Basic Information
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Name: Dr. Eniola A. BAMGBOYE |
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Department:Epidemiology and Medical Statistics |
Designation: Lecturer 1 |
Brief Biography: |
The thrust of my research activities have been on Medical Statistics, Medical Demography and Epidemiology and my Publications have been in the following areas:
1. Estimating Indicators of Health and Disease
- Mortality
- Fertility
- Morbidity
2. Monitoring and Evaluation of Health Programs
3. Production of Morbidity and Mortality Statistics
- Hospital Sources
- Surveillance Systems
- Health and Demographic Survey
4. Health Services and Operational Research
- In patient statistics
- Reproductive health
- Out patient services
5. Medical Statistics Education
- Teaching materials
- Assessment of Statistics in medicine
6. Application of Statistical methodology to various studies in health and disease specifically to:
- Health Community surveys
- Analytical Epidemiological studies
- Clinical and Community trials
- Animal experimentation
- Maternal and Child Health
- Psychiatry and Psychology
Conference on Cancer Prevention in developing countries; Pergamon Press 167- 169, 1984.
- al-Nasser AN., and Bamgboye EA. Estimates of fertility levels in rural community of Saudi Arabia. J. Fertil. : 37 (1): 15-18, 1992.
- Al-Sekait MA, Al-Nasser AN and Bamgboye EA. The growth pattern of school children in Saudi Arabian. Saudi Med. J. 13 (2): 141-146, 1992.
- Al-Khary KS and Bamgboye EA. Estimation of fibrinogen from the difference in plasma and serum viscosities: A pilot study. Med. Sci. Res.: 20: 933-935, 1992.
- Bamgboye EA. Current estimates of fertility levels for rural and urban areas of South Western Nig. J. Sci. (Accepted July 1992).
- Bamgboye EA and Adeleye AI. Sickness absenteeism in a Nigeria Teaching Hospital. East Afr. Med. J.: 69 (8): 450-455, 1992.
- Bamgboye EA, Erinoso HO and Ogunlesi A. The waiting time at the children emergency room of the University College Hospital, Ibadan. J. Paediatr. ; 19(1): 9-14,1992.
- Hajjaj MS and Bamgboye EA. Attitudes and opinions of Medical Staff toward computer.
- Sekait MA, Bamgboye EA, and Nasser AN . Sampling in epidemiological studies: A case study of the epidemiology of Brucellosis in Saudi Arabia. R. Soc. Health; 112 (4): 172-176, 1992.
- Abu-Rahim FA, Al-Sabei A, Al-Hamad A, and Bamgboye EA. The seasonality of mania in Saudi Arabia- Preliminary findings. Saudi Med. 12(5):472-475, 1992.1993
- Bahakim HA, Bamgboye EA, Awad E, Familusi JB: Pattern of adult admissions into the medical wards of King Khalid University Hospital, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 1985-1989. Saudi Med.13(1): 8-13, 1993. admissions into the medical wards of King Khaled University Hospital, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Saudi Med. J. 14 (3): 225 229, 1993. population of Saudi Arabia. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 96: 157-162, 1993.
- Fafunso M, and Bamgboye EA. Effects of the breed and management on the calcium content of hen’s egg. Res. Comm. 1993; 5(2) :89-91, 1993. community survey to tuberculosis epidemiology in Saudi Arabia. Tubercle and Lung Disease; 74:254-260, 1993. Severe morbidity among children in a trial of malaria chemoprophylaxis with pyrimethamine and chloroquine in Ibarapa, Nigeria. Afr..J. Med and Med. Sci. : 22(I):55-63, 1993.
- Al-Shammari SA, AI Mazrou Y, Jarrallah JS, AL Ansary L, EI Shabray Ali M, Bamgboye EA.
- Al-Fawaz, Bamgboye EA and Al-Eissa YA. Factors influencing linear growth in Saudi Arabia children aged 6-24 months. of Trop. Peadiatric:40 :235-239, 1994.
- Al- Shammari SA, Jarallah J, Olubuyide IO and Bamgboye EA. A prospective study of the morbidity pattern of patients seen at a University Primary Care Clinic in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Ann of Saudi Med.;14(1):22-25, 1994. Uses of Statistics, Organized UISSA. Ibadan Jan. 24-27 1994. Panayiotopolous OP. Is HLA-DRW13 (W-6) associated with juvenile myoclonic Epilepsy (JME) in Arab patients? ; 35 (2): 319-321, 1994.
- Al-Shammari SA, Bamgboye EA, and Olubuyide IO. Sickness absenteeism among employees of a University Teaching Hospital in Saudi Arabia. R. Soc. Health. Feb. Issue: 6-10, 1994.
