Professor Adegbuyi O. ADERIBIGBE

Basic Information


Name: Adegbuyi O. ADERIBIGBE


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 Department:Pharmacology and Therapeutics

 Designation: Professor

Brief Biography:


Personal Details

(a) Name: Aderibigbe  Adegbuyi Oladele

(b) Date of Birth: 26th May. 1964

(c) Department: Pharmacology & Therapeutics        

(d) Faculty: Basic Medical Sciences

(e) College: Medicine

First Academic Appointment: Assistant Lecturer:

Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics,

University of Ilorin, 1994 – 1996.

Lecturer II: Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, University of Ilorin, 1996 – 2008.

Lecturer I: Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Niger – Delta University, April 2008 – April 2011.

Present post

Senior Lecturer: Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, University of Ibadan, May 2011 – To Date.

Date of last Promotion Nil

Date last considered Nil

University Education (with dates)

University of Lagos, 1986 – 1989

University of Lagos, 1991 – 1992

Obafemi Awolowo University Ile – Ife, 2000 – 2004

Obafemi Awolowo University Ile – Ife, 2004 – 2009

Academic Qualification (with dates and granting bodies)

WASC (Ordinary Level) 1983, West Africa Examination Council.

WASC (Advanced Level) 1985, West Africa Examination Council.

B.Sc (Hons) Pharmacology 1989, University of Lagos.

M.Sc. Pharmacology 1992, University of Lagos.

M.Phil. Pharmacology 2004, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile, Ife.

Ph.D. Pharmacology 2010, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile, Ife.

Professional Qualification and Diplomas (with dates)


Scholarships, Fellowships and Prizes (with dates) in respect of undergraduate and Postgraduate work only

University of Lagos Postgraduate Bursary Award 1991 – 1992.

University of Ilorin Senate Research Grants 1995, 1996.

University of Ilorin Staff Development Award 2000 – 2004

Honours Distinctions and Membership of Learned Societies

Member: International Brain Research Organization.

Society for Neuroscience in Africa (Ife Chapter)

West Africa Society for Pharmacology

Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research

International Society for Ethnopharmacology

Details of Teaching  Experience at University Level

Courses taught to Medical students at University of Ilorin 1994- 1998

General principle of Pharmacology, Pharmacology of organ system,  CNS Pharmacology, Endocrine and Reproductive Pharmacology, Chemotherapy of infectious diseases, Cancer chemotherapy, ANS Pharmacology

Courses taught to Pharmacy students at Niger Delta University 1998 -2011

PCO 351: General principle of pharmacology, PCO 352: Pharmacology of organ system, PCO 353: ANS Pharmacology, PCO 354: Endocrine/Autacoids pharmacology, PCO 451: CNS Pharmacology, PCO 452: Veterinary pharmacy, PCO 551: Toxicology, PHA 403   Chemotherapy.

Courses taught to Pharmacy students at University of Ibadan May 2011 – Till Date

PHA 403;  Chemotherapy of viral infections, HIV, Fungal and Parasitic infections including Trypanosomiasis, Leishmaniasis, Antischistosomes, Antimalaria and Antihelminthics.

PHA 303 Autonomic Nervous System 11

PHA501 Autacoids Inflammation and Asthma

Courses taught to Medical students at University of Ibadan May 2011 – Till Date

INTRODUCTORY POSTING: Aminoglycosides, Tetracyclines, Chloramphenicols, Sulphonamides

BLOCK 1: Synthesis, storage and release of acetylcholine, cholinergic drugs. Drugs in the treatment of Pakinsonism

BLOCK 11: Heavy metal poisoning, general principles of de-contamination

Courses taught to Postgraduate students at University of Ibadan May 2011 – Till Date

PHA 706: PutativeNeurotransmitters in the CNS

PHA 713: Toxicology



Studies of Behavioural and analgesic Properties of Albizia adianthifolia

Central Nervous System Depressant properties of Albizia adianthifolia

Studies of behavioural and analgesic properties of Struchium sparganophora

Studies of behavioural and analgesic properties of  Struchium sparganophora  in mice.

Neuropharmacological and psychopharmacological properties of Holarrhena floribunda stem bark in mice.

In progress

Neuropharmacological profile of some medicinal plants usedby traditional herbalist in the treatment of mental illness in in Bayelsa state.Anti-inflammation and analgesic properties of some local medicinal plants in Bayelsa state.

