Basic Information
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Name: Prof. Ademola J. AJUWON |
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Department: Health Promotion and Education |
Designation: Professor |
Brief Biography: |
NAME: Ademola Johnson AJUWON
DEPARTMENT: Health Promotion and Education
FACULTY: Public Health
COLLEGE: Medicine
First Academic appointment: Assistant Lecturer (1991)
Present Post: Reader (2004 to date)
Date of Last Promotion: October 2004
University Education |
Dates |
University of Lagos, Akoka, Lagos |
September 1981- August 1984 |
University of Ibadan, Ibadan |
September 1987 to December 1989 |
University of Ibadan, Ibadan |
September 1992 to December 2000 |
Academic Qualifications |
Dates |
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) major in Sociology, University of Lagos, Akoka |
September 1984 |
Master of Public Health (MPH) Major in Public Health Education, University of Ibadan |
1990 |
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Major in Public Health Education, University of Ibadan |
December 2000 |
Professional Qualifications |
Dates and Granting bodies |
Master of Public Health (MPH) Major in Public Health Education |
1990 by the University of Ibadan |
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Major in Public Health Education |
2000 by the University of Ibadan |
Scholarships, Fellowships And Prizes
- Federal Government of Nigeria Postgraduate Scholarship, 1988 (MPH)
- Cleveland International Program, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, 1994
- CAPS Fogarty Visiting Scientist Scholarship 1997, Centre for AIDS Prevention Studies (CAPS), University of California, San Francisco, California USA, July – October
- College of Medicine, University of Ibadan Staff Post-Graduate Research Scholarship Award, 1999.
- Post Doctoral Fellow, International Research Ethics Program, Bioethics Institute, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, January –July, 2003
- The Wellcome Trust Travel Fellowship, 2005
Honours, Distinctions And Membership In Learned Societies
- Member, International Union for Health Promotion & Education
Details Of Teaching Experience At The University Level
Master of Public Health (Public Health Education).
Subjects Taught: Planning and Evaluation of health programmes, Communication Theory, Field Practice Seminar
Supervision of Practical Work: Guidance and instruction of student teams undertaking health education practice in selected communities in the Ibadan area during their nine-month concurrent field and course work; supervision of individual students during their three-month field internship in Igbo-Ora with the Ibarapa Programme.
Master of Public Health in Population and Reproductive Health Education
Subjects Taught: Ethics of Public Health Research, Reproductive Health Service delivery, Planning and Evaluation of Reproductive Health Programmes
List of Master of Public Health dissertation supervised and successfully completed
- HIV/AIDS risk perception and sexual behavior among the Nigerian naval personnel in Lagos, Nigeria
- Training needs of journalists as public educators for HIV/AIDS prevention in Ibadan, Nigeria
- Perceived susceptibility to HIV/AIDS and pattern of condom use among female sex workers in two cities in Osun state, Nigeria
- Perpetration of sexual coercion among male secondary school students in Ibadan North East Local Government Area, Ibadan
- Factors influencing adoption of vasectomy among married men in Ibadan south East Local Government
- Pattern of risk-taking behaviours among secondary school students in Ibadan North Local Government Area of Oyo state, Nigeria
- Awareness and practice of lactational amenorrhea as a method of family planning in Surulere Local Government Area, Lagos state, Nigeria
- An appraisal of the school health programme in public secondary schools in Ibadan metropolis
- Marital experiences of female adolescents in Mubi South Local Government Area of Adamawa state, Nigeria
- Knowledge and practices about sexual violence among secondary school students in Ibadan North West Local Government Area
List of PhD thesis supervised and successfully completed
- Effects of intervention on drop-out due to pregnancy in secondary schools in Osun state, Nigeria
Undergraduate and Diploma Programmes
- B.S (Clinical years). Subject taught: Introduction to community Health Education
- Bachelor of Nursing. Subjects Taught: Introduction to Health Promotion and Education
- Advanced Diploma in Health Education. Subjects taught Community theory, planning evaluation of health programs; behavioural science seminar, Field Practice Seminar
Supervision of Practical Work:Guidance and instruction of student teams undertaking health education practice in selected communities in the Ibadan area during their nine-month concurrent field and course work; supervision of individual students during their three-month field internship in Igbo-Ora with the Ibarapa Programme
Project Supervision: Supervision of individual “Special Papers” based on practical fieldwork, with 40 project papers completed to date.
