Name: Funmilayo E. OLOPADE |
Designation: Senior Lecturer |
Faculty: Basic medical sciences |
Department: Anatomy |
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Alternate Email Address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
I am an avid lover of Neuroscience and Anatomy with a first degree in Medicine/Surgery. I started teaching in the Department of Anatomy in 2008, and have since developed a love for Neuroscience research. I obtained a PhD in Anatomy (Neurobiology) in 2017, and have presently teach students and supervise post-graduate research. I am a member of the Developmental Neurobiology unit of the Department of Anatomy.
My research work includes the study of morphological, including ultrastructural, changes in hydrocephalus, a common childhood neurological condition. I also study the effects of vanadium, a common toxicant of Nigerian crude oil as well as caffeine, the most widely consumed psychoactive drug, on the brain. Interestingly, low doses of vanadium and caffeine can actually be neurologically beneficial, so I have also studied their effects hydrocephalic rodents.
I currently teach Neuroanatomy, Embryology, Histology and Gross anatomy to preclinical medical and dental students; Physiotherapy, Nursing and Human Nutrition students.
Current Research and Capacity Building Projects including Grants
1. Title: Phytochemical Modulation of Aquaporin-4 (AQP-4) qs Potential Therapeutic Target for Non-Surgical Treatment of Childhood Hydrocephalus
Funder: Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFUND) National Research Fund (NRF) Grant
Brief Summary: The purpose of this study is to determine whether quercetin can reverse the biochemical, structural and functional sequelae of hydrocephalus through modulation of brain AQP-4, using piglets as experiment animals. Hydrocephalus constitutes a huge burden of childhood disease in low and medium countries and inflicts significant injury on the brains of neonates and young children during a critical period of their development. Its current treatment option is neurosurgical, but long-term outcomes are unsatisfactory. Non-surgical options are increasingly being investigated to provide potential options to fill this gap. Modulation of AQP-4 holds such promise, and we propose this through the administration of curcumin.
Role: Co-investigator
Collaborators: Prof. M.T. Shokunbi, Dr Omowumi Femi-Akinlosotu, Dr Ademola Oyagbemi, Prof. Solomon Umukuro
2. Title: Caffeine modulatory effects on genetic makeup and functional deficit in MPTP-induced Parkinsonism in Drosophila melanogaster
Funder: International Society for Neurochemistry’s Committee for Aid and Education in Neuroscience Grant
Brief Summary: The aim of this study is to investigate the motor activity, longevity of Drosophila flies, and determine the biochemical and genetic (i.e. genes affecting neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration) modulations that occur following chronic oral administration of caffeine, in 1-Methyl-4-Phenyl-1,2,3,6-Tetrahydropyridine (MPTP)-induced neurodegeneration models. Chronic neuroinflammation plays an important role in the onset and progression of neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s disease (PD), Alzheimer’s disease (AD), and Multiple Sclerosis (MS). However, caffeine has been reported to ameliorate neuroinflammation by inhibiting microglia activation through attenuation of the dysregulation of glutamate neurotransmission. Thus we proposed to investigate this mechanism of caffeine’s amelioration of neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration.
Role: Principal investigator
Collaborators: Dr Amos Abolaji
3. Title: The role of vanadium administration on the progression and sequelae of hydrocephalus in rats
Funder: International Brain Research Organisation
Brief Summary: This study aims to investigate the mechanism of the neuroprotective effects of sodium metavanadate in the brains of juvenile hydrocephalic mice using the sensorimotor cortex and hippocampus. Ventricular shunting remains the primary treatment of childhood hydrocephalus, but is fraught with complications and a high failure rate. This makes alternate treatments, such as drug-based therapeutics, that may be able to mitigate the structural and corresponding functional effects of hydrocephalus on the brain, pertinent. Vanadium is one such candidate therapeutics, which is being investigated in this study.