- Bamgboye EA and Jarallah J. (1994) Long waiting outpatients: A target for Health Education. and Counselling. 23:49-54, 1994.
- Al-Nasser AN, Bamgboye EA, and Abdallah FA.; Providing antenatal services in a primary Health care system: The consumer's view. Comm. Health USA; 19 (2): 115-123, 1994.
- Al-Frayh AS, and Bamgboye E.A. A comparison of length, weight and OFC of Saudi full-term newborns with the KACTS and MOH standard growth charts. Paediatrics review and communications - An Int. J.:8 ;193-201, 1995.
- Karcioglu ZA and Bamgboye EA. Correlation between Tumor Vessel Count, Differentiation and Necrosis in Retinoblastoma. (Abstract) Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. 36:s492, 1995.
- Al-Nuaim L, Bamgboye E.A,Chowdhurry N and Adelusi B. Reproductive potential after an ectopic pregnancy. Fertility and Sterility : 64(5);942-6, 1995.
- Al-Arfaj H.F., Alballa, SR, Alhaider, AA, Huraib. SO, Al-Arfaj, A, Bamgboye EA. Effect of Short-Term Use of Different Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs on Renal Function During Fasting in Ramadan. Saudi J Kidney Dis Transplant :6(1):9 14, 1995.
- Al-Kassmi FA, Al-Hajjaj MS, Al-Orainey IO and Bamgboye EA. Does the protective effect of Neonatal BCG correlate with vaccine induced tuberculin reaction? J. Respir. and critical care medicine : Vol. 154 (5);1575-1578, 1995.
- Abba A. Abudullah, Bamgboye EA, (1996): Afzal Mohammed & Rahmatullah Lymphadenopathy as a primary presenting sign Saudi Med. J; Vol. 23(3): 447- 451.
- Al-Subae A.S., Bamgboye E.A., Al-Shammari S, Al-Sabhan KN, Al-Sheri SN and Bannah A.R.S. Validity of the Arabic version of the Eating Disorders Inventory (EDI).
- Al-Subae A.S., Al-Shammari S, Bamgboye E.A., Al-Sabhan KN, Al-Sheri SN and Bannah A.R. Validity of the Arabic version of the Eating Attitude Test (EAT-26). International Journal of Eating Disorders. 20(3): 321-4,1996 Nov.
- Taylor GO, Oyediran ABOO, Bamgboye EA, Afolabi BM, and Osuntokun BO. Profile of some risk factors for coronary heart disease in a developing country: Nigeria. J. Med. & Med. Sci. 25, 341-346, 1996.
- al-Nuaim AR, Bamgboye EA , al-Herbish A. The pattern of growth and obesity in Saudi Arabian male school children. J. Of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders 20(11): 1000- 1005, 1996.
- Ogbeide DO, Bamgboye EA, Karim A, Khalifa I. The prevalence of overweight and obesity among adult patients in AL-Kharj, Saudi Arabia. Saudi Med. Journal; 17(3); 327-332, 1996.
- Bamgboye EA, and Ogbeide DO. The variation of Erythrocyte Sedimentation rate with age sex and presence of a chronic disease. Journal of Biomedical Research.; 7(2); 189 - 195, 1996.
- Al-Nahedh N, Bamgboye EA, Ansary LA. Patients’ Views and Opinions towards the introduction of an appointment system at a University Hospital in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Medical Journal. 17(3); 290-294, 1996.
- Bamgboye EA, and Sekait MA. The attitudes of Medical students toward computers in Medicine. Computers and Education. (In Press) 1996.
- Naguib M, el Dawlarly AA, Ashour M, Bamgboye EA. Multi variate determinants of the need for postoperative ventilation in myasthenia gravis. Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia 43 (10): 1001 - 13, 1996 Oct.
- Jarallah JS, Bamgboye EA, Al-Ansary LA, Kalantan KA. Predictors of smoking among male junior secondary school students in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Tobacco Control - An International Journal: 5:26-29,
- Al-Nuaim AS and Bamgboye EA. The effect of sex and urbanization on the Distribution of Cord Serum Lipids in Saudi Arabia. A pilot study. Annals of Tropical Paediatrics 16; 69 - 74,
- Bamgboye E.A.( 1996); Quantitative Methods in Reproductive Health Research. Workshop on contemporary issues and methods in Reproductive Health Research, July 1996.
- Bamgboye E.A. The role of Computers in Medical Research.(1996) Workshop on Computer Education Nigerian Association of Computer Society, Ibadan. 1st.-23rd. November, 1996.
