Basic Information
Name: Dr. Musibau A. TITILOYE |
Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Department: Health Promotion and Education | |
Designation: Senior Lecturer |
Brief Biography: |
I. i. Name: Musibau Ayoade Titiloye
ii. Date of Birth: 05 May, 1965
iii. Department: Health Promotion and Education
iv. Faculty: Public Health
II. i. First Academic Appointment: Lecturer II (17 December 2007)
ii. Present Post (with date): Lecturer I (01 October 2012)
iii. Date of Last Promotion: 01 October 2012
iv. Date Last Considered (in case where promotion was not through): Not Applicable
III. University Education (with dates)
- University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria 1990 - 1995
- University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria 1998 - 2001
- University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria 2004 - 2015
IV. Academic Qualifications (with dates and granting bodies)
- BSc (Chemical Sciences), University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State. 1995
- MPH (Health Promotion and Education), University of Ibadan, Ibadan. 2001
- PhD (Health Promotion and Education) University of Ibadan, Ibadan. 2015
V. Professional Qualifications and Diplomas (with dates)
Master of Public Health (MPH- Health Promotion and Education), University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria, 2001.
VI. Scholarships, Fellowships and Prizes (with dates) in respect of Undergraduate and Postgraduate work only
Post-Doctoral Fellowship at Department of Psychology, School of Applied Human Science, Howard Campus, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa. (August, 1st 2016-July, 31st 2017).
VII. Honours, Distinctions and Membership of Learned Societies
- Member, International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE)
- Member, New York Academy of Science (NYAS)
- Member, Public Health Association of South Africa (PHASA)
VIII. Details of Teaching/Work Experience
i. Undergraduate
Co-teach the following courses
- 200 level students PSM 211- Introduction to Health Promotion and Education lectures 2009/10 session to date
- Health Education Lectures – Medical Students on block posting 2008/2009 to 2011/2012 Academic session.
ii. Postgraduate
Master of Public Health Students at the Department of Health Promotion and Education
Co-teach and coordinate the following courses:
- HPE 701: Change Process - Master of Public Health programme 2009/2010 Academic Session to date.
- HPE 712: Field Practice Seminar - Master of Public Health Programme 2013/2014 Academic session to date
- HPE 705: Principle and Practice of Community Development 2008/2009 Academic Session to date.
- HPE 708: Cross Cultural Consultation - Master of Public Health programme 2008/2009 Academic Session to date.
- HPE 709: Research Methodology in Health Promotion - Master of Public Health programme 2009/2010 Academic Session to date.
- HPM 705: Introduction to Primary Health Care - Master of Public Health programme 2009/2010 Academic Session to date.
iii. Community Services
- Refresher/Capacity building for the Local Government Health workers in Oyo State on the “Roles of different stakeholders in the management of Primary Health Care at local government level”, 2013-2015
- Provision of Health talk to the parents of adolescent children on Parent Child Communication on adolescent Communication Health in Egbeda and Ido Communities of Oyo State as part of my PhD intervention, 2013-2014
- Provision of Health talk to the members of congregational members at Christ Ambassador Evangelical and Prayer Ministry, Temidire, Alabakan, Egbeda, on Parents Child communication on Adolescent Reproductive Health, 2014
- Community sensitization for the HIV counseling and testing in Saki West and Afijio Local government Area, Oyo State, 2015-2016
iv. Administrative Responsibilities
- Admission coordinator, 2008/2009 session - 2011/2012 Session
- Internship coordinator, 2007/2008 session to 2014/2015
- Member of following Committees:
- Department of Health Promotion and Education Welfare/Social Committee 2012/2013 Session to date
- Department of Health Promotion and Education Finance Committee 2007/2008 Session to date
- Department of Health Promotion and Education Examination and Record Coordinator 2007/2008 Session to date
- Completed
- 2005-Effects of Peer Education on the use of Voluntary Counseling and Testing for HIV/AIDS among young Persons in Ibadan, Nigeria. Funded by Joint Clinical Research Centre, Uganda.
Role: Co-Investigator
- 2012- Exploring the Sexual and Reproductive Health Needs of Deaf Girls in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. Grant by World Health Organization, Geneva.