- Teachers of Health Sciences Subject taught: Principles of Health Education, community skills; interviewing techniques
Academic and Administrative Responsibilities:
- Sub-Dean, Post-Graduate, Faculty of Public Health, 2004 to 2008
- Coordinator, Master of Public Health (Health Promotion and Education) 1998 to date
- Coordinator, Advanced Diploma in Health Education Course, African Regional Health Education Centre, 1993 to 2003
- Co-coordinator, MBBS posting 2001 to date
- Co-coordinator, Concurrent field-work programme, 1993 to 2008
Member, University of Ibadan/University College Hospital Ethics Review Committee (2001-to-date).
- 1992-1994 Education for AIDS Prevention in a Nigerian Old city (Ibadan). Research Grant from American Foundation for AIDS Research (AMFAR) A community-based AIDS education program funded by the American Foundation for AIDS Research (AMFAR) was carried out in some traditional Areas (Oje, Agugu, Aremo) of Ibadan to raise knowledge, influence negative Attitude and change risky sexual behaviour among residents of these areas. A pre and post-test design was adopted. The interventions consisted of community Mobilisation, training and drama. Results showed those residents in experimental Areas gained significant knowledge on AIDS but no significant changes occur in Sexual behaviour.
- 1997-1999 The Effects of Education of Reproductive Health Knowledge, Contraceptive use and sexual Behaviour of Adolescent Female Hawkers in Motors-parks in Ibadan, Nigeria. Grant from the Union for African Population Studies, Dakar, Senegal.This study assessed the effectiveness of peer education on the reproductive health knowledge and behaviour of adolescents working in four motor-parks in Ibadan, Nigeria. The study consisted of a baseline survey of 210 hawkers, training of 40 peer educators in the experimental two motor-parks, and a follow-up survey. Findings showed that although experimental group had superior knowledge of reproductive health and AIDS, the intervention did not have any significant impact on sexual behaviour of the subjects.
- 1998-2001: Controlled Trial of Peer Education for AIDS Prevention among Female Apprentice Tailors in Agbowo, Ibadan, Nigeria. Grant from the Center for AIDS Prevention Studies (CAPS) San Francisco, USA. This experimental study tested the efficacy of peer education on knowledge of AIDS and sexual behaviour among female apprentice (FA); randomization of shops into experimental and control groups, training of 35 peer educators selected from the experimental shops, and follow-up survey. The results showed that the intervention led to significant increase in knowledge of AIDS, reduction in risky sexual behaviour among the experimental groups compared to the control.
- 1999-2001: Sexual Coercion in Adolescents in Ibadan, Nigeria. Grant from the World Health Organization’s Special Program of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction. This research explored the perceptions of adolescents to sexual coercion. The project consists of three components. The first adopted a qualitative approach and used a narrative workshop to explore the perceptions of adolescents. The second phase is a survey of 1025 subjects on their personal experience of coercion. 54% of the subjects reported at least one coercive behaviour; 4.3% had been raped. In the last phase of the study, eight rape victims were interviewed in-depth. The implications of the research are being discussed.
- 2001-2002: Training of health workers in the University College Hospital on HIV/AIDS Prevention. Grant from the AIDS Prevention Initiative in Nigeria (APIN). The main aim of the study was to provide different categories of health workers including doctors, nurses and pharmacist the latest scientific information about HIV/AIDS especially as it relates to the perinatal transfer of the virus from an infected mother to her baby. The project is a collaborative effort of the College of Medicine, The Harvard School of Public Health and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, USA. A total of 450 health workers were trained. A pre- and post-test were conducted to determine the outcome of the training on health workers.
- 1999-2001 Prevalence of gender-based violence among Young Female Hawkers in three cities in South-western Nigeria. Grant from the United Nations Fund for Women (UNIFEM). A total of 345 young female hawkers from six motor-parks in South-Western Nigeria were interviewed to determine the nature and extent of violence against them-particularly sexual harassment, economic violence, forced marriage and involuntary withdrawal from school. Beatings and childhood sexual abuse were reported. The most common perpetrators of violence were drivers or bus conductors and neighbours and these acts occurred mostly in the motor-parks and at home. About a quarter of the sample had experienced attempted rape while about one in 20 had actually been raped. The rapists were spouses and boyfriends. Most victims did not seek redress. Violence is a major problem affecting this population.
