Basic Information
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Name: Prof. Oyindamola B. YUSUF |
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Department:Epidemiology and Medical Statistics |
Designation: Professor |
Brief Biography: |
(a) Name: Oyindamola Bidemi YUSUF (Nee Badru)
(b) Department: Epidemiology, and Medical Statistics
(c) Faculty: Public Health, University of Ibadan, Nigeria.
(d) Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
(e) Telephone: +2348102350026
Associate Professor in Medical Statistics,
Department of Epidemiology and Medical Statistics,
College of Medicine. University of Ibadan, Nigeria. 1999 - date
Biostatistician, King Abdullah International Medical 2011 – 2013
Research Center, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. (On Sabbatical leave)
University of lbadan, Ibadan, Nigeria 1992-1997
University of lbadan, Ibadan, Nigeria 1998-1999
University of lbadan, Nigeria, Nigeria 1999-2006
(1V) ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS (with dates and granting bodies):
- (Statistics, 2nd Class Upper Division) 1997 University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria
- (Epidemiology& Medical Statistics) 1999 University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria
- PhD (Medical Statistics) 2006 University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria
- Certificate in Advanced Epidemiological Research Methods.Navrongo Health Research Center. Ministry of Health, Ghana. 2000
- Certificate in Infectious Disease Modeling and Its Applications. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London. 2001
- Certificate in Randomized Trials and Systematic Review Methods. Effective Care Research Unit. University of Fort Hare. East London.South Africa. 2003
- Certificate in Geographical Information Systems In Malaria Research. South African Medical Research Council. South Africa.2003
- Certificate in Multilevel Modeling and Analyses of Longitudinal Data. International Center for Diarrhea and Childhood Diseases, Bangladesh. 2008.
- Certificate in Case Study Designs and Development Emory School of Public Health. Atlanta . June 2017
- Certificate in Monitoring and Evaluation Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health. Boston, Massachusetts, United States. December, 2017
- Certificate in data Analysis: “Improving Research Data To Inform Better Treatment Of Poverty- Related Infectious Diseases”. Strathmore University, January 2018 Strathmore Business School. Kenya.
WHO/MIM/TDR Postgraduate Fellowship. Intersectoral Model for the Management and Control of Drug Resistant Malaria in Nigeria leading to PhD degree. 2000 - 2004
Fellow, The Royal Statistical Society, UK. 2005
Chartered Statistician, The Royal Statistical Society, UK. 2007
Postgraduate Teachings:
- Basic Statistical Procedures (EMS 727)
- Research Methods (EMS 726)
- Modeling in Infectious Disease Epidemiology (EMS 709)
- Designs and Analysis of Experiments (EMS 721)
- Statistical Methods for Multiple Variables (EMS 707)
- Medical Statistics in Practice (EMS 706)
- Health Information systems (EMS 712)
- Biostatistics. Nigerian Field Epidemiology and laboratory Training Programme (NFELTP). Sponsored by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta.
- Biostatistics. The Center for Child and Adolescent Mental health, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan.
(IX) Academic and Administrative Responsibilities
(a) Assistant Coordinator, Medical Statistics Unit, Dept. of Epidemiology and Medical Statistics (1999- 2013).
(b) Head, Medical Statistics Unit, Dept. of Epidemiology and Medical Statistics (2013- till date).
(c) Member, University of Ibadan/University College Hospital Ethics Committee (2007 – till date).
(d) Sub Dean (Postgraduate). Faculty of Public Health, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan. (2014 –July 2016)
(e) Head, Department of Epidemiology and Medical Statistics. Faculty of Public Health, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan. (2016- July 2018).
(a) Completed
- Contraceptive Behaviour in Nigeria supported by the Ford Foundation and Institute of International Education, New York, USA. Role: Co –Investigator
- Induced Abortion in Nigeria supported by the Alan Guttmacher Institute, New York. Role: Co –Investigator
- Intersectoral Model for the Management and Control of Drug Resistant Malaria in South West Nigeria supported by WHO/MIM/TDR, Geneva. .Role: Ph.D. Trainee.
