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Name: Titilayo A. DESMENNU |
Designation: Lecturer I |
Faculty: Public Health | |
Department: Health Promotion and Education | |
Phone Number: +234 803 408 7648 |
Email Address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Alternate Email Address 1: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Alternate Email Address 2: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Adeyimika T Desmennu is a lecturer and researcher in the Department of Health Promotion and Education, Faculty of Public Health, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan. Her career started with a Bachelor of Science degree in Human Nutrition, University of Ibadan, during which the foundation for preventive medicine was laid in consonance with her passion for a healthy society. This passion further projected her into a Master of Public Health degree in Health Promotion and Education, where her foundation in preventive health was consolidated through comprehensive competency and skills building together with adequate experience from exposure to and participation in research from diverse areas of public health. Her drive, insatiable quest for knowledge and heightened desire to contribute to scholarship, build personnel capacity and improved global health made her continue to a doctoral degree in public health with special focus on improving healthy eating through increasing consumption of Fruits and Vegetables. This research focused on improving self-efficacy of adolescents to make a healthy dietary choice. The aim is to contribute significantly to prevention and control of non-communicable diseases by encouraging healthy dietary habit formation among adolescents and young people for a futuristic healthier generation.
Dr Desmennu has participated in a number of research in diverse areas of public health during which she was responsible for planning, implementation and evaluation of impact of specific health interventions. Her areas of research interest include but are not limited to Health Promotion and Education Programming, Personnel Development and Capacity Building, Public Health Nutrition, Adolescent Health, Rehabilitative Health and Disaster preparedness, Health in Special Populations, Clinical Health Promotion, Communicable and Non-communicable diseases including research in HIV and AIDS, and Biomedical Engineering. She is competent in qualitative and quantitative data analysis and management, organizational development, strategic planning and management, human resource management, policy formulation and implementation and managerial budgeting and accounting. She has participated in a number of capacity building programs in order to increase her knowledge and further develop my skills and proficiency in public health research. She belongs to professional associations and societies.
Completed Research
1. 2001 to 2003 - Factors Influencing the Adoption of Vasectomy as a Family Planning Method among Married Men in Ibadan South East Local Government Area. Department of Health Promotion and Education, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria
Role: Principal Investigator
2. 2006 to 2009 - Reproductive health intervention to prevent sexually transmitted infections among street youths in Ibadan, Oyo State. Funded by Centre for Population and reproductive Health, University of Ibadan, Ibadan. Oyo State
Role: Research Coordinator/Administrator and Supervisor
3. 2008 to 2009 - Evaluation of the Ibadan maternal mortality and morbidity reduction project – carried out using a community participatory approach in Ibadan North and Oluyole Local Government Areas of Oyo State, funded by Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR-Finland)
Role: Research Coordinator
4. 2008 to 2009 - Multi Country Study on Non-Standard Motorcycle Helmet Use. Funded by the Road Traffic Injuries Research Network with support from World Bank Global Road Safety Facility
Role: Research Coordinator
5. 2005 to 2011 - University of Ibadan HIV/AIDS Policy Development Project, Funded by the MacArthur Foundation, Department of Community Medicine, University of Ibadan
Role: Project Officer
6. 2014 to 2016 - Strengthening HIV and AIDS Prevention Programme among Out-of-School Youth and Long-Distance Drivers in Oyo State. Funded by the World Bank (WB) and National Agency for Control of AIDS (NACA) to Africa Regional Health Education Centre (ARHEC), Department of Health Promotion and Education, University of Ibadan
Role: Research Coordinator
7. 2015 to 2019 – Health Promotion Intervention on Self-efficacy for Fruits and Vegetable Consumption among Adolescents with Hearing Impairment in selected Schools in southwestern, Nigeria (Self-sponsored doctoral research)
This research is an investigative and interventional research designed to explore the suitability of facilitator-led training and use of targeted IEC materials as strategy to increase self – efficacy for fruits and vegetables consumption as a positive dietary behaviour among adolescents with hearing impairment.