Neuropharmacological profile of crude extract, fractions (butanol, ethylacetate, chloroform) and isolated compound from Albizia altissima

Dissertation and Thesis

  1. A.O. Aderibigbe. Antiasthmatic and antihypertensive action of two unknown concoction using guinea pig and rat. B.Sc. Thesis 1989. University of Lagos.
  2. A.O. Aderibigbe. Evaluation of the antidiabetic action of Viscum albumin rabbit. M.Sc. Thesis 1992. University of Lagos.
  3. A.O. Aderibigbe. Neuropharmacological profile of aridanin in mice. M.Phil. Thesis 2004. Obafemi Awolowo University Ile – Ife.
  4. A.O. Aderibigbe.  Psychopharmacological properties oh Holarrhena floribunda stem bark in mice.  Ph. D. Thesis 2009, Obafemi Awolowo University Ile – Ife.


Books already published Nil

Chapters in Books already publishedNil

Articles that have already appeared in Referred Conference Proceedings: Nil

Patents: Nil

Articles that have already appeared in learned journals

Aderibigbe AO and Agboola OI (2011); Study of anti-amnesia and behavioural properties ofCrinum jagusin mice. Nigerian Journal of Health and Biomedical Sciences. 10 (1&2), 61 – 65.

Aderibigbe AO and Agboola OI (2011): Neuropharmacological profile ofStruchium sparganophora (Linn) O. Ktze in mice. Asian Journal of Traditional Medicine. 6 (3): 104-111

Aderibigbe AO, Adeyemi IO and Agboola OI (2010): Central Nervous System Depressant Properties ofTreculia africanaDecne. Ethnobotanical Leaflets 14: 108-119.

Aderibigbe AO and Agboola OI (2010): Studies of behavioural and analgesic properties ofTreculia africanain mice. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences. 4 (2): 338 - 346.

Aderibigbe AO, Iwalewa EO, Adesina SK and Agboola OI (2010): Studies of behavioural and neural mechanism of Aridanin isolated fromTetrapleura tetrapterafruit in mice. International Journal of Pharmacology. 6 (4): 470 -476.

Aderibigbe AO, Iwalewa EO, Adesina SK and Agboola OI (2010): Anxiolytic effect of aridanin isolated fromTetrapleura tetrapterain mice. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences. 4 (5): 1390-1396.

Aderibigbe AO, Iwalewa EO, Adesina SK, Adebanjo AO and Ukponmwan OE (2007): Anticonvulsant, Analgesic and Hypothermic Effect of Aridanin Isolated fromTetrapleura tetrapterafruit in mice. Journal of Biological Sciences 7 (8): 1520 – 1524.

Aderibigbe AO, Iwalewa EO , Adesina SK, Ukponmwan OE and  Adebanjo AO (2007): Neuropharmacological Evaluation of Aridanin, a Glycoside Isolated fromTetrapleura tetrapteraFruit. Discovery and Innovation 19 (3): 177-181.

Aderibigbe AO, Wakeel OK, Ayoka AO, Adeyemi IO and Subair HG (2004):. Effect of an aqueous extract of Securidaca longipendiculata in mice. Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research V2 No.1. 83 – 85.

Wakeel OK, Ashorobi RB, Umukoro S,Aderibigbe AOand Awe EO (2004):  Evaluation of Central Nervous System activity of methanolic extract ofFicus platyphylla bark in mice. Science focus Vol. 6 pp. 23 – 27.

Emudianughe TS andAderibigbe AO(2002): The hypoglycaemic effect ofTelfaria occidentalisaqueous leaf extract in rats. West Africa Journal of Pharmacology and Drug Research 18 (Nos1&2) pp. 14 – 16.

Aderibigbe AO, Emudianughe TS and Lawal BAS (2001): Evaluation of the antidiabetic action ofMangifera indicain mice. Phytotherapy Research 15: 456 – 458.

Aderibigbe AO, Emudianughe TS and Lawal BAS (2000):. Evaluation of the antidiabetic action ofVernonia amygdalinain rat. Nigerian Medical Journal 39, (3) 65 – 67.

Aderibigbe AO, Lawal BAS and Oluwagbemi JO (1999): The antihyperglycaemic effect ofTelfaria occidentalisin mice. African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences. 28, 171 – 175.

Aderibigbe AO, Emudianughe TS, Lawal BAS and Oluwagbemi JO (1999). The hypoglycaemic effect ofAzadirachta indicain rat. Nigeria Quarterly Journal of Hospital Medicine. 9 (4) 322 – 326.

Aderibigbe AO, Emudianughe TS, Lawal BAS (1999) Antihyperglycaemic effect ofMangifera indicain rat. Phytotherapy Research 13: 504 – 507.

Books, Chapters in Books and Articles already accepted for publication

Aderibigbe AO and Agboola OI (2011). Neuropharmacological activity of Albizia altissima Hook f. in mice. Inventi Journal. Paper in press.

Techinical Report and Monographs:Nil


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