- Bamgboye E.A. The role of statistics in Health System Administration. Nigeria Statistical Association Conference Oshogbo, 24-26th. Sept. 1996.
- Bamgboye E.A. Analysis of Data with Multi-variables - Treatment of Confounders. Advanced Workshop on Statistics and Data management in Reproductive Health. Organized by WHO/HRP, Arusha Tanzania, 20-31 Jan. 1997.
- al-Wazna T. And Bamgboye EA. Characteristicsof institutional disabled in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Medical Journal, Vol. 18(1): 70-73, 1997.
- Bayeiwu O, Bella AF, Adeyemi JO, Bamgboye EA, and Jegede RO. Health problems and socio-demographic findings in elderly Nigerians . J. Med. Med. Sci. 26,13-1,
- Baiyewu O,Bella AF, Adeyemi JO, Bamgboye EA, Jegede RO. Attitude to Aging among different groups in Nigeria. J. Aging and Human Dev. :Vol.44(4);2883-2892, 1997.
- al-Nuaim AR , Bamgboye EA, al-Rubeaan KA and al-Mazrou Y. Overweight and obesity in Saudi Arabian adult population; role of socio-demographic variables. Journal of Community Health 22 (3): 211 - 23, 1997 June.
- Tahan A., Buchur J., Khwsky F., Ogunniyi A., al-Rajeh S., Larbi E., Daif A., and Bamgboye Research, Vol 29(2) 173-177, 1998.
- al-Nuaim A.R and Bamgboye E.A. A comparison of the anthropometry of Saudi Arabian male children aged 6-11 years with the NCHS/CDC reference population. Medical Principles and Practice.7 :96-103, 1998.
- Adelusi B. Bamgboye E.A., Chowdhery N. Al-Nuaim L. Pregnancy trends after abortion Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Vol.18. No. 2, 159-163: 1998.
- Adewoye EO, Oyebola OD, Bamgboye EA. A comparative study of students performance in preclinical physiology assessed by short and long essays. Afr J Med. Sci. 2000 Jun:29(2): 155- 9.
- Olawoye, J., Adeyemo, A. A., Udegbe, I. B., Aderinto, A., Omololu, O., Adeyefa, I., Adesina, J. O.., Olarinde, E. S., Garba, K., Gyong, J. E., Ezeumah, N., Jegede, D., Aderibigbe, T. O., Bamgboye E. A., Adeniyi, J., Erinosho, L., and Osorimehin, B., (2001). Gender Socialization and Male Responsibility in the Family: A comparative analysis of three socio-cultural groups in Nigeria. Annals of the Social Sceince Academy of Nigeria, 13(1), 92-108. .
- Bamgboye E.A., Ogunnowo B. E., Badru O. B. Adewoye O.E Students Admission Grades and their Performance at the Ibadan University Preclinical MBBS Examinations. Afr. J Med. Med. Sc. Vol. 30 pg. 207-211 (2001).
- Wambebe C. Khamofu 11, Momoh JA, Ekpeyong M.U BS, Njoku OS, Bamgboye EA, Nasipuri RN, Kunle OO, Okogun JI, Enwerem MN, Audam JG, Gamaniel KS, Obodozie OO, Samuel B, Fojule G, Ogunyale O. (2001) Double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomised cross-over clinical trial of NIPRISAN in patients with Sickle Cell Disorder. Phytomedicine. 2001 Jul; 8(4):252-61. PMID: 11515714.
- Wambebe C.O.N, Bamgboye E. A. Badru O. B. . Khamofu 11, Momoh JA, Ekpeyong M.U BS, Njoku OS, Nasipuri RN, Kunle OO, Okogun JI, Enwerem MN, Audam JG, Gamaniel KS, Obodozie OO, Samuel B, Fojule G, Ogunyale O.(2001) Efficacy Of Niprisan in the preventive management Of Sickle Cell Patients: Current Therapuetic Research : Vol. 62, No 1: 26-34, 2001.
- Ola SO, Ladipo M, Shokunbi W, Olaleye OD, Bamgboye EA (2003). Clinical Patterns of HIV-AIDS patients at the University College Hospital,, Ibadan; A preliminary report.CEHAIN(Centre for HIV-AIDS Intervention, Nigeria). Dissemination Workshop on HIV/AIDS Sept. Abstract Book. Pg14, Ibadan, Nigeria.
- Bamgboye, E.A. and Al-Nahedh, N. Factors associated with growth faltering in children from rural Saudi Arabia Afr. J Med. Med. Sci. 2003 , . N0 4. 343-347.
- Abba, A.A. and Bamgboye, E.A Predicting nodal malignancy from clinical data Saudi Med J. 2003; Vol. 24 (7): 769-773.