- Ibadan Maternal Mortality and Morbidity Reduction Project funded by Finnish development cooperation and the Finnish Ministry of foreign affairs, Finland. Role: Co –Investigator
- Improving Home management of Malaria using Artemether-Lumefantrine in rural Communities in South west Nigeria. A WHO/MIM/TDR, Geneva funded project. Role: Co –Investigator
- Evaluation of Primary Health Care services in four states in Nigeria. Funded by EPOS Consultants, Germany. Role: Co –Investigator
- Alcohol Use among Adolescents in Nigeria. Funded by the Awele Foundation. College of Medicine, University of Ibadan. Role: Co –Investigator
- Future Health Systems Project. Funded by the DFID, UK. Role: Co –Investigator
- The development of a communication strategy and programmes for malaria funded by the DfiD programme of Support to the National Malaria Control Program (SuNMaP), Abuja. Role: Co –Investigator
- Gender Based Violence in Nigeria funded by the Enabling HIV/AIDS+TB and Social Sector Environment (EHANSE) Project in conjunction with USAID. Role: Co –Investigator
- Profile of academic and senior non-teaching staff of the University of Ibadan: 1961 - 2000. Yusuf et al. 2009 funded by the University of Ibadan Senate research Grant. Role: Principal Investigator
- Mid Term Evaluation of Global Fund Round 5 HIV & AIDS Program in Nigeria funded by Global fund. Role: Co –Investigator
- Sickness Absenteeism among workers at the King AbdulAziz Medical city, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Role: Principal Investigator
- Validation of the *CHAMP-Path Patient-Centered Arabic Questionnaire in an Arab Tribal Population in Saudi Arabia. Role: Principal Investigator
- A Pragmatic RCT Comparing Pathway-based versus Usual Care in Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) – CHAMP-Path Study.Role: Co –Investigator
- Ten-Year Follow-up of Patients Receiving Imatinib for Chronic Myeloid Leukemia at a tertiary hospital in Saudi Arabia. Role: Co –Investigator
- Prevalence of Polypharmacy and Drug Related Problems in Hemodialysis patients at the King Abdulaziz Medical City, Western Region Saudi Arabia. Funded by the King Abdullah International Medical Research Grant. Saudi Arabia. Role: Co –Investigator
- Characteristics and treatment pattern of Diabetic Patients with ACS: A Saudi perspective from the MIDAS registry. King Abdullah International Medical Research Grant.Saudi ArabiaRole: Co –Investigator
(b) Research in progress
- A cluster-randomized controlled trial of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a primary care-based stepped-care management program for depression in adult Nigerians. Role: Co Investigator
The study is conducted in primary health clinics in Ibadan. Intervention consists of psycho-education, problem solving treatment as well as pharmacotherapy. Results of the study will help to scale up the service for persons with depression. The pilot study has been conducted. Recruitment of primary health care workers and data collection is ongoing. I was part of the proposal writing: determined the sample size and wrote the data management section. I also developed the randomization scheme.
- Pragmatic randomized controlled trials comparing Pathway-based versus Usual Care in Asthma, Pneumonia, Heart failure and VTE among patients at the King AbdulAziz Medical city, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Role: Off site Co Investigator
The aim of these trials is to determine the effectiveness of the pathway based care in reducing the length of hospital stay among patients at the King AbdulAziz Medical city Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. So far, the sample size for the asthma and pneumonia trials have been achieved and data entry is in progress. Recruitment is still ongoing for the heart failure and VTE trials. I have been an active investigator on these trials since inception till date.
- Evaluating the progress of Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health in Nigeria. Role: Co investigator
In Nigeria little progress has been recorded in Maternal, Neonatal and Child health outcomes. Considering the country’s population in previous years and given the present mortality and morbidity statistics, this study will synthesize and analyse existing data on Maternal, Neonatal and Child health (MNCH) using parametric and non-parametric models to estimate global levels and trends in these and other child outcomes. The study will also focus on accessibility, availability, affordability, utilization, sustainability and quality of services. These will provide solutions for independent, credible evidence-based policy and practice options and road maps that are relevant and appropriate to make the MNCH outcomes purposeful for the country. The proposal has been approved and the inauguration meetings for the project take off are on going.