Role: Co-Investigator
- 2012- Knowledge and Willingness to uptake Vasectomy as an option of Family Planning method among adults in selected Local Government areas of Oyo State, Nigeria. Grant by Centre for Population and Reproductive Health, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, Nigeria.
Role: Co-Investigator
- 2012 - Exploring the Sexual and Reproductive Health Needs of stroke Survivors in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. Granted by Centre for Population and Reproductive Health, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, Nigeria.
Role: Co-Investigator
- 2012 - A Study of the Role of Patent Medicine Vendors (PMVs) in the Informal Anti-Malarial Market in Nigeria.
Role: Co-Investigator
- 2013-2014 - Strengthening Patent Medicine Vendors’ Associations in Nigeria for Improved Malaria Management (SPANIMM) by Future Health Systems Research Group, University of Ibadan, Nigeria and Niger Delta University, Nigeria in collaboration with Accordia Global Health Foundation and West African Infectious Diseases Institute, Funded by ExxonMobil
Role: Co-Investigator
- 2014-2015 - Formative Research and Development of Innovative tools for Better Outcomes in Labour Difficulty (BOLD).
Role: Co-Principal Investigator
viii. 2014-2015- How women are treated during facility-based childbirth: development and validation of measurement tools funded by the Department of Reproductive Health and Research (RHR) at the World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, Switzerland.
Role: Co-Investigator
- 1999-2001. A Comparison of Feeding Methods of Children Under two years by Mothers and Grandmothers in Igbo-Ora, Oyo State, Nigeria. (MPH Dissertation, University of Ibadan, Nigeria).
Role: Investigator
x. 2010-2015. Effects of Training Intervention on Knowledge and Quality of Reproductive Health Communication between Parents and their Adolescents in two Communities in Ibadan, Nigeria. (PhD Thesis University of Ibadan, Nigeria).
Role: Principal Investigator
xi. 2016-2017. Caregivers’ experiences in accessing health care services for their school-going children in low resource communities of KwaZulu–Natal, South Africa.
Role: Co-Investigator
- 2016-2017. Community health workers’ perception of and experiences about an Integrated School Health Programme (ISHP) in low resource peri-urban communities of KwaZulu–Natal, South Africa.
Role: Principal Investigator
b. In progress
- August 2016 to date: Global Health Initiative: Assessment of an Integrated School Health Programme in the Marian Hill Communities, South Africa. Project during the Post-Doctoral Fellowship at Department of Psychology, School of Applied Human Science, Howard Campus, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa.
The aims are to assess the new integrated school program with analysis of policy documents relevant to school health in South Africa; Understand stakeholders’ perceptions and experiences regarding the implementation of the Integrated School Health Programme; Conduct an audit of the screening, onsite treatment and referral processes and patterns as well as referral outcomes at primary and secondary referral facilities (clinics, community health centers, hospitals) and to Track the prevalence and patterns of health conditions among primary school learners over time as the specific objectives of the study. The findings of this study could be used to advocate for the development of strategies, resources and models aimed at improving the implementation of integrated school health programmes in South Africa.
Role: Co-Investigator as Post doctoral Fellow
c. Project, Dissertation and Thesis
i Titiloye M.A. (1995). Determination of Iron and Its Availability from the Nigerian Local Condiments. B.Sc. Chemical Sciences project, Department of Chemical Sciences, College of Natural Sciences, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. (BSc Project).
ii. Titiloye M.A. (2001). A Comparison of Feeding Methods of Children Under two years by Mothers and Grandmothers in Igbo-Ora, Oyo State, Nigeria. (MPH Dissertation, University of Ibadan, Nigeria).
iii. Titiloye M.A. (2015). Effects of Training Intervention on Knowledge and Quality of Reproductive Health Communication between Parents and their Adolescents in two Communities in Ibadan, Nigeria. (PhD Thesis, University of Ibadan, Nigeria).
iv. Titiloye M.A. (2017). Community health workers’ perception of and experiences about an Integrated School Health Programme (ISHP) in low resource peri-urban communities of KwaZulu–Natal, South Africa. (Post-doctoral research project,UKZN, South Africa).