- 2000-2002 Evaluation of reproductive health interventions for the out-of-school youths in Oyo state, Nigeria. Grant from the Rockefeller Foundation. In an attempt to address the reproductive health needs of the out-of-school adolescents, an innovative intervention research was implemented for this group of persons in Ibadan South East and Ibarapa Local Government Areas of Oyo state. The study consisted of baseline data collection, interventions designed and implemented by coalition committees and a follow-up survey. The results show that overall the intervention had positive impact on the knowledge that adolescents had about reproductive health and HIV/AIDS. There was also a significant decrease in the proportion of respondents who had sex in the previous month at baseline and post-intervention.
- 2003 to 2006 Evaluation of training workshops on research ethics for scientists and Clinicians in the College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. Grant from the Fogarty International Center. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the outcome of training workshop on participants’ knowledge of research ethics and ethics competency. A total of 133 professionals drawn from the College of Medicine and University of Ibadan attended three rounds of workshop for three days. The contents covered were history of research, principles of research ethics, informed consent, functions of IRB, ethics of research design, confidentiality/obligations of researchers, ethical issues in HIV treatment/vaccine trials, conflicts of interest and scientific misconduct. A pre-post test was completed by the participants. Consenting participants also completed the same questionnaire one month after the workshop. The results of the study showed an increase in knowledge of international guidelines and principles of research ethics.
In Progress
- 2006 to date Effects of peer education on use of voluntary counseling and testing services among young persons in Nigeria. Grant from the Joint Clinical Research Centre, Kampala, Uganda
The purpose of the study is to determine the effects of peer education on use of VCT services among both secondary school students and apprentices in Egbeda and Ibadan North Local Government Area of Oyo state. The project consists of a baseline survey of apprentices and students from six secondary schools and approximately 100 apprenticeship workshops. The interventions consist of training of peer educators recruited from schools and apprenticeship workshops. A follow-up survey had been conducted. The data analysis of the data is ongoing.
Dissertation and Thesis
MPH Dissertation
- 1989-1990: Socio-cultural practices that may favour the transmission of AIDS in a rural Yoruba community.This MPH dissertation utilized qualitative techniques namely, key informant interview, focus group discussion and participant observation to identify and describe the nature of cultural practices that may favour the transmission of HIV/AIDS in Ago-Are, a rural Yoruba community in Oyo state Nigeria. The results showed that female and male circumcision, extra-marital sexual relationship during the traditional post partum abstinence, are the practices with great potential for transmitting the virus in the community.
PhD Thesis
- 1996-1999: Effects of Educational Intervention on Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of Reproductive Health among Selected Secondary School Students in Oyo State, Nigeria. This quasi-experimental study compared the relative effects of three interventions, namely, peer education alone, instructional methods delivered by teachers and a combination of the two on the reproductive health knowledge and sexual behaviour of secondary school students in three rural Local Government Areas of Oyo state. The results show that over all, the combined intervention had greater positive impact on knowledge, attitude and sexual behaviours of students. Peer education alone was however found to be superior to instructions alone on these variables.
Books already published
1. Ajuwon AJ, Owoaje E, Falaye F, Osinowo K, Aimakhu C and Adewole IF (2007): Training Manual on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights and HIV prevention for medical students in Nigeria. Royal Bird Ventures, ISBN: 978-245-104-5 (Lagos, Nigeria) (45%).
