Basic Information
Name:Dr. Babatunde A.OLUSOLA |
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Department:Virology | |
Designation: Lecturer II |
Brief Biography: |
I (a) Name: Babatunde Adebiyi Olusola
(b) Date of Birth: 15 November 1981
(c) Department: Virology
(d) Faculty: Basic Medical Sciences
II (a) First Academic Appointment: Assistant Lecturer (22 November 2012)
(b) Present Post: Lecturer II (01 October 2016)
(c) Date of Last Promotion: 01 October 2016
III. University Education (with dates):
University of Lagos, Lagos 1999 - 2004
University of Ibadan, Ibadan 2010 - 2012
IV. Academic Qualifications (with dates and granting bodies)
Bachelor of Science, Microbiology,
University of Lagos 2004
Master of Science, Virology,
University of Ibadan 2012
V. Professional Qualifications and Diplomas (with dates)
Certificate in West African Bioethics – CITI, University of Miami, USA 2013
Certified epiCore Member 2016
VI. Scholarships, Fellowships and Prizes (with dates) in respect of undergraduate and Postgraduate work only
Prof. Tam David-West Award for the best M.Sc. Student in Virology Department, University of Ibadan (2012).
International HIV Research Trust Scholarship for training on multiparametric flow cytometry training in retrovirus research at KEMRI- Wellcome Trust, Kilifi, Kenya (June- November, 2014).
Travel Scholarship Award sponsored by KEMRI- Wellcome Trust to attend the 3rd Medical and Veterinary Virus Research Symposium in Nairobi Kenya (2014).
University of Ibadan, College of Medicine, Early Career Research Grant Award (2014).
NIH Supported MEPIN Mentored Research Training Award with number R24TW008878 (2015).
International Union of Immunological Societies – Federation of African Immunological Societies (IUIS -FAIS – ImmunoGambia) award to participate in the West Africa Regional School on Immunology of Infectious Diseases at MRC Unit, Banjul, The Gambia (2016).
NIH Supported UI-MEPIN-J Mentored Research Award with number D43TW010140(2018)
VII. Honours, Distinctions and Membership of Learned Societies
Member, American Society for Microbiology (Global Outreach, Membership Number 57411696)
VIII. Details of Teaching/Work Experience
MBBS 400 and 500 Level Virology (Practical classes) - 2012 till date
MIC 482 B.Sc. Microbiology (Practical classes) - 2012 till date
Tutor, Reproductive Health and Sexually Transmitted Infections including HIV to 100 Level students - 2012 till date.
(a). Completed
(i)Prevalence of rotavirus infection among under-five children with gastroenteritis in Ibadan, Nigeria 2013-2014
(ii) Investigation of HBV infection among hairdressers and teachers in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria 2013-2015
(iii) Phenotypic analysis of memory T follicular helper and B cell subsets in HIV-1 infected mothers and children in rural Kilifi, Kenya. 2013-2014
(iv) Viral proteins expression levels and host immune kinetics in mice (co) infected with respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and/or influenza viruses (IFN) 2015 -2016
(b). In progress
(i) Genetic characterization and immune-kinetics of early HIV infection in high risk individuals in southern Nigeria 2014 – till date.
I seek to investigate the relationship between diverse HIV strains and HIV immune cells reservoirs using molecular and flow cytometry techniques. The results of this work will contribute to information on HIV vaccines and antiretrovirals design. It should also contribute to knowledge on HIV-1 natural history and immune pathogenesis in this part of the world. Initial data from this work have identified about 25 individuals from over 1000 tested for HIV-1 based on the CDC algorithm. HIV-1 K (detected for the first time in Nigeria, to the best of our knowledge), CRF-02 AG and CRF-02/G recombinant forms were detected as the circulating HIV-1 strains. The study also described the possibility of renal dysfunctions during early HIV-1 infection. Initial findings from the work were presented at the West Africa Regional School on Immunology of Infectious Diseases at MRC Unit, Banjul, The Gambia held between 19th -26th November, 2016. Preliminary data from this work have also been published in Archives of Virology Journal 2018; 163(2):439-445. Excerpt from the article was also reported in the Health News section of Nigerian Tribune Newspaper of June 21, 2018 captioned as “Malaria testing provides possibility for early HIV detection”. Presently, I am analyzing results from the further work done on my study which intends to describe the regulatory role of gamma delta T cells on HIV immune activation in the context of antiretroviral therapy. The manuscript is still under review.
