Basic Information
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Name: Ahmed O. LAWAL |
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Department: Oral Pathology / Oral Medicine |
Designation: Professor |
Brief Biography: |
NAME: Ahmed Oluwatoyin Lawal
DEPARTMENT: Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine
FACULTY: Dentistry
COLLEGE: Medicine
University Education |
Dates |
University of Ibadan, Oyo state, Nigeria |
1988 – 1995 |
Academic Qualification |
Dates and Granting bodies |
Bachelor of Dental Surgery (B.D.S) |
University of Ibadan September 1995 |
Professional Qualifications And Diplomas |
Date |
Fellow Medical College of Dental Surgery (FMCDS) |
April 2008 |
- Best resident deparment of Oral Pathology, UCH. (Awarded by UCH Ibadan in 2007)
- Member, Nigerian Medical Association (1995- Date)
- Member, Nigerian Dental Association (19995-Date)
- Fellow Medical College of Dental Surgery (2008-date)
- Member, International Association for Dental Research (2006-date)
- Sub-dean (Undergraduate), Faculty of Dentistry (August 2010 -date)
- Member, College of Medicine Ceremonial Committee(August 2010 -date)
- Representative, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Ibadan GSP Board. (August 2010 -date)
- Representative, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Ibadan Admission Committee. (August 2010 -date)
Lecturer 1; Department of Oral pathology/Oral Medicine, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan.- 8th October 2008 till date.
- Teaching clinical undergraduate dental students Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine
- Clinical teaching for undergraduate students and Resident doctors
- Slide sections for undergraduate students and Resident doctors
- Tutorials for undergraduate students
- Supervising Journal and Seminar presentations for Resident doctors.
- Surgical cut up demonstration for resident doctors
(i) Completed:
- Role of antioxidants in the aetio-pathogenesis of oral cancer. (2006-2008). (Role: Principal investigator).
- Relationship of socio-economic factors and occurrence of oral cancer. (2006-2008). (Role:Principal investigator).
- Clinico-pathologic aspects of cystic lesion of the Jaws. (2010). (Role: Principal investigator).
- Clinico-pathologic study of cystic ameloblastoma.(2011) (Role: Principal investigator).
(ii) In progress
- The study of genetic aberrations in ameloblastomas. (Role: co- investigator).
- Immunohistochemical study of salivary gland tumours. (Role: co- investigator).
(iii) Dissertation and Thesis
- Serum analysis of albulmin and antioxidant vitamins and sociodemographic studies in oral cancer patients in Ibadan. Presented for fellowship of National Post graduate Medical College of Nigeria examination April 2008
- Lawal A.O, Kolude BM, Adeyemi B.F, Lawoyin JO Akang EEU. (2010). Association of serum albumin and oral epithelial cancers in patients seen at the University College Hospital Ibadan. Afr. J. Biomed. Res.13:225 – 229.
- Adisa A.O, Olusanya A.A, Lawal A.O, Arotiba J.T. Hemangiomatous Ameloblastoma a Case report. Nig Dent J. 2010:18:73- 75.
- Olusanya A.A, Arotiba J.T, Lawal A.O (2010). Trends in Oral Cancer in Ibadan. Nig Dent J.:18: 24-27.
- Lawal A.O, Kolude BM, Adeyemi B.F, Lawoyin JO Akang EEU. Serum antioxidant Vitamins and the risk of oral cancer in patients seen at a tertiary institution in Ibadan, South-Western Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice 15(1).30-33
- Lawal A.O, Adisa A.O, Lasisi T.J, Florid cemento-osseous dysplasia: a report of two cases seen at the university college hospital Ibadan. Annals of Ibadan post-graduate medicine. 2011(9), 145-47
- Adedapo H.A, Lawal A.O, Adisa A.O, Adeyemi B.F. Non- Doctor consultations and self-medication practices in patients seen at a tertiary dental center in Ibadan. Indian Journal of Dental Research.22(6),2011.795-798
- Lawal A.O, Adisa A.O, Adeyemi B.F, Olusanya A.A. Hybrid Ameloblastoma: a report of two cases. African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences. (2011) 40, 11-13).
- Lawal A.O, Kolude BM, Adeyemi B.F, Lawoyin JO Akang EEU. Social profile and habits of oral cancer patients in Ibadan. African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences. (2011) 40,247-251
- Olusanya A.A, Adisa A.O, Lawal A.O Arotiba J.T.The outcome of treatment of sarcomas of jaws in Ibadan, Nigeria: A six year experience. Cranofacial Bone Reserch (2012) 1:58-61.
- Lawal A.O, Adisa A.O, Sigbeku OF. Cysts of the orofacial region: A Nigerian experience. Journal of Oral and Maxilo-facial Pathology. (2012) 16:167-171.
- Adeyemi BF, Kolude BM, Lawal AO. The knowledge and experience of personal and professional oral care among secondary school students in Ibadan. Odontostomatol Trop. 2012 35(137):5-11.
- Lawal A.O, Kolude B, Adeyemi B.F. Serum Uric acid Levels in Oral cancer Patients seen at a Tertiary Instituttion in Nigeria. Annals of Ibadan post-graduate medicine. 2012(10) 1: 9-12.
- Lawal A.O, Adisa A.O, Popooala B.O. Odontogenic tumours in children and adolescents: A review of 48 cases. Annals of Ibadan post-graduate medicine. (Accepted August 2012)
- Lawal A.O, Adisa A.O, Olusanya A.A.Odontogenic tumours: A review of 266 cases. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry. 2013;5(1):e13-7.
- Lawal A.O, Kolude BM, Adisa A.O, Adeyemi B.F.Oro-facial Sarcomas: A review of 88 cases in a tertiary institution in Nigeria. West African Journal of Medicine (Accepted February 2013).
- Lawal A.O, Adisa A.O,Olajide M.A Olusanya A.A.Clear cell variant of squamous cell carcinoma of skin: report of a case. Journal of Oral and Maxilo-facial Pathology. 2013:17(1):110-112.
- Lawal A.O, Adisa A.O, Akinyamoju A.O, Kolude B.Management of Trigeminal Neuralgia using Amitriptyline and Pregablin combination Therapy: A review of Three Cases. Afr. J. Biomed. Res (Accepted March 2013).
- Olusanya AA, Adisa AO, Lawal A.O, Arotiba JT.Gross surgical features and treatment outcome of Ameloblastoma at a Nigerian tertiary hospital. African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences 2013; 42: 59-64.
- Lawal A.O, Kolude B, Adeyemi B.F. Oral cancer: The Nigerian experience. Int. J. Med. Med. Sci. 2013:5(4):178-183.
- Adisa A.O, Olusanya A.A, Lawal A.O, Adeyemi B.F.Con-current fibro-osseous lesion and adenomatoid odontogenic tumour: Report of a case. J Stoma 2013; 66(4):534-540
- Kolude BM, Adisa AO, Adeyemi B.F, Lawal A.O. Immunohistochemical expression of oestrogen receptor-? and progesterone receptor in salivary gland tumours. J Oral Pathol Med (E published doi: 10.1111/jop.12071).
- Adeyemi BF, Ogun GO, Lawal AO, Akinmoladun AO, Akinyamoju AO. Sublingual Alveolar soft part sarcoma: a case report. Ghana Dental Journal. 2013; 10: 6-7.
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