- Lot Quality assurance sampling (LQAS) and Demographic Health Surveys: Application to Malaria Outcome Indicators. Role: Principal investigator
The aim of this study is to compare the methodologies of LQAS and DHS in measuring health related indicators such as malaria outcomes. The study will answer the question of whether the benefits of LQAS can be leveraged to additionally provide similar measures as the DHS. The proposal writing is ongoing.
- Wambebe C.O.N. Bamgboye E. A. Badru O. B.Khamofu H., Momoh J.A., Ekpeyong M., Audu B.S., Njoku S.O., Nasipuri N.R., Kunle O.O., Enwerem N.M., Gamaniel S.K., Obodozie O.O., Samuel B., Fojule G., Ogunyale P.O. (2001). Efficacy of Niprisanin the Prophylactic Management of Patients with Sickle Cell Disease. Current Therapeutic Research. 62 (1); 26-34
- Dare O.O. Oladepo O. Cleland J. G. Badru O. B. (2001).Reproductive Health Needs Of Young Persons in Markets & Motor Parks In Southwest Nigeria. African Journal of Medicine& Medical Sciences.30; 199-205.
- Bamgboye E.A. Ogunnowo B. E. Badru O. B. Adewoye E. O. (2001). Students Admission Grades and their Performance at Ibadan University Preclinical MBBS Examinations. African Journal of Medicine & Medical Sciences. 30; 207-211.
- Dare O.O. Badru O. B.(2001).Promoting the use of Insecticide Treated Materials at the Community Level: Experience from the ITN-Oriade Initiative. International Quarterly of Community Health Education, 20(3); 281-295.
- Omigbodun O.O., Onibokun A. C. Yusuf O. B., Odukogbe A. A., and Omigbodun A. O. (2004) Stressors and Counseling Needs of Undergraduate Nursing Students in Ibadan, Nigeria. Journal of Nursing Education, 43(9), 412-415.
- Happi CT, Gbotoso GO, Folarin OA, Akinboye DO, Yusuf OB, Ebong OO, Sowunmi A, Kyle DE, Milhous W, Wirth DF and AMJ Oduola. (2005). Polymorphisms in Plasmodium falciparum dhfr and dhps genes and age related in vivo sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine resistance in malaria-infected patients from Nigeria. ActaTropica 95 (3); 183-193.
- Sanusi RA, Osigbesan OT, Yusuf OB,Oginni AB. (2005). Neck Circumference in Identifying Overweight Nigerians: Evaluating and Validating a Simple tool. European Journal of Scientific Research. 9(2); 5-16.
- Yusuf OB, Oladepo O.,Odunbaku SO, Alaba O. and Osowole OS.(2005). Factors associated with Malaria Treatment Failures in Ibadan. African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences. 34; 251-258.
- Sanusi R.A., Badejo C.A., and Yusuf O. B. (2006). Measuring Household Food Insecurity in Selected Local Government Areas of Lagos and Ibadan. Nigeria. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 5 (1); 62-67.
- Oye-Adeniran BA, Adewole IF, Gbadegesin A, Umoh AV, Oladokun A, and Yusuf OB.(2006).The Characteristics of Contraceptive Users in Nigeria Sexual Health Matters .7(2); 48- 53.
- Bamgboye EA, Amoran OE. Yusuf OB. (2006). Self medications practices among health workers in a tertiary hospital in Nigeria. African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences 35, N0. 4, 411-415.
- Omigbodun OO, Odukogbe AA, Omigbodun AO, Yusuf OB, Bella TT, Olayemi O. (2006). Stressors and psychological symptoms in students of medicine and allied professions in Nigeria. Social Psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology 41(5), 415-421.