Chapters in Books already published
2. Obono OM, Ajuwon AJ,Arowojolu AO, Ogundipe GAT, Yakubu JA and Falusi AG (2005): Ethics in research. In: Methodology of basic and applied research (ed Olayinka AI, Taiwo VO, Raji-Oyelade and Farai IP). Published by the Post-Graduate School, University of Ibadan, Nigeria, 96-104. ISBN: 978-37168-9-1 (Ibadan, Nigeria) (30%)
3. Ajuwon AJ (2005): Attitudes, norms and experiences of sexual coercion among young people in Ibadan, Nigeria. In: Sex without consent: Young people in developing countries (Ed Jejeebhoy SJ, Shah I and Thapa S), 96-104. Zed Book, ISBN: 1 184277 680 0 hb (London, United Kingdom)
4. Ajuwon AJ (2007): Benefits of sexuality education for young persons in Nigeria. In Human Sexuality in Africa. (Ed Maticka-Tyndale, Tiemoko R & Makinwa-Adebusoye Fanele Publishers), p 67-82 ISBN: (Auckland, South Africa)
5. Odejide AO, Omigbodun O, Ajuwon AJ, Makanjuola V, Bamgboye A, Oshiname FO (2008): Focus group discussion findings from Nigeria. In: Swimming with crocodiles: The culture of extreme drinking (Ed Martinic M, Measham F) Taylor and Francis Group 120-132, ISBN 13; 978-0-415-95548 (New York, USA) (20%)
Articles that have already appeared in Refereed conference Proceedings (None)
Patents (None)
Articles that have already appeared in learned journals
6. AjuwonAJ, Oladepo O, Adeniyi, JD and Brieger, WR (1993). Sexual practices that May favor the transmission of HIV in a rural community in Nigeria. International Quarterly on Community Health Education Vol. 14 No. 4, 403-416 (USA) (70%)
7. Ajuwon AJ, Brieger WR, Oladepo O and Adeniyi JD (1995) Indigenous surgical practices in rural southwestern Nigeria: implications for disease transmission. Health Education Research Vol.10, No. 3, 379-384 (United Kingdom) (70%)
8. Oladepo O, Okunade A, Brieger WR, Oshiname FO and Ajuwon AJ (1996). Outcome of two patient education methods on recruitment and compliance with ivermectine on treatment of onchocerciasis. Patient Education and Counselling Vol. 29, 237-245 (Canada) (20%)
9. Ajuwon AJ, Oladepo O, Sati B and Otoide P (1997). Improving the knowledge of primary school teachers to screen for visual acuity in Ibadan. International Quarterly of Community Health Education Vol. 16, No 3, 219-227 (USA) (70%)
10. Ajuwon AJand Shokunbi W (1997). Women and the risk of HIV infection in Nigeria: Implications for Control programs. International Quarterly of Community Health Education Vol. 17, 102-120 (USA) (70%)
11. Adebamowo CA and Ajuwon AJ (1997). Immunization status and level of knowledge about Hepatitis B infection among Nigerian surgeons. West African Journal of Medicine Vol. 16, No. 2, 93-95 (Ibadan, Nigeria) (45%)
12. Nasiru S, Olaseha IO, Adeniyi JD and Ajuwon AJ (1998). Knowledge and attitude of physicians and nurses about AIDS in Sokoto, Nigeria. International Journal of Health Education Vol. 36, No. 1, 26-28 (United Kingdom) (45%)
13. Adebamowo CA, Odukogbe OA and Ajuwon AJ (1998). Knowledge, attitude and practices related to Hepatitis B virus infection among Nigerian obstetricians and midwives. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Vol. 18, No. 6, 528-532) (United Kingdom) (40%)
14. Dada J, Olaseha IO, and Ajuwon AJ (1998). Sexual behaviour and Knowledge of AIDS among female trade apprentices in a Yoruba town in south-western Nigeria. International Quarterly of Community Health Education Vol. 17, No. 3, 255-270 (USA) (45%)
15. Adebamowo CA, Ezeome ER, Ajuwon AJand Adekunle (1998). Job stress associated with surgical training in Nigeria. African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences Vol. (28), 233-237 (Ibadan, Nigeria) (30%)
16. Soyanwo OA, Ajuwon AJ,Amanor-Boadu SD and Ajao OG (1998). Postoperative nausea and vomiting in Nigerians. East African Medical Journal 240-242 (Kenya) (45%)
17. Oladepo O, Usendiah JE and Ajuwon AJ (1999). Christian religious leaders Knowledge about AIDS and level of preparedness for AIDS education in an urban area in Nigeria. International Quarterly of Community Health Education Vol. 18, No 3, 373-384 (USA) (40%)