(a) Book already published
(b) Chapters in Books already published
(c) Articles that have already appeared in Refereed Conference Proceedings
(d) Patents – Nil
(e) Articles that have already appeared in learned journals
1. Oladepo O., Brieger W.R., Otusanya S., Kale O., Effiong S. and Titiloye M.A. (1997). Farm land size and Onchocerciasis status of peasant farmers in South-western Nigeria. Tropical Medicine and International Health Vol. 2. No. 4: 334-340. (United Kingdom) (Contribution: 20%).
2. Adeneye A.K., Mafe M.A., Adeneye A.A., Salami K.K., Brieger W.R., Titiloye M.A., Adewole T.A. and Agomo P.U. (2006). Knowledge and Perception of HIV/AIDS among pregnant women attending antenatal clinics in Ogun State, Nigeria. African Journal of AIDS Research Vol. 5. No. 3: 273-279. (South Africa). (Contribution: 15%).
3. Salami K.K., Titiloye M.A., Brieger W.R. and Otusanya S.A. (2006). Observations of Barbers Activities in Oyo State, Nigeria: Implications for HIV /AIDS Transmission. International Quarterly of Community Health Education Health Vol. 24. No. 4: 319-330. (United States of America). (Contribution: 30%).
4. Adeneye A.K., Brieger W.R., Mafe M.A., Adeneye A.A., Salami K.K., Titiloye M.A., Adewole TA and Agomo PU (2007). Willingness to seek Voluntary HIV Counseling and Testing (VCT) among pregnant women attending antenatal clinics in Ogun State, Nigeria. International Quarterly of Community Health Education Vol. 26. No. 4: 337-353. (United States of America). (Contribution: 20%).
5. Otusanya S.A., Brieger W.R., Titiloye M.A., Salami K.K. and Adesope A. (2007). Ethnic Variations in Health Seeking Behaviour and Attitude between Fulani Herders and Yoruba Farmers in Southwestern Nigeria. Tropical Doctor Vol. 37. No. 3: 184-185. (United Kingdom). (Contribution: 20%).
6. Titiloye M.A. and Brieger W. R. (2009-2010). Infant Weaning Methods: An Intergenerational View From Igbo-Ora Nigeria (2009-2010) International Quarterly of Community Health Education Vol. 29. No. 4: 321-332. (United States of America). (Contribution: 80%).
7. The CDI Study Group (2010). Community-Directed Interventions for Priority Health Problems in Africa: Results of a Multi-country Study. Bulletin of the World Health Organisation Vol. 88:509–518. (Switzerland). (Contribution: 10%).
8. Oladepo O., Tona G. O., Oshiname F. and Titiloye M.A. (2010). Malaria knowledge and agricultural practices that promote mosquito breeding in two rural farming communities in Oyo State, Nigeria. BMC Malaria Journal Vol. 9. No. 91. (United States of America). (Contribution: 15%).
9. Ajuwon A.J., Titiloye M. A., Oshiname F.O. and Oyediran O. (2011). Knowledge and Use of HIV Counseling and Testing Services Among Young Persons in Ibadan, Nigeria. International Quarterly of Community Health Education Vol. 31. No. 1: 33-50. (United States of America). (Contribution: 35%).
10. Arulogun O.S. Oladepo O. and Titiloye M.A. (2011). Perception of Self Vulnerability to HIV Infection among Long Distance Truck Drivers in Ibadan, Nigeria. Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research Vol. 1. No. 10: 1380-1385. (Saudi Arabia). (Contribution: 20%).
11. Arulogun O.S., Oluwole S. K. and Titiloye M. A. (2011). Prescription Errors Prevalent in Four Units of a University Teaching Hospital in Nigeria. Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology Vol. 3. No.11: 513-519. (Nigeria). (Contribution: 25%).
12. Arulogun O.S., Titiloye M.A., Oyewole E.O, Nwaorgu O.G.B. and Afolabi N.B (2012). Experience of Violence among Deaf Girls in Ibadan Metropolis, Nigeria. International Journal of Collaborative Research on Internal Medicine & Public Health Vol. 4. No. 8:1488-1496. (United States of America). (Contribution: 30%).
13. Adebowale A.S., Titiloye M.A., Fagbamigbe A.F., Akinyemi J.O. (2013). Statistical modeling of social risk factors for sexually transmitted diseases among female youths in Nigeria. Journal of Infection in Developing Countries Vol. 7. No. 1: 017-027. (United States of America). (Contribution: 30%).
