Dr. Olushola IBIYEMI


olusola ibiyemi 

Name:Olushola IBIYEMI

Designation: Reader
Faculty: Dentistry

Department: Periodontology and Community Dentistry

Phone Number: +2348037201253

Google Scholar Profile

Research Gate Profile

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Alternate Email Address 1: shola_ibiyemi@yahoo.com
Alternate Email Address 2: sholaibiyemi@gmail.com


Dr Olushola Ibiyemi graduated with a Bachelor in Dental Surgery Degree from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria in 1997 receiving the Provost College of Medicine Award for the Best Male Graduate. He obtained a Postgraduate Diploma in Computer and management from the University of Lagos in 1999 and a Diploma in Community Oral Health from UMC St Radboud, Nijmengen, The Netherlands in 2006. He had his residency training in Community Dentistry at the University College Hospital Ibadan obtaining the Fellowship of Medical College of Dental Surgery in 2007. During the residency training he carried out a research on use of Atraumatic Restorative Treatment in the treatment of dental caries (dental decay) among primary school children. He joined the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Ibadan in 2008 and obtained a Masters in Public Health from same university in 2011 after undertaking a research on factors associated with tooth loss and replacement among the elderly. In that same year, he was awarded a Commonwealth Scholarship to study at the Newcastle University United Kingdom where he obtained a PhD in 2016. During my PhD, he undertook a research on factors associated with the occurrence of dental fluorosis among 4 and 8 year old children. This PhD work was the first study that investigated the influence of environmental and genetic factors in the occurrence of dental fluorosis among African children.

In 2006, he was appointed a programme officer for the McArthur Foundation Funded Community Oral Health Program, where he supervised the establishment of a Community Dental Clinic and a rural dental education program in Nigeria. As part of this funded program, training programs were undertaken for community health extension workers and school teachers to build and increase their capacity on early detection and appropriate referral of patients with oral disease conditions. This program is still existing and has provided opportunity for hundreds of patients to be dentally educated and treated, many undergraduate and postgraduate students to be exposed to rural dentistry and many community health extension workers and teachers to be trained in oral health care. As part of the programme, he directly improvised a source of water coolant for unltrasonic scaler used in the established community dental clinic to create and increase access to professional oral prophylaxis.

In 2009, he co-investigated a project that developed a video used as a culturally appropriate dental health education tool for children from the southwestern part of Nigeria. The effectiveness of the video has been measured and it showed that the video significantly improve oral hygiene among school children from lower socioeconomic group. The video is currently been used in oral health education programs for children in the southwestern region of Nigeria. In 2017, he got a small grant from the Tertiary Education Trust Fund of Nigeria to undertake a research on enamel defects in Ibarapa, Oyo State, Nigeria. This project investigated the influence of fluoride intake and excretion on the occurrence of developmental defects of enamel and dental fluorosis among 5 and 9 year-old Nigerian Children living in Ibarapa, Oyo State. Information from this project will improve the basis for decisions concerning exposure to fluoride at individual and community level.

In 2019, Dr Olushola got a grant from the FDI World Dental Federation to undertake a research on Traditional/Folk Song: A tool for oral hygiene promotion among children and teenagers in rural communities in Nigeria. This research is about 90% complete.

In 2020, he was part of an international network of researchers working on a project to advocate and promote oral health literacy principles to help patients achieve Whole Mouth Health. This project was also funded by the FDI World Dental Federation and is about 70% complete.

His research focus includes oral health of the elderly, fluoride metabolism, the role of environmental and genetic factors in the occurrence of dental fluorosis and oral disease surveillance with particular interest in sub-Saharan Africa.


Not Available


Current Research and Grants

Title: Traditional/Folk Song: A tool for oral hygiene promotion among children and teenagers in rural communities in Nigeria

