Department of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology

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Ag. Departmental Head

We are the foremost Department in Nigeria providing teaching, training, and research services in Otorhinolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery. Our mission is to train and produce competent and confident medical graduates with broad-based knowledge in Medicine generally and in Otorhinolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery specifically so that they can compete and prove their worth anywhere in the world.  

Welcome statement: I warmly welcome you to this unique, informative, and interactive website of the college, a one-stop-shop for information on education and training, research and clinical otorhinolaryngological services available in our department.

History: In February, 1957, we started as a unit under the department of surgery but became a full, independent department in 1963/1964 academic session of the university. Over the years, the Department has been reorganised, in-line with the international best practices and research areas of the current academic staff into seven sub-specialisations namely otology, Skull base surgery unit; Otoneurology & Audiology unit; Rhinology & Facioplastic unit; Laryngology Head & Neck unit; Paediatric Otorhinolaryngology unit, Phonology & Speech pathology and General Otorhinolaryngology unit.

Programmes in the Department

Academic: Undergraduate and postgraduate (M.Sc. Otorhinolaryngology; MD; PhD & Fellowship/Residency) programmes; workshops; revision & update courses in Otorhinolaryngology, head & neck surgery

Research: Areas of research interests available for collaboration include neurotology, molecular otorhinolaryngology, clinical audiology, head & neck, laryngology, olfaction & gustation, Speech pathology & phonology, rhinology & facioplasty, skull base surgery

Clinical services: Otorhinolaryngological clinical service delivery (diagnostic and therapeutic), newborn hearing screening, audiological services, speech therapy, videostroboscopy,

Staff in the Department


Prof. O. G. B. Nwaorgu. MBBS (Ib), FWACS, FMCORL,

Prof. O. A. Lasisi. MBChB (Ife), FWACS, FMCORL, MD

Dr. A. A. Adeosun. B.Sc. (Hons) Unilag, MBBS (IB), FMCORL, FWACS

Dr. P. A. Onakoya. MBBS (Ib), FWACS, FMCORL

Dr. A. J. Fasunla. MBChB (Ife), M.Sc. Surgery (Ib), FWACS, FMCORL, MD (Germany)

Dr A. Daniel. MBBS (Ib), FWACS, FMCORL

Dr. S. A. Ogunkeyede. MBChB (Ife), FWACS


Mrs Olufunmilayo O. Are-Joda.         -           Departmental Secretary

Mr Olusegun Enirayetan                   -           Office assistance

Miss Olufunbi Victoria Ajayi              -            Audiometric technician

Miss Anthonia Amarachi Ifediba        -           Audiometric technician

Contact:         Department of Otorhinolaryngology

                        Faculty of Clinical Sciences

                        College of Medicine

                        University of Ibadan, Nigeria


                        Telephone: +2348033740220


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