Name: Olubunmi O. BANKOLE
Designation: Professor
Faculty: DENTISTRY |
Department: Child Oral Health |
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Prof. Olubunmi Bankole is a Paediatric Dentist at the University of Ibadan.
She graduated from the University of Ibadan in 1983. She had her residency training in Paediatric Dentistry at the University College Hospital, Ibadan and obtained the Fellowship of the West African College of Surgeons (Paediatric Dentistry) in 1999. She became a lecturer at the University of Ibadan College of Medicine in 2000. Her research focus is on behavioural, psychosocial, and cultural practices regarding the oral health of children. Her goal has been to promote the oral health of children by identifying factors which affect their attitude and behaviour towards dentistry. She also aims to identify and change negative cultural beliefs and practices related to oral health that affect the total well-being of children in various communities. Her goals were partly achieved using culturally appropriate health education tools she developed. These tools, the first of their kind, were in form of dental health education videos (with drama) in the indigenous Yoruba language and have been found to be scientifically effective.
Prof. Bankole was a beneficiary of the Mac Arthur Foundation Grant for observership at the School of Dental Medicine, University of Pennsylvania in 2006 and also received the Outstanding Research Award, Faculty of Dentistry, College Research Day, in 2016. She has several publications in different local and international journals. Presently, she teaches undergraduate and post graduate students, conducts research in multiple areas of Paediatric Dentistry and provides oral health care to children at the University College Hospital.
a. Current research
- Research title of project in progress
Parental presence during dental visits: the Nigerian dentists’ point of view.
Summary: A controversial issue in Paediatric Dentistry is parental presence in the dental operatory. This study aimed to assess the attitude of Nigerian dentists towards the presence of parents in the operatory during children’s dental treatment. A descriptive study was conducted among dentists in the six geopolitical zones of Nigeria. Results revealed that only two fifths of the dentists always allow parental presence. Parental presence was more helpful with younger children and the practice of always allowing parental presence increased with the age and years of experience of the dentist. Data collection has been completed and manuscript is at its final stage of writing.
2. Evaluation of child and parent characteristics on dental fear ratings in children using the Children’s Fear Survey schedule -Dental
Summary: Dental fear can be challenging among children and often results in avoidance of dental treatment and deteriorating oral health. This study aimed to assess children’s fear and compare children’s self-rated fear and parent-reported children’s fear. A cross-sectional study was conducted among 206 child-parent dyads. The results revealed that the majority of the children had low dental fear. Children’s self-rating and parents-rating of their children’s dental fear were similar showing that parental rating of their child’s fear appeared to be a good indicator of their child’s dental fear. Children were most afraid of injections and the dentists’ drill. For this reason, options of injection and dental drill-free dentistry should be explored. Data collection has been completed and is still at the manuscript writing stage.
3. Knowledge, attitude and practices of Community Health Officers in training to children’s oral
Summary: Community Health Officers (CHOs) provide health care services in Nigerian communities at the primary level. They are also involved in health promotion activities and provision of integrated primary health care and services thus key role in influencing the populace in the community setting. A descriptive study was conducted among CHOs in training in Ibadan, Nigeria, to assess their knowledge, attitudes, and practices to children’s oral health. The majority had good knowledge about eruption of teeth, fair knowledge regarding children’s oral hygiene practices, and poor knowledge and practices regarding teething and tooth decay in children. Data collection has been completed and is still at the manuscript writing stage.
4. Cultural perceptions and practices regarding oral health of children among Yoruba mothers and grandmothers in Ibadan and Ishan mothers in Uromi, Nigeria.
Summary: With changing family patterns, growing numbers of dual-worker households and higher rates of family breakdown, grandparents are now playing an increasing role in their grandchildren’s lives and they are highly influential regarding child rearing in the African cultural setting. Exploring cultural oral health beliefs and practices of children among mothers and grandmothers will help identify the cultural beliefs practices that are deleterious and oral health educational campaigns can be organized to discourage these harmful practices This study aimed to determine cultural perceptions and practices regarding oral health of children among mothers and grandmothers in the suburban areas of Ibadan (Oyo State) and mothers in Uromi (Edo State) in Nigeria. This study employed a mixed method descriptive approach consisting of qualitative and quantitative phases. Results revealed that the mothers and grandmothers have suboptimal oral health knowledge, and poor attitudes and practices towards their children’s oral health. Data collection has been completed and is still at the manuscript writing stage.
b. Completed research
Title of completed research
- Evaluation of a video in a local language on adult females’ knowledge of reversal of eruption sequence in children.
- Effectiveness of a video in a local language on reversal of eruption sequence in children among a suburban population.
- A short-term evaluation of the effectiveness of a video on maternal perceptions about teething in children.
- Bankole O.O, Lawal F.B, Abdulsalam R.A(2021). A short term evaluation of the effectiveness of a video on maternal perception about teething in children. Tropical Dental Journal.44: 52-60.
Link(URL): http://www.santetropicale.com/ostelec/uk/resume_oa.asp?action=affiche&id_article=2540
- Bankole OO, Olanloye, Ayebameru OE, Popoola BO Attitude of some Nigerian parents towards their presence in the operatory during dental treatment of their children International Journal of Clinical Paediatric Dentistry 2021;14(Suppl 2):S167-S172. doi: 10.5005/jp-journals-10005-2102.
Link (URL) : doi: 10.5005/jp-journals-10005-2102.