Role: Principal Investigator
8. 2019 - Mainstreaming Gender Issues into Academic Activities at the Faculty of Public Health, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, Nigeria; ACU gender Grant
Role: Co-Investigator
1. Saidi, O.O.E. Ajibola, Desmennu A., B.R. Ojebuyi, O.A. Oladapo, O. Tade, C.G. Achi, O.J. Balogun, S.C. Nwaneri, A.I. Aiyegbusi, D.C. Umesi, A.B. James, A.O. Coker, C.J. Achenbach (2019) Chapter 7. Problem Identification and Needs Assessment for Healthcare Technologies. In Biomedical Engineering for Africa by T.S. Douglas, A.O. Coker, D.W. Gatchell, M.R. Glucksberg, R.L. Murphy, A.A. Osuntoki, K. Palamountain; CLICK HERE
2. Beukes, C.G. Achi, B. Bolasodun, A. Desmennu, A. Oloyo, O. Oyebola, O. Oyewola, T. Saidi, A.O. Coker, S. Sivarasu (2019) Chapter 14. Needle Disposal Device for Use in Low-Resource Settings. In Biomedical Engineering for Africa by T.S. Douglas, A.O. Coker, D.W. Gatchell, M.R. Glucksberg, R.L. Murphy, A.A. Osuntoki, K. Palamountain; CLICK HERE
3. Arulogun, O. S., Titiloye, M. A. and Desmennu, A. T. (2013). Barriers faced by service providers in meeting the sexual and reproductive health needs of deaf persons in Ibadan metropolis: A qualitative study. Journal of Medicine and Medical Science 4, No. 11: 433-438. CLICK HERE
4. Owoaje, E. T., Onifade, A. and Desmennu, A. T. (2014). Family and socioeconomic risk factors for under-nutrition among infants 6-23 months in Ibadan. The Pan African Medical Journal 17. No. 161: 2389. CLICK HERE
5. Bamgbade, B., Desmennu, T. and Arulogun, O. S. (2015). Knowledge of women of childbearing age on cerebral palsy and its predisposing factors among children in an Urban Local Government Area, Oyo State, Nigeria. Journal of Medicine and Medical Science. Vol. 6. No. 9: 243 – 247. CLICK HERE
6. Desmennu, A. T., Arulogun, O. S. and Ajuwon A. J. (2016). Antecedent Factors Relating to Adoption Vasectomy among Married Men in a Peri-urban community in Ibadan, Nigeria. International Journal of Nursing and Midwifery. 8. No. 6: 47 – 54. CLICK HERE
7. Adelekan, A. L., Musa, G., Alhassan, G., Agada, G., Ogundipe, L., Shaibu, W., Adah, P., Adeoye, S., Olugbile, M., Desmennu, A. T., Olaleye, O. S. and Adejimi, A. A. (January 2017). Achievements and Implications of HIV Prevention Programme Among Out of School Youths: A Systematic Evaluation of HAF II Project in Kogi State, Nigeria. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention; 6. No. 1: 53-58. CLICK HERE
8. Adelekan, A. L., Iluma T. R., Onyema N. P., Nnamani U. M., Okafor P., Andah K; Clever L. E., Enuma C, S., Desmennu, A. T., Olaleye, O. S; Alagoa D., Sammy-Boy E., Emmanuel B., Adeoye O., and Olugbile M (2017). Achievements and Implications of HIV Prevention Programme Among Out of School Youths: A Systematic Evaluation of HAF II Project in Bayelsa State, Nigeria. Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) Volume 22, Issue 2, Ver. 4 (Feb. 2017) PP 49-55. CLICK HERE
9. Adelekan, A. L., Musa, G., Shaibu, M., Atta, M., Shaibu, W., Adah, P., Desmennu, A. T., Olaleye, O. S., Agunloye, A., Adeoye O. and Olugbile, M. (January 2017). Achievements and Implications of HIV Prevention Programme among Long Distance Drivers: A Systematic Evaluation of HAF II Project in Kogi State, Nigeria. American Journal of Research Communication 5. No. 2: 49-58. CLICK HERE
10. Adelekan, A. L., Iluma T. R., Nwodo P. O., Okafor, P., Andah, K., Enuma, C., Owojuyigbe M., Olaleye, O. S., Desmennu, A. T., Alagoa, D., Sammy-Boy, E., Emmanuel, B., Ighile, K., Edoni, E., Adeoye, O. and Olugbile M. (February 2017). Achievements and Implications of HIV Prevention Programme among Transport Workers: A Systematic Evaluation of HAF II Project in Bayelsa State, Nigeria. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention; Vol. No. 2: 35-41. CLICK HERE
11. Desmennu, A. T., Oluwasanu, M. M., John-Akinola, Y. O., Oladunni, O., Adebowale, S. A., (September, 2017). Maternal Education and Diarrhea among children aged 0-24 months in Nigeria. African Journal of Reproductive Health; 21. No. 3: 27-36. CLICK HERE
12. Desmennu A. T., Yerokun A. H and Arulogun O. S., (2018). Home Birth Among Mothers in a Migrant Community of Southwest, Nigeria. Journal of Population and Social Studies, Volume 26 Number 2 April 2018: 165 - 180 DOI: 10.25133/JPSSv26n2.012. CLICK HERE
13. Desmennu A. T., Owoaje E. T., (2018). Challenges of Research Conduct Among Postgraduate Students in an African University. Res. Rev. Vol. 13(9), pp. 336-342, 10 May, 2018 DOI: 10.5897/ERR2017.3359. CLICK HERE
