Dr. Orighoye T. TEMISANREN

Basic Information


Name: Dr. Orighoye T. TEMISANREN


Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 Department: Child Oral Health

 Designation: Senior Lecturer

Brief Biography:



           Name: Orighoye Tosan Temisanren

           Department: Child Oral Health

           Faculty:   Dentistry

           College: Medicine

II       (a)     First Academic Appointment: Lecturer I

         (b)     Present post (with date): Lecturer I (23rd July , 2010).

         (c)     Date of last Promotion: Not Applicable

         (d)     Date last considered (in cases where promotion was not through): Not Applicable                                                          


University Education 


 Obafemi Awolowo University University, Ile - Ife


 University of Ibadan

 2010 – date



Academic Qualification 

Dates and Granting bodies 

 Bachelor of Dental Surgery (B.Ch.D)

 Obafemi Awolowo University Ile - Ife - 1997

 Master of Science (Biomedical Education)

 University of Ibadan – In View



Professional Qualifications and Diplomas 


 Fellowship of the West African College of Surgeons in Dental Surgery (FWACS)


VI       Scholarships, Fellowships and Prizes (with dates) in respect of undergraduate and postgraduate work only) Nil                                                                      

VII     Honours Distinctions and Membership Of Learned Societies:

     i.      Publicity Secretary, Nigerian Association of Orthodontists 2008- date

     ii.      Quality Assurance Officer (Faculty of Dentistry) University of Ibadan 2011 - date

     iii.     Quality Improvement Focal Officer (Department of Child   Oral Health) University of Ibadan     2011- date

     iv.     Member, International Association of Dental Research (IADR).

     v.      Member, Nigerian Association of Orthodontists .

     vii.     Member, Medical and Dental Consultants Association of Nigeria (MDCAN)  

    viii.     Member, Nigerian Medical Association (NMA)

     ix.     Member, Nigerian Dental Association (NDA)

     x.      Member, World Federation of Orthodontists

VIII     Details of Teaching Experience at University level:

          Lecturer I in Department of Child Oral Health, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan – 23rd July, 2010 – till date.

     Teaching Experience

         i.  Undergraduate dental students (400, 500 and 600 levels)

         ii.  Teaching Orthodontics to undergraduate students.

         iii.  Clinical Teaching to both undergraduate students and Resident Doctors

         iv. Tutorials for 500 and 600 level dental students

         v. Teaching and tutorials for medical students (400 level) undergoing group postings in Dentistry

         v.  Guidance and counseling to groups of students in different classes Date last considered(in cases where promotion was not through):   Not Applicable   


Research Statement – Orthodontic management of sickle cell individuals


  1. Sanu, O.O., * Temisanren, O.T. (2003).Analysis of 39 cases of unerupted maxillary incisors in LUTH - Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice6, No 
  2. Oginni, F.O., Fagade, O.O. *Temisanren, O.T., Takure,A.O.(2007). Attitude of surgical residents towards trauma care – The National Postgraduate Medical   Journal,Jun;14(2):105 - 108.
  1. Sanu, O.O., *Temisanren, O.T. (2006). Allergic reaction to orthodontic wire; report of a case in a Nigerian patient and implications for clinical management.Afr. J.  Med. Med. Sci. 35, 387 – 390.
  2. Akeredolu, P.A., *Temisanren, O.T., Danesi, M.A.  (2005). Partial denture restoration of occlusion in an epileptic patient – A case report - Nigerian Journal of Clinical  Practice, Vol 8, No 2, 125 – 127.

    Books, Chapters in books and articles already accepted for publication - Nil

    Technical reports and Monographs - Nil

    Major Conferences Attended with Papers Read (in the last 5 years)

  1. Sanu, O.O., * Temisanren, O.T. Analysis of 39 cases of unerupted maxillary incisors in LUTH – International Association of Dental Research (2003)
  2. Sanu, O.O., * Temisanren, O.T. (2003).Analysis of 39 cases of unerupted maxillary incisors in LUTH - Nigerian Journal of Clinical PracticeVol.6, No 
  3. Oginni, F.O., Fagade, O.O. *Temisanren, O.T., Takure,A.O.(2007). Attitude of surgical residents towards trauma care – The National Postgraduate Medical Journal Jun;14(2):105 - 108.
  4. Sanu, O.O., *Temisanren, O.T. (2006). Allergic reaction to orthodontic wire; report of a case in a Nigerian patient and implications for clinical management.Afr. J. Med. Med. Sci. 35, 387 – 390.
  5. Akeredolu, P.A., *Temisanren, O.T., Danesi, M.A.  (2005). Partial denture restoration of occlusion in an epileptic patient – A  case report - Nigerian Journal of Clinical  Practice, Vol 8, No 2, 125 – 127.

     Books, Chapters in books and articles already accepted for publication - Nil

     Technical reports and Monographs - Nil

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