress towards developing targeted therapy and personalized medicine. We have started this characterization by varied immunohistochemical analysis that target cancer lineage differentiation, diagnosis of poorly differentiated or undifferentiated cancers and location of proteins that are potential foci for targeted therapy (especially in salivary gland cancer).



Current Research

 1.Title: Genomic Alterations in Ameloblastoma and Ameloblastic Carcinoma Project
Funder: Pathological Society International Collaborative Grant/University of Sheffield
Brief Summary: We hypothesize that ameloblastoma harbors additional novel mutations, which will allow us to elucidate its genomic landscape and to identify therapeutic targets. Our aim is to investigate the mutational and transcriptional profile of ameloblastoma in vivo and in vitro to identify novel molecular therapies related to its origin.

Samples have been whole-exome sequenced. The bioinformatics pre-processing analysis was performed, the sequences were aligned to GRCh38/hg38 reference, and mutations were annotated with wANNOVAR. Subsequent analysis was divided into the Candidate gene identification and the Variant validation steps. Heatmaps of the differentially expressed genes among different phenotypes have been created with heatmap2 tool (Galaxy) whereas the Gene Set Enrichment Analysis software was used to analyze enriched sets comparing different biological states (phenotypes) across different Mutational Signatures Databases. To detect fusion transcripts, STAR-Fusion was applied.

After narrowing down candidate genes to 2 or 3 candidates, we will perform functional analysis knocking down or overexpressing those genes in HAM2 and HAM3 and assess phenotype in terms of proliferation, migration and sensitivity to drugs if possible. We will also Perform a genome-wide copy number and loss-of-heterozygosity (LOH) profile of 5 samples (HAM2, HAM3 and three tumour samples) with OncoscanTM FFPE Assay Kit (Affymetrix, USA)
Role: Principal Investigator/Co-Supervisor (ongoing PhD)
Collaborators: Professor Keith Hunter

2. Title: Genetic Predictors of Ameloblastoma Behaviour
Funder: NIH
Brief Summary: The overall goal of the collaborative research study is to determine the spectrum of cancer gene mutations in ameloblastoma cases from Nigeria, and to compare the observed mutation spectrum to that of cases from the United States. Thirty ameloblastoma specimens were collected at the College of Medicine, University of Ibadan (Ibadan, Nigeria), and then subsequently shipped in RNA-later solution and received at Stanford University (Palo Alto, USA). DNA will be isolated, and a combination of Sanger and Illumina sequencing done to determine the driver mutations present in each tumor specimen. Frequencies of mutations will then be compared to published and unpublished frequencies of cases collected by Stanford investigators and other USA collaborators.
Role: Principal Investigator (Nigeria)
Collaborators: Professor Robert West and Professor Jonathan Pollack

3. Title: Biological Indicators of Ameloblastoma Recurrence – a collaborative study
Funder: Currently group funded, but collaboratively seeking funding
Brief Summary: Ameloblastoma is treated by surgical resection, but tumor recurrence occurs five times more in Blacks than White patients. Biological determinants of ameloblastoma racial disparity are unclear and there are no specific biological markers to predict recurrence. The purpose of this study is to understand cellular mechanisms that promote ameloblastoma recurrence. Surgical ameloblastoma tissue samples will be collected from at least two racial populations for assessment of tumor biomarkers. Additionally, multiple ameloblastoma cell lines will be generated from surgical tumor tissues to access molecular mechanistic processes that induce reactivation of ameloblastoma cells to promote tumor recurrence. The outcomes of this study are to better understand the biological mechanisms that contribute to racial disparity in ameloblastoma recurrence and identify prognostic biomarkers of ameloblastoma recurrence
Role: Co-Principal Investigator
Collaborators: Dr Sunday O. Akintoye

Completed Research

  1. The expression of estrogen-α and progesterone in salivary gland tumors in Ibadan, Nigeria.

  2. Study of the ethnicity and geography of jaw ameloblastoma in Nigeria.

  3. Non-BRAFV600E molecular defects in ameloblastomas, ameloblastic carcinomas and craniopharyngiomas

  4. Immunohistochemical studies of tumor micro-environment in ameloblastoma, employing Tumor Associated Macrophages, angiogenesis markers, Twist, E-cadherin and N-cadherin

  5. Histomorphometry and histochemical study of fibrous dysplasia and ossifying fibroma of the jaws utilizing osteocalcin, azan and toluidine blue.

