With Thanksgiving to GOD & Deep Gratitude to YOU!

Dear Elders, Colleagues, Staff, Students, Alumni & Friends,

It has been an extraordinary privilege to lead the College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, as its first female Provost. Today, as I conclude my tenure, my heart is filled with gratitude. First and foremost, I want to thank God for granting me this opportunity. I have led with the consciousness that I would one day give account to Him for this privilege, and I can confidently say that He has indeed been my guide and strength throughout this journey, showing up with miracles when we needed them most. As the psalmist says, He is truly the God who performs miracles and displays His power among the people.

I want to express my deep appreciation to everyone who has worked alongside me—our dedicated Management Team, the Deans of Faculties, Directors of Institutes, Heads of Units and Departments, as well as the cleaners, drivers, security guards, and many unseen faces who ensured the smooth running of our institution. I must also extend a special thank you to my Deputy Provost, Professor Ade Fatai Adeniyi. His unwavering support, loyalty, and execution of tasks with remarkable efficiency and excellence have been invaluable. Like a steadfast anchor in a storm, he believed in our vision from the very beginning and has been a pillar of stability throughout.

Our tenure has not been without its challenges. From the onset, we faced the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic and the protracted strikes of virtually every union, including the 8-month ASUU strike. We had to come to work every day even when we weren't paid salaries. We did our very best through all the challenges.

On this final day of our tenure, I am pleased to share some truly exciting news. I have just been informed this morning that the President and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, Federal Republic of Nigeria, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, GCFR, has approved the removal of research grants from the Treasury Single Account (TSA) and their transfer into endowments and commercial banks. The logistics of this transition are currently being worked out, but this marks a significant step forward for our research community. I am grateful for all who were involved in the struggle to create awareness and bring to the fore the consequences of keeping research funds in TSA. I most acknowledge the great efforts of a wonderful alumnus of the MBBS Class of 1991, Professor Babafemi Taiwo FAS in this regard.

The true goal of leadership is to ensure continuity, and I am confident that the incoming administration will build upon our work, taking the College to even greater heights.

For the sake of accountability and posterity, our media team will be publishing and releasing an Impact Report and Video Documentary within the next two weeks. We are unable to release this today as we have been working until the very last minute of my tenure. I have discussed and agreed upon this timeline with the Management Team and the incoming Provost at the last meeting we held.

In addition, I am delighted to announce that we have published the following books and will work on a dissemination plan:

  • Prospectus 2018-2020
  • Prospectus 2020-2022
  • Prospectus 2022-2024
  • Strategic Plan Document for 2021-2025 (E-Copy)
  • History of the College, commissioned by my predecessor, the 11th Provost, Professor O. Olapade-Olaopa FAS
  • From Origins to Impact, a book written by the Pioneer Provost, Emeritus Professor Oluwole Akande

The prospectuses will also be available as e-copies which will be watermarked and shared on the College's website.

Once more, I want to thank my elders and colleagues for electing me to serve this great College over the past four years. I sincerely apologise to anyone I may have offended in word or deed during the course of our work together. My energy, enthusiasm, and commitment to our beloved College have always been unwavering, and I hope that has been evident to all even when we disagreed about issues. I believe deeply in building people, systems, structures and institutions, and I believe within the resources available to us we did our best with the help of God.

As we close this chapter, let us remember that leadership is not about being in charge but about taking care of those in our charge. May our legacy endure in the strength and wisdom we have imparted to others. I hope we have inspired everyone to believe that change, progress, and adding value are possible in our respective spheres of influence.

Long live the College of Medicine, University of Ibadan!

Long live the University College Hospital!

Long live the University of Ibadan!

Long live the Federal Republic of Nigeria!

Olayinka Omigbodun FAS
Professor of Psychiatry & Provost
Wednesday 31st July 2024

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