18. Iwuagwu SC, Ajuwon AJand Olaseha IO (2000). Sexual behaviour and negotiation of male condom by female students of University of Ibadan, Nigeria. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Vol. 20, No. 5, 507-513 (United Kingdom) (50%)
19. Okochi CO, Oladepo O and Ajuwon AJ (2001). Knowledge about AIDS and sexual behaviour of inmates of Agodi prison in Ibadan, Nigeria. International Quarterly of Community Health Education, 19 (4): 353-362 (USA) (40%)
20. Lasisi AO andAjuwon AJ (2001).Beliefs and perceptions of ear, nose and throat- related conditions among residents of a traditional community in Ibadan, Nigeria. African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences Vol. 31, No. 1, 45-48 (Ibadan, Nigeria) (45%)
21. Ajuwon AJ, Akin-Jimoh I, Olley BO and Akintola O (2001). Perceptions of sexual coercion: Learning from young persons in Ibadan, Nigeria. Reproductive Health Matters Vol. 9, No. 17, 128-136 (United Kingdom) (75%)
22. Ajuwon AJ,Olley BO, Akin-Jimoh I and Akintola O (2001). The experience of sexual coercion among adolescents in Ibadan, Nigeria. African Journal of Reproductive Health, Vol. 5, No. 3, 120-131(Benin, Nigeria) (75%)
23. Ajuwon AJ, Fawole OI and Osungbade KO (2001). Knowledge about AIDS and risky sexual behaviors for HIV among young female hawkers in motor-parks and bus stations in Ibadan, Nigeria. International Quarterly of Community Health Education Vol. 20, No. 2, 131-141 (USA) (45%)
24.Ajuwon AJ, McFarland W, Hudes ES, Adedapo S, Okikiolu T and Lurie P (2002). HIV risk-related behavior, sexual coercion, and implications for prevention strategies among female apprentice tailors in Ibadan, Nigeria. AIDS and Behavior Vol. 6, No. 3, 229-235 (USA) (65%)
25. Adebamowo CA, Ezeome ER, Ajuwon AJ and Ogundiran TO (2002). Survey of the knowledge, attitude and practice of Nigerian surgery trainees to HIV-infected persons and AIDS patients. Biomed Central Journal (surgery), Vol. 2, No 7 (United Kingdom) (30%)
26. Odejide AO, Morakinyo JJ, Oshiname FO, Omigbodun O, Ajuwon AJ and Kola L (2002). Integrating mental health into primary health care in Nigeria: management of depression in local government (district) as a paradigm. Journal of Seishin Shinkeigaku Zasshi Vol.104, No. 10, 802-809 (Japan) (25%)
27. Fawole OI, Ajuwon AJ, Osungbade KO and Faweya OC (2002). Prevalence of violence against young female hawkers in three cities in southwestern Nigeria. Health Education Vol. 102, No. 5, 230-238 (United Kingdom) (25%)
28. Olley BO, Ajuwon AJ, Akin-Jimoh I and Akintola O (2003). Skills training for safe sex practice and coercive behaviour prevention among adolescents in Ibadan, Nigeria. Ife Psychologia, An International Journal of Psychology in Africa Vol. 11, No. 2, 34-51 (Ile-Ife, Nigeria) (45%)
29. Fawole O, Ajuwon AJ,Osungbade KO and Faweya O (2003). Interventions for violence prevention among female hawkers in motor-parks in South-Western Nigeria: A Review of Effectiveness. African Journal of Reproductive Health Vol. 7, No. 1, 71 82 (Benin, Nigeria) (30%)
30. Isibor D and Ajuwon AJ (2004). Knowledge about AIDS and attitude to persons living with HIV among journalists in Ibadan, Nigeria. African Journal of Reproductive Health, Vol. 8, No. 2, 101-110 (Benin, Nigeria) (60%)
31. Nwokoji, UA and Ajuwon AJ (2004). Knowledge about AIDS and HIV Risk related Sexual behavior among Nigerian naval personnel. Biomed Central Journal (Public Health) Vol. 4, No. 24 (United Kingdom) (60%)
32. Ajuwon AJ, Olley BO, Akintola O and Akin-Jimoh I (2004). Sexual coercion in adolescents: exploring the experiences of rape victims in Ibadan, Nigeria. Health Education Vol. 104, No. 1, 8-17 (United Kingdom) (65%)
33. Shaahu, V, Ajuwon AJ,Onadeko MO and Lawoyin T (2004). A Review of incidents of rape from police records in Ibadan, Nigeria. African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences Vol. 33, 275-278 (Ibadan, Nigeria) (65%)
34. Fawole OI, Ajuwon AJand Osungbade KO (2004). Violence and HIV/AIDS prevention among female out-of-school youths in South-western Nigeria: lessons learnt from interventions targeted at hawkers and apprentices. African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences Vol. 33, 347-353 (Ibadan, Nigeria) (30%)