(ii) Departmental research on the national surveillance of Hepatitis B virus (HBV) and Human T cell lymphotrophic virus (HTLV) 2014- till date
This project investigates the sero-prevalence and circulating genotypes of HBV and HTLV on a state by state level in the country. Results from the work will contribute to control efforts on these viruses. Despite the endemicity of the viruses in Nigeria, there is no nationally available data on the prevalence and circulating genotypes of these viruses on a state by state basis. This work is leveraging on the nationally coordinated sample collection for the national HIV surveillance program in which the department was responsible for the laboratory diagnosis of the samples collected.
(c) Projects, Dissertation and Thesis
Molecular detection of Measles virus from patients with suspected measles cases in Ibadan North West Local Government area of Oyo State, Nigeria. Master of Science (Virology) project, University of Ibadan 2012
(a). Articles that have already appeared in learned journals
1.*Olusola, B.A. and Adeniji, J.A. (2014). Molecular detection of measles virus from children during a sporadic outbreak intwo semi-urban areas in Nigeria. African Journal of Infectious Diseases. Vol. 8, No 2, pp 44-49. (Nigeria)
2. *Adewumi, M.O., Olayinka, O.A., Olusola, B.A., Faleye, T.O., Sule, W.F., Adesina, O.A. (2014). Epidemiological evaluation of rubella virus infection among pregnant women in Ibadan, Nigeria. J Immunoassay Immunochem. Vol.36, No 6, pp 613- 621. (United Kingdom)
3. *Motayo, B.O., Faneye, A.O., Udo, U.A., Olusola, B.A., Ezeani, M.I., Ogiogwa, J.I. (2015). Seroprevalence of transfusion transmissible infections (TTI), in first time blood donors in Abeokuta, Nigeria. African Health Sciences. Vol. 15, No 1, pp 44-49. (Kenya)
4. *Faneye, A.O., Adeniji, J.A., Olusola, B.A., Motayo, B.O., Akintunde, G.B. (2015). Measles virus infection among vaccinated and unvaccinated children in Nigeria. Viral Immunology. Vol. 28, No 6, pp 0882-8245. (USA)
5. *Omatola C.A., Olusola B.A., Odaibo G.N. (2016). Prevalence of rotavirus infection among under five children with gastroenteritis in Ibadan, Nigeria. Archives of Basic and Applied Medicine.Vol. 3, pp 3-8. (Nigeria)
6. *Olusola BA, Gometi EA, Ogunsemowo O, Olaleye DO, Odaibo GN. (2017). High rate of Hepatitis B virus infection among hairdressers in Ibadan, Nigeria. J Immunoassay Immunochem. Vol. 38, No 3, pp 322-332. (United Kingdom)
7. *Muema DM, Macharia GN, Olusola BA, Hassan AS, Fegan GW, Berkley JA, Urban BC, Nduati EW. (2017).Proportions of circulating follicular helper T cells are reduced and correlate with memory B cells in HIV-infected children. PLoS One. Vol. 12, No 4, pp0175570. (United Kingdom)
8. *Olusola BA, Olaleye OD, Odaibo GN. (2018). Early HIV infection among persons referred for malaria parasite testing in Nigeria. Arch Virol. Vol. 163, No 2, pp439-445. (Germany)
9. *Aleru BO, Olusola BA, Faneye AO, Odaibo GN, Olaleye DO. (2018). Prevalence and Genotypes of Parvovirus B19 among HIV Positive Children. Arch. Bas. App. Med. Vol. 6, No 1, pp 113-117. (Nigeria)
10. *Akintule OA, Olusola BA, Odaibo GN, Olaleye DO. (2018). Occult HBV infection in Nigeria. Arch. Bas. App. Med. Vol. 6, No 1, pp87-93. (Nigeria)
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