- Oye-Adeniran BA, Adewole IF, Umoh AV, OladokunA, GbadegesinA , EkanemEE, Yusuf OB, Odeyemi KA, Iwere N and Mahmoud P.(2006). Community Based Study of Contraceptive Behaviour in Nigeria. African Journal of Reproductive Health.10 (2): 90-104.
- Falade CO, Yusuf OB, Fadero FF, Mokuolu OA, Hamer DH, and Salako L. (2007). Intermittent preventive treatment with Sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine is effective in preventing maternal and placental malaria in Ibadan, south – western Nigeria. Malaria Journal 6:88
- Falade CO, Ogundele AO, Yusuf OB,Ademowo OG, Ladipo SM. (2008). High Efficacy of two artemisinin -based combinations (artemether-lumefantrine and artesunate plus amodiaquine) for acute uncomplicated malaria in Ibadan, Nigeria. Med Int Health. Vol. 13 N0 5, 635-643.
- Ajayi OI, Browne EN, Garshong B, Batenganya F, Yusuf OB, Baffour PA, Doamekpor L, Balyeku A, Munguti K, Cousens S, Pagnoni F.(2008) Feasibility and acceptability of Artemisinin Based Combination Therapy for the Home Management of Malaria in Four African Sites. Malaria Journal, 7:6
- Ajayi OI, Falade CO, Olley BO, Yusuf OB, Gbotosho S, Iyiola O, Olaniyan OJ, Happi C, Munguti K, and Pagnoni F. (2008). A Qualitative study of the Feasibility and Community Perception on the Effectiveness of Artemether-Lumenfantrine Use in the Context of Home Management of Malaria in South West Nigeria. BMC Health Services Research, 8:119.
- Oladepo O. and Yusuf OB. (2008) Aversion towards HIV Antibody Testing in a Tertiary Institution in Nigeria. Ibom Medical Journal; Vol. 3 N0 2, 38- 44.
- Omigbodun O, Bakare K, Yusuf OB. (2008). Traumatic events and depressive
- symptoms among youth in southwestern Nigeria: A qualitative study. Int J Adolesc Health ,20(3), 243-253.
- Ajayi IO, Browne EN, Batenganya F, Yar D, Happi C, Falade CO, Gbotosho GO,
- Yusuf OB, Boateng S, Mugittu K, Cousens S, Nanyunja M, and Pagnoni F. (2008) Effectiveness of artemisinin – based combination therapy used in the context of home management of malaria: A report from three study sites in sub-Saharan Africa. Malaria Journal, October 2008.
- Yusuf OB, Dada A, Ajayi IO and Falade CO. (2008) Malaria Prevention Practices among Mothers Delivering in an Urban Hospital in South west Nigeria. J Vector Borne Dis 45, pp.217-224.
- Falade AG, Ige SO, Yusuf OB, Onadeko MO,Onadeko BO. (2009). Trends in the prevalence and severity of symptoms of asthma, allergic rhinoconjunctivitis, and atopic eczema: J Natl Med Assoc. 101(5), 414-418.
- Yusuf OB, Falade CO, Ajayi O, Gbotosho G, Happi C. Pagnoni F. (2009). Community Effectiveness of Artemisinin Based Combination Therapy for Malaria in rural Southwestern Nigeria. Int’l Quarterly of Community Health Education. Vol 29(1) 45-56.
- Oladepo O. Yusuf B, Arulogun OS, John Akinola Y. Prostate Cancer Awareness,Knowledge and Screening Practices among Older Men in Oyo State, Nigeria (2009).International Quarterly of Community Health Education vol 30, Issue 3.
- Yusuf OB, Omigbodun OO, Adedokun BO and Akinyemi OA.(2011). Identifying Predictors of Violent behavior among students using the conventional logistic and multilevel logistic models. Journal of Applied Statistics. Vol 38(5, 1055-1061.
- Yusuf OB, Adebowale AS, Fagbamigbe FA, Bamgboye EA and Oyediran ABOO. (2010) Profile of Academic and Senior Non- Teaching staff in a Nigerian University. International Journal of Educational Administration and Policy Studies. Vol 2(7), pp 92-98.