  6. Immunohistochemical Expression of Programmed Cell Death proteins, MMP-2 and MMP-8 in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma


Selected Publications

  1. Adisa, A.O., Oluwasola, A.O., Adeyemi, B.F., Kolude, B., Akang, E.E.U. and Lawoyin, J.O. (2010). Immunohistochemical Analysis of Undifferentiated and Poorly Differentiated Head and Neck Malignancies at a Tertiary Hospital in Nigeria. Head and Neck Oncology 2. No. 33: doi: 10.1186/1758-3284-2-33. (United Kingdom).CLICK HERE

  2. Adisa, A.O., Adeyemi, B.F., Oluwasola, A.O., Kolude B., Akang, E.E.U. and Lawoyin, J.O. (2011). Clinico-Pathological Profile of Head and Neck Malignancies at University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria. Head and Face Medicine 7. No. 9: doi: 10.1186/1746-160X-7-9. (Germany). CLICK HERE

  3. Adisa, A.O., Agaku, T.I. and Akang, E.E.U. (2012). Paediatric Head and Neck Cancers in Nigeria: Implications for Treatment Planning in Resource Limited Settings. Nigerian Medical Journal 53. No. 4: 245-248. (Nigeria).CLICK HERE

  4. Agaku, I.T. and Adisa, A.O. (2013). Comparison of External Beam Radiation Therapy and Radioactive Implants in the Management of Non-metastatic Oral Squamous Cell Cancer: An Analysis of the Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results Database. Oral Surgery Oral Medicine Oral Pathology Oral Radiology 115. No. 1: 38-45. (United States of America).CLICK HERE

  5. Kolude, B., Adisa, A.O., Adeyemi, B.F. and Lawal, A.O. (2013). Immunohistochemical Expression of Oestrogen Receptor-α and Progesterone Receptor in Salivary Gland Tumours. Journal of Oral Pathology and Medicine 42. No. 9: 716-719. (Denmark) (Contribution: 20%).CLICK HERE

  6. Agaku, I.T. and Adisa, A.O. (2014). Nativity Status and Oral Cancer Survival in the United States: Implications for Dental Clinical Practice. Quintessence International 45. No. 4: 355–359. (Germany).CLICK HERE

  7. Udeabor, S.E., Adisa, A.O., Kolude, B., Barbeck, M., Kirkpatrick, C.J., Sader, R.A. and Ghanaati S. (2014). Expression of CD34 and Maspin in Ameloblastoma from a West African Subpopulation. Tumour Biology 35. No. 8: 7727-7731. (Netherlands).CLICK HERE

  8. Agaku, I.T., Adisa, A.O., Ayo-Yusuf A.O. and Connolly, G.N. (2014). Concern About Security and Privacy, and Perceived Control Over Collection and Use of Health Information are Related to Withholding of Health Information from Healthcare Providers. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 21. No. 2: 374-378. (United States of America) (Contribution: 30%).CLICK HERE

  9. Adisa, A.O., Udeabor, S.E., Adeyemi, B.F., Alicia, K., Booms, P., Sader, R.A. and Ghanaati, S. (2015). Relative Expression of α-Smooth Muscle Actin and Matrix Metalloproteinases-2 in Ameloblastoma of a Black African Sub-Population. Annals of African Medicine 14. No. 4: 188-192. (Nigeria).CLICK HERE

  10. Kolude, B., Adisa, O., Lawal, A.O., Adeyemi, B.F. and Akinyamoju, A.O. (2015). Stoichiometric Expression of MMP-2/TIMP-2 in Benign and Malignant Tumours of the Salivary Gland. Tumor Biology Vol. 36. No. 4: 2351-2357. (Netherlands) (Contribution: 40%).CLICK HERE

  11. Adisa, A.O., Udeabor, S.E., Kubesch, A., Barbeck, M. and Ghanaati, S. (2016). The Utility of Azan Trichrome Staining in AmeloblCLICK HEREastoma. Nigerian Postgraduate Medical Journal 23. No. 1: 44-46. (Nigeria).CLICK HERE

  12. Agbaje,, J.O.,Adisa, A.O., Petrova, M.I., Olusanya, A.A., Osayomi, T., Effiom, A.O., Soyele, O.O., Omitola, G.O., Olawuyi, A.B., Okiti R.O., Saiki, T.E., Fomete, B., Ibikunle, A.A., Okwuosa, C., Olajide, M.A., Ladeji, A.M., Adebiyi, K., Emmanuel, M.M., Lawal, H.S., Uwadia, E., Fakuade, B.O., Abdullahi, M.Y. and Politis, C. (2018). Biological profile of ameloblastoma and its location in the jaw in 1246 Nigerians. Oral Surgery Oral Medicine Oral Pathology Oral Radiology 126. No. 5: 424-431. (United States of America) (Contribution: 30%).CLICK HERE