14. Desmennu, A. T., Titiloye, M. A., Owoaje, E, T, (2018). Behavioural Risk Factors for Sexually Transmitted Infections and Health Seeking Behaviour of Street Youths in Ibadan, Nigeria. African Health Sciences; April 2018 African Health Sciences 18(1):180 DOI 10.4314/ahs.v18i1.23. CLICK HERE
15. Aremu T. A, John-Akinola Y. O. and Desmennu A. T (2018). Relationship between Parenting Styles and Adolescents’ Self-Esteem. International Quarterly of Community Health Education; Volume: 39 issue: 2, page(s): 91-99. CLICK HERE
16. Desmennu A. T., Ife-Ajayi O., Arulogun, O. S., (2018). Experience and Satisfaction with Institutionalised Medical check-up: case study of the staff of the College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. J. Med. Med. Sci. (2018) 47, 355-363. CLICK HERE
17. Oluwasanu, Mojisola. M., John-Akinola, Yetunde. O., Desmennu Adeyimika T, Oladunni Opeyemi, Adebowale, Ayo S (2019) Access to Information on Family Planning and Use of Modern Contraceptives Among Married Igbo Women in Southeast, Nigeria. International Quarterly of Community Health Education. first published online: January 2, 2019 CLICK HERE OR CLICK HERE
18. Aladesuyi, F, Desmennu A. T, Arulogun O. S (2019) Prevalence, Knowledge and Perception of Health Risks Associated with Snoring among Postgraduate Students in a Nigerian Tertiary Institution. African Journal of Biomedical Research. September 22 No. 3 (2019):. CLICK HERE
19. Dada, S. O, Oyewole O. E, Desmennu A. T, (2020) Knowledge as Determinant of Healthy Eating Among Male Postgraduate Public Health Students in a Nigerian Tertiary Institution. International Quarterly of Community Health Education, Policy theory and Social Issues. First published online November 2020, DOI: 10.1177/0272684X20972895. CLICK HERE
20. Uchendu, O. C, Desmennu A. T, Owoaje E. T (2020) Effect of Training on Knowledge and Attitude to Standard Precautions Among Workers Exposed to Body Fluids in a Tertiary Institution in South-West Nigeria. Ibd. Pg. Med 2020. Vol. 18, No 2 175 – 180. CLICK HERE
21. Adebola Adegboyega, Adeyimika T. Desmennu & Mark Dignan(2021)Qualitative assessment of attitudes toward cervical cancer (CC) screening and HPV self-sampling among African American (AA) and Sub Saharan African Immigrant (SAI) women. Ethnicity & Health, DOI: 1080/13557858.2021.1980771. CLICK HERE
22. John-Akinola YO, Balogun MO, Desmennu AT, Awobiyi DO, & Gabhainn SN (2021). Perceptions of participation in school and association with health and wellbeing: comparison among Nigerian and Irish pupils. Global Health Promotion. September 2021.
23. John-Akinola, Y.O., Babatunde, O.O. & Desmennu, A.T. (2021) Perspectives of Women About Social Support Provided by Men During Pregnancy: A Qualitative Study. Matern Child Health J. December, 2021. CLICK HERE
Masters Level (MSc.)
1. Project Title: Impact Of Government Policy On The Development Of Small And Mediun Scale Business In Ibadan North Local Government, Oyo State, Nigeria. Centre For Entreprenureship And Innovations, University Of Ibadan.
Year: 2021
Student's Name: Taiwo Olajide Isaac (211227)
2. Project Title: Effect Of Entrepreneurship Education On Poverty Alleviation, Capacity And Entrepreneurial Intention Among Graduates Of The Centre For Entrepreneurship And Innovation, University Of Ibadan. Centre For Entreprenureship And Innovations, University Of Ibadan.
Year: 2021
Student's Name: Ogunrinade Stella Abidemi (210205).
3. Project Title: Project Assessment Form For Entrepreneurship (Academic & Professional Students) A Practicum Report. Centre For Entreprenureship And Innovations, University Of Ibadan.
Year: 2022
Student's Name: Ajisafe Olajide Ayodeji (218424).
Not Available
Social Media Handle
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Other Interest/Hobbies
It’s a little tough to write this section because I love doing many other things. I love to cook, knit, and draw (generally getting creative with my hands). Singing is an integral part of me, especially when it’s in praise of the Almighty God. Singing is a connection point to my soul; I hardly forget a song even if I hear it only once! Don’t be surprised when you catch me singing Sunny Ade, Ebenezer Obey, or Victor Uwaifo! I love to travel – I must say I generally love adventures. I realized I love to drive as well, I think this goes for me with travelling.
Ultimately, I love to use all I have in worship to the Lord I have come to believe and to trust, My Lord Jesus Christ!!!