Dr. Bamidele O. POPOOLA



Name: Bamidele O. POPOOLA

Designation: Reader
Faculty: Dentistry
Department: Child Oral Health
Phone Number: +2348028999960

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Alternate Email Address 1: olubukolap@gmail.com
Alternate Email Address 2:drbukolapopoola@yahoo.com


Dr Bamidele O Popoola graduated with a Bachelor in Dental Surgery Degree from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria in 1997. She had her residency training in Paediatric Dentistry at the University College Hospital Ibadan obtaining the Fellowship of West African College of Surgeon in 2008. During the residency training she carried out a research on the role of bitewing radiographs in caries diagnosis in children. She joined the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Ibadan in 2008 and obtained a Masters in Biomedical Education from same university in 2011 after undertaking a research on Clinical Education in South West Nigerian Dental Schools. In 2015, she received the award of Deserving Staff, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan.    

Her area of research in the field of Paediatric dentistry is on infective oral lesions in children and adolescents with emphasis on Dental Caries. Other areas of her contribution to science and knowledge  include biomedical education with the hope of improving undergraduate dental training curricula and  the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on oral health, dental practices and the mental health and wellness of adolescents as well as their parents.


Current Research

Title: Normative and perceived oral health needs of Adolescent in this environment.

Brief Summary: To compare the experts identified oral health needs of the adolescent with their own perceived oral health needs for proper oral health awareness programme among adolescents.

Role: Principal investigator

Collaborators: Prof. O O Denloye, Dr M O Olanloye ,Dr Adeola Williams.



1. Popoola, O. and Denloye, O.O. (2009). Pattern and surface prevalence of Dental caries on posterior teeth of children in a Nigerian teaching hospital. Nigerian Dental Journal Vol.17.No.2:54-58.

2. Popoola, O., Denloye, O.O., Ajayi, D.M. and Sote, E.O. (2010). A comparison of clinical and radiographic caries diagnosis on posterior teeth of children seen at a Nigerian Teaching Hospital. African Journal Medicine and Medical Sciences Vol.39.No.1:41-48.

3. Popoola, O., Kolude, B.M. and Denloye, O.O. (2013). Parental attitudes to the care of the carious primary dentition – experience from a Nigerian tertiary hospital. .African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences Vol.42.No.1:65-71.

4. Popoola, O., Denloye, O.O. and Iyun, O.I. (2013). Influence of parental socioeconomic status on caries prevalence among children seen at the University College Hospital, Ibadan. Annals of Ibadan Postgraduate Medicine Vol.11.No.2:81-86.

5. Popoola, O., Denloye, O.O. and Arotiba, J.T. (2014). Dental students’ perception of their interactions with faculty and learning activities in Nigeria. Tropical Dental Journal Vol.37.No.146:49-57.

6. Popoola, O. and Denloye, O.O. (2015). Nigerian Dental student’s assessment of their clinical learning. African Journal of Biomedical Research Vol.18.No.1:29-35pp (Nigeria) (Contribution: 80%)

7. Popoola, O., Dosumu, E.B. and Ifesanya, J.U. (2015). Periodontal Status and Treatment need among Adolescents in Ibadan, Southwestern Nigeria. Brazilian J. Oral Sciences Vol.14.No.2:117-121.

8. Popoola, O. and Gbolahan, O.O. (2016). Assessment of Maximum Mouth Opening of Public Primary and Secondary School Children in Ibadan. Nigerian Dental Journal Vol.24.No.1:242-247.

9. Popoola, O., Onyejaka,N. and Folayan,M.O. (2017). Prevalence of developmental dental hard –tissue anomalies and association with caries and oral hygiene status of children in Southwestern, Nigeria. BMC Oral Health Vol.17.No.1:8-16.

10. Popoola, O., Ayebameru,O.E. and Olanloye,O.M. (2017). Endodontic treatment in children:A five – year retrospective study of cases seen at University College Hospital, Ibadan. Annals of Ibadan Postgraduate Medicine Vol.15.No.1:53-58.

11. Popoola, O. and Ajayi, D.M. (2021). Traumatic Dental Injuries:A Seven – year evaluation of paediatric cases seen in a tertiary Hospital. Pediatric Dental Journal Vol.31.No.1:43-50.

12. Popoola, O., Bankole, O.O., Olanloye,O.M. and Akinyamoju, C.A. (2021). Child and Maternal Oral Health Habits and Health Status in a Tertiary Dental Hospital in Ibadan, Nigeria. Archives of Basic and Applied Medicine Vol.9.No.2:153-160.


1. Ayebameru, O.E: Prevalence and Predictors of Dental caries and trauma among “Children in Especially Difficult Circumstances” in Ibadan for the award of the Fellowship of the West African College of Surgeon ( 2017).

2. Olanloye, O: Comparative assessment of the effect of Chlorhexidine and Flouride varnishes on plaque Streptococcus mutans count in children seen at UCH, Ibadan for the award of the Fellowship of the National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria (2018).

3. Oduyemi, F: Effect of Audiovisual Distraction on Children’s anxiety during Dental treatment at the University College Hospital, Ibadan for the award of the West African College of Surgeon (2020).

4. Okeigar, T: An In-Vitro Evaluation of the viability of periodontal ligament cells in media for tooth transportation following Avulsion for the award of the Fellowship of the West African College of Surgeon (2022).


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