  13. Udeabor, S.E., Adisa, O., Orlowska, A., Chia, P., Sader, R.A. and Ghanaati. S. (2018). Osteocalcin, Azan and Toluidine blue staining in fibrous dysplasia and ossifying fibroma of the jaws. Alexandria Journal of Medicine Vol. 54. No. 4: 693-697. (Egypt) (Contribution: 40%).CLICK HERE

  14. Udeabor, S.E., Adisa, A.O., Orlowska, A., Sader, R.A. and Ghanaati, S. (2018). Assessment of Programmed Cell Death Proteins in OSCC. African Journal of Biomedical Research Vol. 21. No. 1: 11-13. (Nigeria) (Contribution: 40%).CLICK HERE

  15. Bartels, S., Adisa, O., Aladelusi, T.O., Lemound, J., Stucki-Koch, A., Hussein, S., Kreipe, H., Hartmann, C., Lehmann, U. and Hussein K. (2018). Molecular defects in BRAF wild-type ameloblastomas and craniopharyngiomas – differences in mutation profiles in epithelial-derived oropharyngeal neoplasms. Virchows Archiv Vol. 472. No. 6: 1056-1059. (Italy).CLICK HERE

  16. Adisa, A.O., Osayomi, T., Effiom, A.O., Kolude, B., Lawal, A.O., Soyele, O.O., Omitola, G.O., Olawuyi, A.B., Okiti, R.O., Saiki, T.E., Fomete, B, Ibikunle AA, Okwuosa, C., Olajide, M.A., Ladeji, A.M., Adebiyi K., Emmanuel, M.M., Lawal, H.S., Uwadia, E, Fakuade, B.O., Abdullahi, M.Y., Politis, C. and Agbaje, J,O. (2019). A geographical analysis of ethnic distribution of jaw ameloblastoma in Nigerians. African Health Sciences 19. No. 1: 1677–1686. (Uganda).CLICK HERE

  17. Erim, D. O., Oke, G. A., Adisa, A. O., Odukoya, O., Ayo-Yusuf, O. A., Erim, T. N., Tsafa, T. N., Meremikwu, M. M. and Agaku, I. T. (2021). Associations of Government-Mandated Closures and Restrictions with Aggregate Mobility Trends and SARS-CoV-2 Infections in Nigeria. Journal of the American Medical Association Network Open  4. No. 1. e2032101. (United States of America) (Contribution: 20%). Accepted November 10, 2020. Published January 20, 2021.CLICK HERE



  1. Fluoride Availability to The Teeth: A Comparative Analysis Between Fluoride Containing Chewing Sticks and Non-Herbal Fluoride Containing Toothpaste. Submitted by Uwadia Emeke to the Faculty of Family Dentistry NPMCN, October 2017

  2. Barriers to Quality Oral Health Care Among Elderly (Geriatric) Patients in Oyo State. Submitted by Akinpelu Idowu Oluremi to the Faculty of Family Dentistry NPMCN, October 2019

  3. Immunohistochemical Study of Osteocalcin and Runx-2, and Study of Toluidine Blue Histochemical Stain of Fibrous Dysplasia and Ossifying Fibroma of The Jaws Seen at The University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital Enugu. Submitted by Okwuosa Chukwubuzor Udokwu to the Faculty of Dental Surgery WACS, October 2020

  4. A Case-Control Study to Determine Relationship Between Oral Melanotic Hyperpigmentation and Serum Inflammatory Cytokines in HIV Seropositive Patients Seen at UCH. Submitted by Abe Elizabeth Oluwatoyin to the Faculty of Dental Surgery WACS, October 2020

  5. Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition in Ameloblastomas: The Role of Twist and Cadherin Switching. Submitted by Aborisade Adetayo Oluwole to the Faculty of Dental Surgery NPMCN, October 2020

  6. Immunohistochemical study of p63, CD68 and Calcitonin Receptor In 'Giant Cell Granuloma and Giant Cell Tumor of Bone. Submitted by Okiti Robinson Obos to the Faculty of Dental Surgery NPMCN, November 2021


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Dr Adisa2

I am very interested in observing nature holistically whilst trying to tease out differences between varying topography’s in the same place and also to compare this with other places I have visited before. Thus, I very much enjoy traveling to new places. As I do not get the opportunity to travel to new places as often as I would like, I mostly substitute the experience by watching nature channels like the National Geographic and its equivalent. I love reading true stories and fictional books with Christian philosophy and it gets even more interesting when such books incorporate actual historical perspectives in the setting or story-line. Reading books, like travelling to new places, takes me to yet another place I’ve not been before, and I must say it is an exhilarating feel!

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