- Bankole, O.O. and Lawal, F.B. (2020). Effectiveness of an oral health education program to improve mothers’ awareness of natal teeth: a randomized controlled study. Brazilian Research in Pediatric Dentistry and Integrated Clinic20.No.1:1590pp
Link (URL) : https://doi.org/10.1590/pboci.2020.093
- Bankole, O.O. and Lawal, F.B. (2019). Reversal of tooth eruption sequence: beliefs and perceptions. African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences48.No.4:525-531pp Authors/Editors : Bankole, O.O. and Lawal, F.B.
Link (URL) : https://ojshostng.com/index.php/ajmms/article/view/117
- Bankole, O.O. , Ibiyemi, O. and Lawal, F.B. (2019). A health education video in an indigenous Nigerian language to dispel misconceptions with reversal of eruption sequence of anterior teeth. African Journal of Biomedical Research Vol.22.No.1:97-100pp
Link (URL) : https://www.ajol.info/index.php/ajbr/article/view/190597
- Bankole, O.O. , Lawal, F.B. and Ibiyemi, O. (2018). Owoero: A health education tool to dispel teething myths and misconception - A report. Nigerian Journal of Medicine27.No.4:368-373pp
Link (URL) : https://www.ajol.info/index.php/njm/article/view/181926
- Bankole, O.O. , Lawal, F.B. and Ibiyemi, O. (2017). Development of a tool for dispelling myths associated with natal /neonatal teeth: “Adunni” a health education video in a native Nigerian language. .Annals of Ibadan Postgraduate Medicine15.No.2:137-141pp
Link (URL) : https://aipmed.org/?page_id=1030
- Bankole, O.O. , Lawal, F.B. and Balogun, A. (2017). Perception and practices of nomadic women in a rural community in Southwestern Nigeria to their children’s oral health. International Quarterly of Community Health Education38.No.1:17-26pp
Link (URL) : https://doi.org/10.1177/0272684X17749562
- Bankole, O.O. and Lawal, F.B. (2017). Teething: misconceptions and unhealthy practices among residents of a rural community in Nigeria. International Quarterly of Community Health Education37.No.2:99-106pp
Link (URL) : https://doi.org/10.1177/0272684X17701262
- Bankole, O.O. and Ibiyemi, O. (2013). Effects of Information Dissemination Using Video of Indigenous Language on 11-12 Years Children’s Dental Health. Ethiopian Journal of Health Sciences23.No.3:201-208 pp
Link (URL) : DOI 10.4314/ejhs.v23i3.2
- Bankole, O.O. and Taiwo, J.O. (2013). Quality Of Care At A Paediatric Dental Clinic In Ibadan, Nigeria. Nigeria Journal of Clinical Practice16.No.1:5-11pp
Link (URL) : DOI: 10.4103/1119-3077.106706
- Folayan,M.O. , Bankole, O.O. , Osagunona,A. , Fatusi, O. , Oyedele,T. and Ashiwaju,MO. (2012). A survey of knowledge opinion and practice of dentists, pharmacists and parents in Nigeria towards the use of sugar free medication .European Journal of Paediatric Dentistry13.No.2:136-142 pp
Link (URL) : https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22762177/
- Bankole, O.O. , Ibiyemi, O. and Oke, G.A. (2011). A Dental Health Education Video for Nigerian Children in the Yoruba Language .African Journal of Biomedical Research 14.No.1:77-79pp
Link (URL) : https://www.ajol.info/index.php/ajbr/article/view/95235
- Bankole, O.O. , Taiwo, J.O. and Nasiru,O. (2011). Attitude and beliefs of Traditional Birth Attendants in urban Local Government Areas in Ibadan, Nigeria, to prematurely erupted teeth in infants. International Quarterly of Community Health Education 32.No.4:355-366 pp
Link (URL) : https://doi.org/10.2190/IQ.32.4.g
- Oke, G.A. , Bankole, O.O. , Denloye, O.O. , Danfillo, I.S. and Enwonwu,C.O (2011). Traditional and emerging oral health practices in parts of Nigeria. Odonto-stomatologie tropicale 34.No.136:35-46pp
Link (URL) : https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22457991/
- Ibiyemi, O. , Bankole, O.O. and Oke, G.A. (2011). Assessment of Atraumatic Restorative Treatment (ART) on permanent dentition in a primary care setting in Nigeria. .International Dental Journal61.No.1:2-6pp
Link (URL): https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1875-595X.2011.00001.x
- Bankole, O.O. , Dosumu, O.O. , Dosumu, E.B. and Denloye, O.O. (2007). Some Nigerian Children Perceptions and involvement in consent to dental treatment. Paediatric Dental Journal17.No.1:8-13pp
Link (URL) : https://doi.org/10.1016/S0917-2394(07)70088-5
- Bankole, O.O. , Aderinokun, G.A. , Denloye, O.O. and Adeyemi, A.T. (2006). Weaning Practices among some Nigerian Women: Implications for Oral health..Odonto-Stomatologie Tropicale29.No.113:15-21pp
Link (URL) : https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16704022/
- Bankole, O.O. , Aderinokun,G.A. and Denloye, O.O. (2005). Evaluation of a photoposter on nurses perceptions of teething problems in South-West Nigeria. Public Health119.No.4:276-282 pp
Link (URL): https://doi.org/10.1016/j.puhe.2004.05.019
- Bankole, O. , Denloye, O.O. , Aderinokun, G.A. and Badejo,C.O. (2003). Developing Photo-Posters for Health Education on perceived teething problems in Nigeria .International Quarterly of Community Health Education Vol.21.No.4:369-375pp
Link (URL) : https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.2190/BRC6-T3VA-H8B7-JFKX
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