The Dental School, University of Ibadan was established in 1975 with technical assistance from the Dental School of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne. By 1977, the first set of dental students, who were 19 in number began their clinical training with 4 full-time academic staff members and two associate lecturers. Visiting lecturers were invited especially from abroad to teach in block postings in disciplines that had no full time lecturers. The school was accorded full recognition in June 1978, following visitation by a Panel of the Nigerian Medical Council. This single Dentistry Department was split into four autonomous Departments in August 1981 and was approved by the Senate on 23rd April 1985. These autonomous Departments were:
The Dentistry Programme was accorded a full Faculty status in April 2002 by the National Universities Commission (N.U.C.). During one of N.U.C. visits, it was recommended that Department of Preventive Dentistry should be split into two. Therefore, the Senate, of University of Ibadan, approved the creation of the Department of Child Oral Health in August 2005 out of Preventive Dentistry. The Faculty now has 5 autonomous Departments.
Department of Child Oral Health
This Department at the moment is constituted of 2 different disciplines/units, namely: