On August 1, 2024, Professor T.O. Ogundiran stepped into office as the 13th Provost of the College of Medicine, University of Ibadan. We present to you his first address as Provost.

Esteemed members of the College of Medicine and the University of Ibadan (CoMUI) Community: staff and students, respected medical elders, and distinguished alumni, home and abroad:

I am deeply honored and grateful for the trust you have bestowed upon me as the 13th Provost of the premier College of Medicine at the University of Ibadan. Your support, shown in granting me this mandate means a great deal to me.

I would also like to extend my heartfelt thanks to God, the giver of life, without whom I would not be here today. As echoed by the College Chaplain on the first day I assumed duty, God has guided me through many unknown paths, leading me to this position, to Him alone be all the praise.

I would like to sincerely appreciate all those who joined us for the special edition of College Prays and Praise which coincided with our first day in office, Thursday August 1, 2024. This also marked the first day of the Nation-wide protest and while many people joined the programme online, to our surprise many more people dared the odds to join us physically to mark this day in prayers. We thank the CoMUI Chaplaincy ably led by Prof. S. I. Omokhodion, the immediate past Provost, Professor Olayinka O. Omigbodun, Prof. Akinyinka Omigbodun (former Provost CoMUI), the Secretary to the College, Mr. A. E. Odedele, Mr. S. O. Ayansina, Financial Controller, CoMUI, the Dean, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, Prof. Oyeronke Odunola, Dean, Faculty of Dentistry, Prof. B. M. Kolude,  Dean, Faculty of Clinical Sciences, Prof. T. A. Lawal, Dean, Faculty of Public Health, Prof. M. D. Dairo, other distinguished colleagues, administrative staff of CoMUI, students, friends, my church family and immediate family. Thank you for coming to herald this administration into office with your prayer support.  

Our great College has achieved its esteemed reputation through the tremendous efforts of her pioneers, starting with our revered first Provost, Emeritus Professor E. Oluwole Akande, OON, down to all the past Provosts who progressively built on the foundations and provided a veritable platform for their successors. I wish to acknowledge the immediate past Provost, Professor Olayinka O. Omigbodun, the Deputy Provost, Professor A. F. Adeniyi, and the Management Team that worked with them. Their dedication to duty and contributions to the growth of CoMUI are evidently invaluable.

As I continue in this role, I reaffirm my unwavering commitment to the advancement and well-being of our College. By the grace of God, with your support and collaboration, we shall deepen the honoured legacies of this great College and further raise her position as the flagship of robust and first-rate medical education not only in Nigeria but beyond. 

Today, I am even more excited about the journey ahead, despite the precarious times we are experiencing as a nation. I am confident that as we join our hands together, we shall foster an environment of excellence and innovation for all students and staff.  You can rest assured that as the one you have entrusted the leadership of our College to at this time, I will pursue this endeavour with humility, fidelity, passion, forthrightness, fairness, and gravity, with utmost loyalty to the University of Ibadan.

Thank you once again for your trust, confidence, and support.


Professor T. O. Ogundiran FAS
13th Provost,
College of Medicine
University of Ibadan.

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