14. Arulogun O.S., Titiloye M.A. and Desmenu A.T. (2013). Barriers faced by service providers in meeting the sexual and reproductive health needs of deaf persons in Ibadan metropolis: A qualitative study. Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences Vol. 4. No. 11: 433-438. (Nigeria). (Contribution: 30%).
15. Alade O., Titiloye M.A., Oshiname F.O. and Arulogun O.S. (2013). Exclusive breastfeeding and related antecedent factors among lactating mothers in a rural community in Southwest Nigeria. International Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Vol. 5. No. 7: 132-138. (Nigeria). (Contribution: 30%).
16. Arulogun O.S., Omotosho I.K. and Titiloye M.A. (2013). Experience of sexual harassment and coping strategies among students of the school of nursing of a tertiary hospital in Southwest Nigeria. International Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Vol. 5. No. 4: 70-75. (Nigeria). (Contribution: 30%)
17. Arulogun O. S., Titiloye M. A., Afolabi N. B., Oyewole O. E. and Nwaorgu O.G.B. (2013). Experiences of Girls with Hearing Impairment in Accessing Reproductive Health Care Services in Ibadan, Nigeria. African Journal of Reproductive Health Vol. 17. No.1: 85-93. (Nigeria). (Contribution: 30%).
18. Ajuwon A. J., Titiloye M. A., and Oshiname F. O. (2015). Effects of Peer Education on the Knowledge and use of HIV Counselling and Testing services among Young Persons in Ibadan, Nigeria. African Journal of Biomedical Research Vol.18. No. 2: 161–170. (Nigeria). (Contribution: 35%).
19. Vogel J. P., Bohren M.A., Tunçalp Ö., Oladapo O. T., Adanu R. M., Baldé M.D., Thae Maung Maung, Fawole B., Adu-Bonsaffoh K., Dako-Gyeke P., Maya E. T., Camara M. C., Diallo A. B., Diallo S., Wai K. T., Myint T., Olutayo L., Titiloye M., Alu F., Idris H., Gülmezoglu M. A. On behalf of the WHO Research Group on the Treatment of Women During Childbirth (2015). How women are treated during facility-based childbirth: development and validation of measurement tools in four countries–phase 1formative research study protocol. BMC Reproductive Health Vol.12. No. 60: 1-11. (United Kingdom) (Contribution: 15%).
20. Ajuwon G. A. and Titiloye M.A. (2016) HINARI Usage Patterns and Trends in Nigerian Universities (2009-2014). African Journal of Biomedical Research. Vol.19. No. 3:171-177 (Nigeria) (Contribution: 50%).
21. Bohren M. A., Vogel J. P., Tunçalp Ö., Fawole B., Titiloye M. A., Olutayo A. O., Ogunlade M., Oyeniran A. A., Osunsan O. R., Metiboba L., Idris H. A., Alu F. E., Oladapo O.T., Gülmezoglu M. A. and Hindin M. J. (2017). Mistreatment of women during childbirth in Abuja, Nigeria: a qualitative study on perceptions and experiences of women and healthcare providers. BMC Reproductive Health 14:9 DOI 10.1186/s12978-016-0265-2. Pages 1-13. (Dec.) (United Kingdom). (Contribution: 20%).
22. Titiloye M. A., Onuosa E.A. and Arulogun O. S. (2017). Malaria prevention practices among pregnant women resident in two Nigeria army barracks, Ibadan, South Western, Nigeria. Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology Vol. 9. No.4: 92-88. (April) (Nigeria). (Contribution: 40%).
23. Titiloye M.A. and Ajuwon A.J. (2017). Knowledge and quality of adolescent reproductive health communication between parents and their adolescents children in Ibadan, Nigeria. Journal of Public Health in Africa Vol. 8. No. 688. (June) (Italy) (Contribution: 80%).
24. Titiloye M. A., Womitenren Y. T. and Arulogun O. S. (2017). Barriers to Utilization of Cervical Cancer Screening Services among Women of Reproductive Age in Ondo, Ondo State. African Journal of Biomedical Research. (July) (Nigeria) (Contribution: 40%).