- Yusuf OB, Bamgboye EA, Gbotosho GO.(2010). Stability Analysis of a Malaria Model with Resistance Classes. Biostatistics, Biomathematics, Bioinformatics. Vol 1, 2: 129.
- Terfa S. Kene, Vincent I. Odigie, Lazarus MD. Yusufu, Yusuf OB, Sani M. Shehu, John T. Kase (2010). Presentation and Survival of Breast Cancer in a Teaching Hospital in North Western Nigeria. Oman Medical Journal. 25, 104-107 (2010); doi:10.5001/omj.2010.29.
- Fawole OI, Yusuf OB, Dairo MD and Fatiregun A.(2010). Intimate Partner Violence and Primary Health Care Workers: Screening and Management. The National Postgraduate Medical Journal. Vol 17, N02. 138-146.
- Yusuf OB, Adeoye BW, Oladepo OO, Peters DH and Bishai D. (2010). Poverty and fever vulnerability in Nigeria: a multilevel analysis. Malar J. 9; 235.
- Lasisi AO, Fehintola FA, Yusuf OB and Olayemi OO.(2010).Correlation between Serum Immunoglobulin G and Hearing Threshold among Elderly Subjects with Age-Related Hearing Loss. Oto-Rhino-Laryngol 323830 DOI: 10.1159/000323830.
- Yusuf OB, Oladepo O, Arulogun OS, Olowokere F. (2010). Physical Violence among intimate partners in Nigeria: A multilevel Analysis. Journal of Public health and Epidemiology. Vol 3(5), 240-247.
- Lasisi AO, Fehintola FA and Yusuf (2010). Age-related hearing loss, vitamin B12, and folate in the elderly. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg143(6):826-30.
- Oladepo O, Yusuf OB, Arulogun OS (2011). Factors Associated with Gender based violence in selected states in Nigeria. African Journal of Reproductive Health. 15(4), 78- 86.
- Akerele A, Yusuf OB, Falade CO, Ajayi IO, Pagnoni F. (2011). Factors associated with use of guideline in home management of Malaria among children in rural in south west Nigeria. Malaria Research and Treatment. Vol 2011, ID: 701320. Doi: 10.4061/2011/701320.
- Adebowale A.S., Yusuf B.O., Fagbamigbe A.F. Survival probability and predictors for woman experience childhood death in Nigeria: "Analysis of North-South differentials". BMC Public Health. 12:430. doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-12-430.
- Lawal T.A., Fatiregun A.A., Yusuf O.B. (2013). Mothers' awareness of anorectal malformations: a pointer to delayed diagnosis in a developing country. Eur J Pediatr Surg. 23(6):480-5. doi: 10.1055/s-0033-1337116.
- Anwar B. Callum , Yusuf O., Gordon F.(2013). Delta insulin-like growth factor binding protein-1 (?IGFBP-1): a marker of hepatic insulin resistance? Ann Clin Biochemdoi: 0004563213495818.
- Kinsara A.J., Hasanin A.M., Yusuf O.B. (2013). Characteristics and Treatment Pattern of Diabetic Patients with ACS: A Saudi Perspective from the MIDAS Registry. Journal of Clinical and Basic Cardiology, 16 (1-4), 6-9
- Akerele A. Yusuf O.B., Ajayi I., Falade C.O. (2013). Treatment decision-making in the home management of malaria among children in south west Nigeria. Discourse Journal of Malaria Research and Reviews Vol 1(5); 54- 62.
- Lasisi T.J., Yusuf O.B., Lasisi O.A., and Akang E.E.U. (2013). Salivary and Serum IgA Evaluation of Patients with Oro-Facial Squamous Cell Carcinoma. International Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery.
- Adebowale A.S. Yusuf O. B., Ogunbiyi B. O. and Omoniyi P. I. (2013). Prevalence and predictors of willingness to care for relatives living with HIV/AIDS: Evidence from women of reproductive age in Nigeria. Journal of AIDS and HIV Research Vol. 5(2), pp. 34-42.