Role: Principal investigator
Collaborators: Nil
1. 2021, Olaolorun, F.A., Olopade, F.E., Usende, I.L., Lijoka, A.D, Ladagu, A.D. and Olopade, J.O. / Aschner M. and Costa L.G. (editors). Neurotoxicity of vanadium. In: Neurotoxicology of Metals: Old Issues and New Developments. Academic Press, Elsevier. MA, USA
Journal Articles
2. 2023, Femi-Akinlosotu, O.M., Olopade, F.E., Obiako, J., Olopade, J.O. and Shokunbi, M.T. Vanadium improves memory and spatial learning and protects the pyramidal cells of the hippocampus in juvenile hydrocephalic mice. Frontiers in Neurology, 14:1116727 click here
3. 2023, Shokunbi, M.T., Femi-Akinlosotu, O.M., Olopade, F.E. and Winiki, C. Structural and functional deficits of the hippocampus in hydrocephalic rats: the role of age at onset and duration of disease. European Journal of Anatomy, 27 (1): 67-79 click here
4. 2023, Ladagu, A.D.; Olopade, F.E.; Chazot, P.; Oyagbemi, A.A.; Ohiomokhare, S.; Folarin, O.R.; Gilbert, T.T.; Fuller, M.; Luong, T.; Adejare, A and Olopade, J.O. Attenuation of Vanadium-Induced Neurotoxicity in Rat Hippocampal Slices (In Vitro) and Mice (In Vivo) by ZA-II-05, a Novel NMDA-Receptor Antagonist. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2023, 24, 16710 click here
5. 2023, Gilbert, T.T., Olopade, F.E., Ladagu, A. D., Lanipekun, D.O., Fatola, O.I., Folarin, O.R. and Olopade, J.O. Microscopic anatomy of the subcommissural organ in the brain of the adult greater cane rat (Rodentia: Thryonomyidae). Anatomia Histolologia Embryologica. 2023;00:1–6 click here
6. 2023, Shokunbi, M.T., Olopade, F.E., Femi-Akinlosotu, O.M. and Oladeji, O. Astrocytic Response in the Striatum and Corpus Callosum of the Brain of Adult Wistar Rats with Global Ischaemia. Nigerian Journal of Neuroscience. 13(4):147-155 click here
7. 2022, Olopade F.E., Femi-Akinlosotu, O.M., Ibitoye C., Shokunbi M.T. Probing Caffeine administration as a medical management for hydrocephalus; an experimental study. Pediatric Neurology. 135:12-21 click here
8. 2021, Olopade, F.E., Femi-Akinlosotu, O.M., Adekanmbi, A.J., Ighogboja, O.O. and Shokunbi, M.T. Chronic caffeine ingestion improves motor function and increases dendritic length and arborization in the motor cortex, striatum, and cerebellum. Journal of Caffeine and Adenosine Research. 11(1):3-14. click here
9. 2022, Femi‐Akinlosotu, O., Olopade, F. E., Mustapha, O., Adekanmbi, A., & Olopade, J.O. Morphometric analysis of the spinal cord of the Sus scrosa (large white and landrace crossbreed). Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia 52(2):289-299 click here
10. 2022, Gilbert, T.T., Olopade, F.E. and Olopade, J.O. Cytoarchitecture of greater cane rat (thryonomys swinderianus) habenulae and mammillary body. Anatomy Journal of Africa. 11(2): 2229-2236 Click here
11. 2021 Olude, M. A., Olopade, F. E.*, Mustapha, O. A., Bello, S. T., Ihunwo, A. O., Plendl, J., Olopade, J. O. Ultrastructural morphology of the ependyma and choroid plexus in the African giant rat (cricetomys gambianus). Folia Veterinaria, 65(1): 45-53 Click here
12. 2021 Femi-Akinlosotu, O.M., Shokunbi, M.T., Olopade, F.E., Igbong, P. Deficits of learning and spatial memory are associated with increased pyknosis of pyramidal neurons of the hippocampus of adult rats with chronic hydrocephalus. West African Journal of Medicine. Vol. 38(11):1042-1049
13. 2021, Olopade, F., Femi-Akinlosotu, O., Odiri, E., Shokunbi, M.T. Differential effects of common carotid artery occlusion models of ischaemic stroke on sensorimotor function and infarct sizes in rats. Archives of Basic and Applied Medicine 9 (2021):135– 144
14. 2021, Olopade F.E., Femi-Akinlosotu O., Adekanmbi A.J., Ajani S., Shokunbi M.T. Neurobehavioural changes and morphological study of cerebellar purkinje cells in kaolin induced hydrocephalus. Anatomical Science International. 2021 Jan;96(1):87-96 Click here
Current Grant Funding
Title: Caffeine modulatory effects on genetic makeup and functional deficit in MPTP-induced Parkinsonism in Drosophila melanogaster
Funder : International Society for Neurochemistry, CAEN grant for purchase of Research Supplies
Brief Summary: The aim of this study is to investigate the motor activity, longevity of Drosophila flies, and determine the biochemical and genetic (i.e. genes affecting neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration) modulations that occur following chronic oral administration of caffeine, in 1-Methyl-4-Phenyl-1,2,3,6-Tetrahydropyridine (MPTP)-induced neurodegeneration models
Role: Principal Investigator
Collaborators: Dr Amos Abolaji
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