25. Ojelade O. A., Titiloye M. A., Bohren M. A., Olutayo A. O., Olalere A. A., Akintan A., Oladapo O. T. and Fawole B. (2017). The communication and emotional support needs to improve women’s experience of childbirth care in health facilities in Southwest Nigeria: A qualitative study. Int J Gynecol Obstet; 1–11. Https://doi. org/10.1002/ijgo.12380. (December). (UK). (Contribution: 20%).
26. Bohren M. A., Titiloye M. A., Kyaddondo D., Hunter E. C., Oladapo O. T., Tunçalp Ö. Byamugisha J., Olutayo A. O., Vogel J. P., A. Gülmezoglu M., Fawole B. and Mugerwa K. (2017). Defining quality of care during childbirth from the perspectives of Nigerian and Ugandan women: A qualitative study. Int. J. Gynecol. Obstet; 1–13. Https://doi>. org/10.1002/ijgo.12378 (December). (UK). (Contribution: 20%).
27. Yang F., Bohren M. A., Kyaddondo D., Titiloye M. A., Olutayo A. O., Oladapo O. T., Souza J. P., Gülmezoglu A. M., Mugerwa K. and Fawole B. (2017). Healthcare providers’ perspectives on labor monitoring in Nigeria and Uganda: A qualitative study on challenges and opportunities. Int. J. Gynecol. Obstet; 1–10. Https://doi. org/10.1002/ijgo.12379. (December). (UK). (Contribution: 20%).
28. Desmennu A.T., Titiloye M.A. and Owoaje E.T. 2018. Behavioural risk factors for sexually transmitted infections and health seeking behaviour of street youths in Ibadan, Nigeria. Afri Health Sci 2018; 18(1): 180-187. (Uganda). (Contribution: 30%).
29. Oladapo O. T., Bohren M. A., Fawole B., Mugerwa K., Ojelade O. A., Titiloye M. A., Alu F. E., Mambya M.O., Oyeneyin L., Bataale S., Akintan A., Alabi O., Adebayo A., Okike O., Idris H., Wilfred S., Bello H., Kyaddondo D., Olutayo A. O., Byamugisha J., Souza J. P., Gülmezoglu A. M. (2017). Negotiating quality standards for effective delivery of labor and childbirth care in Nigeria and Uganda Int. J Gynecol Obstet; 1–9. Https://doi>. org/10.1002/ijgo.12398 (December). (UK). (Contribution: 20%).
31. René Lion, Oyedunni Arulogun, Titiloye M. A., Dorothy Shaver, Avinish Jain, Bamsa Godwin, Myriam Sidibe, Mumuni Adejumo, Yves Rosseel and Peter Schmidt. (2018). The effect of the Follow in My-Green Food Steps programme on cooking behaviours for improved iron intake: a quasi-experimental randomized community study. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity Vol. 15:(79) (UK). (Contribution: 20%).
32. Olufemi O. A., Titiloye M. A. and Arulogun O. S. (2018). Perception of mothers of under-five children about intestinal worms and practice of deworming in a rural community, Southwest Nigeria. Medicine and Medical Sciences 6(9): 084-091. https://doi:10.15413/mms.2018.0116 (September) (UK). (Contribution: (40%).
(f) Books, Chapters in Books and Articles already accepted for publication
(g). Technical Reports and Monographs
34. Oladepo O., Oyeyemi A., Titiloye M.A. Adeyemi A., Burnett S. and Apera I. (2014). Strengthening Patent Medicine Vendors’ Associations in Nigeria for Improved Malaria Management (SPANIMM) Phase 1. A Technical Report Submitted to Accordia Global Health Foundation and West African Infectious Diseases Institute (Nigeria). (Contribution: 25%).
35. Sridhar M.K.C. Akpa O.M, Titiloye M.A., Hammed T.B. and Adejumo M.M. (2014). Post-Intervention Knowledge, Attitude and Practices and Impact Assessment of the SHAWN Project on Water and Sanitation (WASH) Related Diseases in Benue, Bauchi, Jigawa and Katsina States, Nigeria. A Technical Report Submitted to UNICEF and Department For International Development. (Nigeria). (Contribution: 20%).
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