- Olatoregun O, Fagbamigbe AF, Akinyemi JO, Yusuf OB, Bamgboye EA (2014). Comparative Analysis of Fertility Differentials in Ghana and Nigeria. Afr J Reprod Health 18[3">Gureje, O., Makanjuola, V., Kola, L., Yusuf, O.B., Price, L., Esan, O., Oladeji, B.D., Appiah-Poku, J., Haris, B., Othieno, C. and Seedat, S. (2017). COllaborative Shared care to IMprove Psychosis Outcome (COSIMPO): Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. Bio Med Central Trials 18. No. 462.
- Alo, O.D., Akinyemi, J.O., Akpa, M.O., Yusuf, O.B., Fagbamigbe, A.F., Bamgboye, E.A., Adebayo, S.B., Kawu, I., Agbi, P. and Ezire,O. (2017). Level and Determinants of Pharmacovigilance Programme Awareness in Nigeria: A Multilevel Analysis. African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 11. No. 29: 342 -348.
- Fagbamigbe, A.F., Hurricane-Ike, O.E., Yusuf, O.B. and Idemudia, E.S. (2017). Trends and Drivers of Skilled Birth Attendant Use in Nigeria (1990-2013): Policy Implications for Child and Maternal Health. International Journal of Women's Health 2017. No. 9: 843-853.
- Yusuf, O.B., Afolabi, R.F. and Ayoola, S.A. (2018). Modelling Excess Zeros in Count Data with Application to Antenatal Care Utilization. International Journal of Statistics and Probability 7. No. 3:22-35.
- Yusuf, O.B., Gbadebo, B.M., Afolabi, R.F. and Adebowale, A.S. (2018). Trends, Pattern and Socioeconomic Predictors of Underweight among Young Married Women in Nigeria. Public Health Research 8. No. 2: 35-45.
- Yusuf, O.B., Kabir, J. and Alaribe, C.C.O. (2018). Analysis of Tuberculosis Surveillance Data in Oyo State, Nigeria 2011-2014. The Pan African Medical Journal30.(Supp 1):1 doi: 10.11604/pamj.supp.2018.30.1.15273
- Israel, O.K., Fawole, O.I., Adebowale, A.S., Ajayi, I.O., Yusuf, O.B., Oladimeji, A. and Ajumobi, O (2018). Caregivers’ Knowledge and Utilization of Long?Lasting Insecticidal Nets among Under?five Children in Osun State, Southwest, Nigeria. Malaria Journal 17. No. 231.
- Yusuf, O.B., Akpa, O.M., Akinpelu, K.P. and Gbolahan, A.O. (2018). Using the Zero Inflated Negative Binomial Model to assess Factors Associated with Occurrence of Childhood Pneumonia. International Journal of Probability and Statistics 7. No. 2:44-50.
- Owoeye, D.O., Akinyemi, J.O. and Yusuf, O.B. (2018). Decomposition of Changes in Malaria Prevalence amongst Under-five Children in Nigeria.Malaria World Journal Vol. 9. No. 3.
- Kareem, Y.O. and Yusuf, O.B. (2018). Statistical Modeling of Fertility Experience among Women of Reproductive Age in Nigeria. International Journal of Statistics and Applications 8. No. 1:23-33.
- Badru, O.A., Ogunlesi, A.O.,Ogunwale, A., Abdulmalik, J.O. and Yusuf, O.B. (2018). Prevalence of Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Major Depression among Correctional Officers in a Nigerian Prison. The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry &
- Alshamrani, M., Almalki, A., Qureshi, M., Yusuf, O.B. and Ismail, S. (2018). Polypharmacy and Medication-Related Problems in Hemodialysis Patients: A Call for Deprescribing. Vol 6, 76: 1-9.
- Yusuf, O.B., Adepoju-Olajuwon, F.A., Owoeye, D.O. and Gbolahan, A. (2019). Modeling the Morbidity Pattern of Tuberculosis and its Associated Factors in Oyo State, Nigeria. African Journal of Infectious Diseases 13. No. 1.
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