Basic Information
Name: Dr. Adewole A. ADEBIYI |
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Department:Medicine | |
Designation: Reader |
Brief Biography: |
University of Ilorin |
06/1987 |
Medicine |
West African College of Physicians |
04/1997 |
Internal Medicine |
Position and honors
- Honorary Consultant Physician and Cardiologist, University College Hospital Ibadan – 2002 till date
- Senior Lecturer, University of Ibadan – 2006 till date
D Research Support
- University of Ibadan Senate Research Grant
- MacArthur Foundation, Multidisciplinary Research Grant
E Ongoing Research Support
Peer-review Publications
1. Adebayo AK, Adebiyi AA, Oladapo OO, Ogah OS, Aje A, Ojji DB, Falase AO. Characterisation of heart failure with normal ejection fraction in a tertiary hospital in Nigeria.BMC Cardiovasc Disord. 2009 Nov 18;9:52.
2. Salako BL, Ogah OS, Adebiyi AA, Oladapo OO, Aje A, Adebayo AK, Ojji DB, Ipadeola A, Nwafor CE. Blood pressure control and left ventricular hypertrophy in hypertensive Nigerians. Ann Afr Med. 2009 Jul-Sep;8(3):156-62.
3. Ojji DB, Adebiyi AA, Oladapo OO, Adeleye JA, Aje A, Ogah OS, Adebayo AK, Falase AO. Left ventricular geometric patterns in normotensive type 2 diabetic patients in Nigeria: an echocardiographic study. Prev Cardiol. 2009Fall;12(4):184-8.
4. Ogah OS, Akisanya CO, Timeyin AO, Adebiyi AA, Adebo OA. A large pericardial cyst presenting with severe chest pain: a case report and review of literature. Afr J Med Med Sci. 2009 Mar;38(1):83-6. Review. PubMed PMID: 19722433.
5. Aje A, Adebiyi AA, Oladapo OO, Ogah OS, Dada A, Ojji DB, Adebayo AK, Adeoye AM, Enakpene EO, Falase AO. Audit of Echocardiographic Services at the University College Hospital Ibadan. Niger J Med. 2009 Jan-Mar;18(1):32-4. PubMed PMID: 19485144.
6. Adebayo AK, Oladapo OO, Adebiyi AA, Ogunleye OO, Ogah OS, Ojji DB, Adeoye MA, Ochulor KC, Enakpene EO, Falase AO. Characterisation of left ventricular function by tissue Doppler imaging technique in newly diagnosed, untreated hypertensive subjects. Cardiovasc J Afr. 2008 Sep-Oct;19(5):259-63. PubMed PMID: 18997987. 2
7. Adebayo AK, Oladapo OO, Adebiyi AA, Ogunleye OO, Ogah OS, Ojji DB, Aje A, Adeoye MA, Ochulor KC, Enakpene EO, Falase AO. Changes in left atrial dimension and function and left ventricular geometry in newly diagnosed untreated hypertensive subjects. J Cardiovasc Med (Hagerstown). 2008 Jun;9(6):561-9.
8.Ogah OS, Oladapo OO, Adebiyi AA, Adebayo AK, Aje A, Ojji DB, Salako BL, Falase AO. Electrocardiographic left ventricular hypertrophy with strain pattern: prevalence, mechanisms and prognostic implications. Cardiovasc J Afr. 2008Jan-Feb;19(1):39-45.
9. Salako BL, Ogah OS, Adebiyi AA, Adedapo KS, Bekibele CO, Oluleye TS, Okpechi I. Unexpectedly high prevalence of target-organ damage in newly diagnosed Nigerians with hypertension. Cardiovasc J Afr. 2007 Mar-Apr;18(2):77-83.
10. Ogunniyi A, Shokunbi MT, Oluwole OS, Adeyinka A, Malomo A, Adebiyi AA. (1995): Non- Traumatic spinal cord diseases in Ibadan, Nigeria: aetiology and prognostic factors. Central African Journal of Medicine Vol. 41. No 2, 50-54.
11. Adebiyi AA, Falase AO, Aken’ova YA. (1999): Left ventricular systolic function in Nigerians with sickle cell anaemia. TropicalCardiology Vol. 25 No. 98, 27-32.
12. Falase AO, Adebiyi AA. (2004): Population Approach for the prevention and control of heart failure in Developing Countries. NigerianJournal of Cardiology Vol. 1. No. 1, 23-28.
13. Salako BL, Adebiyi AA, Oladapo OO, Ogah OS, Aje A. (2004): Left Ventricular wall dimensions of people with hypertension on treatment. Tropical Cardiology Vol. 30. No 119, 38-41.
14. Adebiyi AA, Aje A, Ogah OS, Ojji DB, Oladapo OO, Falase AO. (2005): Left Ventricular Diastolic Function Parameters in Hypertensives. Journal of the National Medical Association Vol. 97. No. 1,41-45.
15. Adebiyi AA, Aje A, Ogah OS, Ojji DB, Dada A, Oladapo OO, Falase AO. (2005): Correlates of Left Atrial Size in Nigerian Hypertensives. Cardiovascular Journal of South Africa. Vol. 16. No 3, 158-61.
16. Dada A, Adebiyi AA, Aje A, Oladapo OO, Falase AO. (2005): Standard Electrocardiographic Criteria for Left Ventricular Hypertrophy in Nigerian Hypertensives. Ethnicity and Disease. 3 Vol. 15. Autumn,578-84.
17. Aje A, Adebiyi AA, Oladapo OO, Dada A, Ogah OS, Ojji DB, Falase AO. (2006): Left ventricular geometric patterns in newly presenting Nigerian hypertensives: An echocardiograghic study. BMC CardiovascularDisorders. Vol. 6. No 4, (1-6).
18. Dada A, Adebiyi AA, Aje A, Oladapo OO, Falase AO. (2006): Comparison of Araoye’s criteria with standard electrocardiographic criteria for diagnosis of left ventricular hypertrophy in Nigerian hypertensives. West Africa Journal of Medicine Vol. 25. No 3,179 185.
19.Ogah OS, Adebiyi AA, Oladapo OO, Aje A, Ojji DB, Adebayo AK, Salako BL, Falase AO. (2006): Association between Electrocardiographic Left Ventricular Hypertrophy with Strain Pattern and Left Ventricular Structure and Function. Cardiology Vol. 106.14-21.
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