Funder: FDI World Dental Federation

Brief Summary: In most developing countries like Nigeria, investment in oral health is low and the costs of managing oral diseases alone would exceed the total health care budget. A variety of evidence-based approaches for oral diseases management have been reported; however, these strategies demand significant financial investment and infrastructure and depend heavily on the availability of workforce resulting in high burden of untreated oral diseases which are majorly caused by poor oral hygiene. The need for improved efforts and innovative management strategies for oral hygiene promotion remains sparse. The study will involve: 1. Development of the traditional rhyme (folk song) in Yoruba, a major Nigerian language by school teachers, parents/legal guardians, local musicians, music experts and oral health researchers from the University of Ibadan on adequate oral hygiene practices; 2. Validation of the developed traditional rhyme by school children, teachers and parents/legal guardians; 3. Determination of pre-intervention oral hygiene behaviour using WHO children and adolescents oral hygiene questionnaire and clinical dental examination for presence of dental caries and oral hygiene status using the dmft/DMFT and simplified oral hygiene indices respectively among study participants in the experimental and control groups; 4. Intervention by singing the developed traditional rhyme (folk song) on adequate oral hygiene practices in schools and homes for participants in the experimental group and delivering of same message in the song verbally to the control group; 5. Determination of post-intervention oral hygiene behaviour among participants in both groups using the questionnaire used in the pre-intervention and clinical dental examination for presence of dental caries and oral hygiene status using the dmft/DMFT and simplified oral hygiene indices respectively among study participants in the experimental and control groups at 3 month, 6 month, 9 month and 12 month.

Role: Principal investigator

Collaborators: Dr Tolu Owoaje, Dr Folake Lawal, Dr. Mary Osuh, Dr. Francis Fagbule, Dr Olubunmi Oni, Dr. Ejiro Idiga, Dr Urenna Emenyonu

Title: A co-produced approach to improve Whole Mouth Health of secondary school adolescents in Nigeria

Funder: FDI World Dental Federation

Brief Summary: The study will involve: 1. Co-produce or co-design workshops which will be undertaken among groups of 8-10 public secondary school children aged 12 to 15 years to explore the knowledge and practice of adolescents to oral health. The workshops will be undertaken until data is saturated. Data collection materials such as question guide will be developed from literature and interactions with specialists in community dentistry and pediatric dentistry. The workshops will be recorded in a recorder in a quiet room that will be provided in the school premises. In addition, the researcher and assistant will take notes in the research diary. 2. The themes and subthemes developed from the workshops will be used to modify the WHO Adolescents Oral Health Behaviour questionnaire which will then be administered to the study participants by the interviewer. 3. The study participants will then be clinically dentally examined for the presence of dental caries and oral hygiene status using the dmft/DMFT and simplified oral hygiene indices respectively. The workshops will be transcribed verbatim and the qualitative data will be analysed using thematic approach while the quantitative data will be analysed using both descriptive and analytical approaches. A p-value of less than 0.05 will be considered statistically significant. Ninety-five percent confidence intervals will be used to make comparisons between subgroups.

Role: Co-investigator

Collaborators: Prof Ian Gwilt, The University of South Australia, Prof Paul Brocklehurst Bangor University, Prof Sarah Baker University of Sheffield, Dr Joe Langley, Dr Rebecca Partridge Sheffield Hallam University, Dr Aaron Davis, Dr Patricio Moncada Chilean College of Dental Surgeons, Sean Taylor FDI World Dental Federation, Rachael England FDI World Dental Federation, Chris Redford Sheffield Hallam University, Richie Khoo The University of South Australia,


1. Ibiyemi, O., Bankole, O.O. and Oke, G.A. (2011): Assessment of Atraumatic Restorative Treatment (ART) on permanent dentition in a primary care setting in Nigeria. International Dental Journal. Volume 61, Issue 1 pages 2-6. CLICK HERE

2. Ibiyemi, O., Taiwo, J.O. (2011): Psychosocial aspect of anterior tooth discoloration among adolescents in Igboora Southwestern Nigeria. Annals of Ibadan Postgraduate Medicine Volume 9, Issue 2 pages 94-99. CLICK HERE

3. Ibiyemi, O. and Ibiyemi, S.T. (2012): Quality and contents of referral letters from peripheral health centres to the Dental centre of a Teaching Hospital Southwestern Nigeria. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica Volume 70, Issue 2 pages 165-168. CLICK HERE

4. Ibiyemi, O., Taiwo, J.O., Oke, G.A. (2012): Improvised source of water coolant for ultrasonic scaler: An appropriate technology in underserved communities. Rural and Remote Health Volume 12, Issue 4, 2260. CLICK HERE

5. Ibiyemi, O., Taiwo, J.O., Oke, G.A. (2012): Dental education in the rural community: a Nigerian experience Rural and Remote Health Volume 13, 2241. CLICK HERE

6. Ibiyemi, O. and Ibiyemi, S.T. The need for Geriatric Dental Education in Nigeria. Nigerian Dental Journal. 2016; Volume 24 Issue 2 pages