35. Olaseha IO, Ajuwon AJ and Onyejekwe C (2004). Reproductive Health Knowledge and Use of Contraceptives among Adolescent Mothers in a sub-urban community in Oyo state, Nigeria. African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences Vol. 33, 139 43 (Ibadan, Nigeria) (45%)
36. Fawole OI, Ajuwon AJand Osungbade KO (2005). Evaluation of interventions to prevent gender-based violence among young female apprentices in Ibadan, Nigeria. Health Education, 105 (3): 186-203 (United Kingdom) (30%)
37. Ajuwon AJ, Olaleye N, Faromoju B, Ladipo L (2006). Sexual behavior and experience of sexual coercion among secondary school students in three states in North Eastern Nigeria. Biomed Central Public Health, 6:310 (United Kingdom) (70%)
38. Ashaye A, Ajuwon AJ,Adeoti C (2006). Perception of blindness and blinding eye conditions in rural communities. Journal of the National Medical Association Vol 98, (6): 887-896 (USA) (40%)
39. Ajuwon AJ (2006). Ethical issues in HIV/AIDS research, counseling and testing in Nigeria. African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences 35, 137-141 (Ibadan, Nigeria)
40. Ajuwon AJ, Okuribido B, Sadiq GT, Delano GE (2007). Outcome of interventions to improve the quality of reproductive health services provided by private health facilities in selected states in Nigeria. African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences, 35; 369-374 (Ibadan, Nigeria) (70%)
41. Ajuwon AJand Brieger WR (2007). Evaluation of a school-based Reproductive Health Education Program in rural South Western, Nigeria. African Journal of Reproductive Health, Vol. 11: 2: 47-59 (Benin, Nigeria) (80%)
42. Kass NE, Hyder AA, Ajuwon AJ, Appiah-Poku J, Barsdof N, Elsayed DE, Mokchane M, Mupenda B, Ndebele P, Ndossi G, Sikateyo B, Tangwa G, Tindana P (2007). The structure and function of research ethics committee in Africa. A case study. PLoS Medicine, 4 (1): e03 (United Kingdom) (30%)
43. Ajuwon AJand Adegbite O (2008). Ethical and methodological challenges involved in research on sexual violence in Nigeria. Research Ethics Review, 4 (1): 3-9 (United Kingdom) (80%)
44. Ajuwon AJand Kass N (2008). Outcome of a research ethics training workshop among clinicians and scientists in a Nigerian university. BMC Medical Ethics, 9: 1 (United Kingdom) (80%)
45. Ajuwon AJ,Fawole OI, Oladepo O. Osungbade KO, Asuzu MC (2008). Effects of training programme on HIV/AIDS prevention among primary health care workers in Oyo state, Nigeria. Health Education, 108; 6: 463-474 United Kingdom (45%)
46. Adeokun LA, Ricketts OL, Ajuwon AJ and Ladipo OA. Sexual and reproductive health knowledge behaviour and education needs of in-school adolescents in northern Nigeria. African Journal of Reproductive Health,2009: 13 (4): 37-49
47. Ajuwon AJ, Titiloye M, Oshiname FO and Oyewole O. Knowledge and use of HIV counseling and testing services among young persons in Ibadan, Nigeria. International Quarterly of Community Health Education 2010, 31 (1): 33-50
48. Ajuwon AJand Olukunle O. Emergency Contraceptive Pill Knowledge, Attitudes and Dispensing Practices of Pharmacists in Ibadan and Lagos Metropolis, Nigeria. Sierra Leone Journal of Biomedical Research2010, 2 (2): 135-141
49. Ajuwon AJ, Fawole FO, Osungbade KO. Experience and perpetration of violent behaviours among secondary school students in Ibadan, Nigeria. Sierra Leone Journal of Biomedical Research 2011, 3 (1): 27-35
Books, chapters in books and articles already accepted for publication (None)
Technical Reports and monographs
50.Ajuwon AJ (2005).Knowledge about HIV/AIDS, Attitude towards Persons Living with HIV and Sexual Practices among Young Persons in Liberia. UNICEF, 2005
X1. Major Conferences attended with papers read (in the last 5 years)
1. Non-Consensual Sex among young persons, New Delhi, India, September 20-25, 2003: Title of Paper read: Attitudes, norms and experience of sexual coercion among young persons in Ibadan, Nigeria
- Africa Regional Forum on Youth Reproductive Health and HIV, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. June 6-9, 2006
Title of paper” Interventions for violence prevention among secondary school students in Ibadan, Nigeria.
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