7. Ibiyemi, O. and Taiwo, J.O. (2017). Evaluation of rural posting experience among final year dental students of University of Ibadan, Nigeria, African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences Volume 46, Issue 2 pages 93-101. CLICK HERE

8. Ibiyemi, O., Ibiyemi, S.T. and Taiwo, J.O. (2017). Pattern of tooth discoloration and care seeking behaviour among adolescents in an underserved rural community in Nigeria, European Journal of General Dentistry Volume 6, Issue 1 pages 36-41. CLICK HERE

9. Ibiyemi, O. and Ejiro, I. (2017). Tooth loss among the elders in an inner-city area of Ibadan, Nigeria., Gerodontology Volume 34, Issue 2 pages 264-271. CLICK HERE

10. Ibiyemi, O. and Lawal, F.B. (2017). A short report on tooth replacement in an older suburban population in Nigeria. , Gerodontology Volume 34, Issue 4 pages 508-511. CLICK HERE

11. Ibiyemi, O. , Zohoori, F.V. , Valentine, R.A. , Kometa, S. and Maguire, A. (2018). Prevalence and extent of enamel defects in the permanent teeth of 8-year-old Nigerian Children, Community Dental Oral Epidemiology Volume 46, Issue 1 pages 54-62. CLICK HERE

12. Ibiyemi, O. , Zohoori, F.V. , Valentine, R.A. and Maguire, A (2018). Fluoride intake and urinary fluoride excretion in 4 and 8-year-old children living in urban and rural areas of Southwest Nigeria., Community Dental Oral Epidemiology 46.No.5:482-491. CLICK HERE

13. Ibiyemi O, Bankole OO. (2019). Enamel defects in primary teeth: A study among 4-year-old Nigerian children. Journal of Medicine Medical Sciences. Volume 48 Issue 3 pages 423-433.

14. Ibiyemi, (2020). Fluoride concentrations in ground water supplies in rural and urban communities in Oyo State Nigeria. African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences. 49(1): 67-72. CLICK HERE

15. Ibiyemi O, Valentine R. Single nucleotide polymorphisms in COL1A2 PvuII gene and dental fluorosis among 4 and 8-year-old Nigerian children. Journal of Dentistry Open Access. DOI: 10.31487/j.JDOA.2020.02.04. CLICK HERE

16. Ibiyemi O., Ibiyemi S.T. (2021). Fluoride concentrations and labelling information on adult toothpastes from Nigeria and the United Kingdom. African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences 50(1): 107-115. CLICK HERE

17. Ibiyemi O, Ibiyemi S.T, Mohammed A, Danjuma S and Suleiman K. (2021). Dental educators’ view of undergraduate dental education during the peak of insurgency in Nigeria: A qualitative study. African Journal of Oral Health. Volume 10 Issue 2. CLICK HERE

18. Ogunsuji OO., Molokwu CF., Oyedeji KE., Taiwo IM., Udoji CS., Adegoke KT., Afolabi AO., Ibiyemi O. (2021). Psychosocial impact of tooth discoloration among 12 to 15 year-old school children in Ibadan North West Local Government Area of Oyo State, Nigeria. Oral Health & Dental Science. Volume 5; Issue 3 Pages 1 – 7. CLICK HERE

19. Ibiyemi O., Lawal F., Osuh M., Owoaje T., Idiga E., Fgabule O., Ijarogbe O. (2022). Developing an oral hygiene education song for children and teenager in Nigeria. International Dental Journal. Volume 72; Issue 6 Pages 866-871. CLICK HERE

20. Ogunrinde T.J., Adisa A.O, Kolude B., Lawal O.T., Temisanre O., Ibiyemi O., Akinyamoju C.A. (2022). Comparison of rugae patterns in identical and non-identical twins. Tropical Dental Journal. Volume 45 pages 44-50. CLICK HERE


Current students

1. Title of project: Prevalence, risk factors and impact of acquired dental defects on oral health-related quality of life of pupils aged 6-10 years old in military and non-military primary schools in Ibadan
Student Name: Osa Igbineweka


Previous students

1. Title of project: Effect of Health Education on Adolescents’ Future Intention to Smoke Tobacco –A Randomized Control Trial;  National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria
Student Name: Francis Fagbule

2. Title of project: Dental fluorosis among 12-15-years-olds and defluoridation of groundwater using traditional clay pots in Ibarapa, Southwest, Nigeria. National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria.
Student Name: Olubunmi Oni


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