- M. Agbeja-Baiyeroju, C. O. Bekibele, E. A. Bamgboye, F Omokhodion and T. S. Oluleye
- Fatiregun Akinola A. and Bamgboye E. Afolabi. Sexually transmitted diseases seen in a Nigerian tertiary institution. West African Journal of Medicine. Vol 23 No. 1 2004.
- Alzeer AH, AL-Arfaj A, Basha SJ, Alballa S, Al-Wakeel J, Al-Wakkeel J, Al Arfaj H, Al Mugeiren S, Al-Shamairi M, Bamgboye, EA. Outcome of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus in intensive care unit. Lupus 2004;13(7): 537-42.
- Bamgboye E.A. (2004): On the scale of quality of health care. Paper presented at the Postgraduate Seminar of the Department of Nursing, University College Hospital Ibadan.
- Ola SO, Ladipo MM, Otegbayo JA, Odaibo GN, Bamgboye EA, Nwaaorgu OG, Shokunbi SW, Olaleye OD Demographic factors in HW infected patients seen at UCH, Ibadan, Nigeria Afr. J. Med. Med. Sci. 2005 Sep. 34(33); 297-301.
- Bamgboye E. A., and Zoaka A. (2005). A Statistical Evaluation of Prevention to Mother Transmission of HIV/AIDs submitted to the Federal Ministry of Health, NASCAP Abuja.
- Bamgboye EA., (2005): ACompanion of Medical Statistics. Published by FOLBAM Health Research and Data Management Center, Ibadan ISSN 978-056-661-9, 208 pages.
- Bamgboye, E.A. (2006). Condom use in relation to HIV/AIDs/STIs and unwanted Pregnancy in Nigeria. Paper presented at An International Conference of Linking Reproductive Health and Family Planning with HIV/AIDs program in Africa. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, October 9 - 10, 2006.
- Bamgboye EA., (2006): Medical Statistics: A Microscope for Health and Disease. An Inaugural Lectures delivered at the University of Ibadan. U.I Publishing House Ibadan.
- Akingbola T. S; Adewole I. F; Adesina O. A; Afolabi K. A; Fehintola F. A; Bamgboye E. A.; Aken’ova Y. A; Shokunbi W. A; Anwo J. A.; Nwegbu M. M.;. Haematological profile of healthy pregnant women in Ibadan, South-western Nigeria, J. Obstet Gynaecol. 2006 Nov; 26 (8): 763-9.
- Bamgboye EA, Amoran EO, Yusuf, Bidemi. Self-medication practices among health workers in a tertiary in situation in Nig. Afr. Med. Med. Sci. Dec. 2006. 35(4): 411-5.
- Odole A. C., Akinpelu A. O., Bamgboye E. A., Validity and internal consistency of a Yoruba version of the Ibadan Knee/Hip Osteoathritis outcome Measure (Yoruba IKHOAM) iAfr. J.
- Bamgboye E.A., Lucas E.O, Agbeja B.O, Adewale G., Ogunleye B.O. and Fawole I. Statistical Analysis and Inferences. In Methodology of Basic and Applied Research, (2006) 2nd Edition Edited by Olayinka A.I, Taiwo V.O, Raji-OyeladeA and Farai, R.I and Published by The Postgraduate School, University of Ibadan pp151 -202.
- Bamgboye E. A. (2007). Strengthening data collection at the Primary Health Care level and data utilization. Paper presented at the Oyo State Health Summit, D’ROVANS HOTEL, 7, November, 2007.
- Aduragbenro O. Adedapo, Funmi Fawole, Afolabi Bamgboye, and Omowunmi Y. Osinubi; Morbidity and Mortality Patterns of Medical Admissions in a Nigerian Secondary Health Care Hospital. Abstract No 99. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 56th annual General Meeting. Philadelphia Marriot Downtown, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA Nov. 2007.
- O. Bekibele, O. I. Fawole, Afolabi E. Bamgboye, L. V. Adekunle, R. Ajayi and A. M. Public Institutions in Ibadan, Nigeria. 2007.
- Bekibele, Charles O.; Fawole, Olafunmilayo I.; Bamgboye, Afolabi E; Adekunle, Lola V.; Ronke and Baiyeroju, Aderonke M. Risk factors for road traffic accidents among drivers of public institutions in Ibadan, Nigeria. African Journal of Health Sciences, Vol. 14, No. 3 – 4, 2007, pp. 137-142.
- Ajayi I. O.; Kale O.O; Oladepo O; Bamgboye E. A.; Using :mother trainers” for malaria control: the Nigeria experience. Int. Q Community Health Educ. 2006 – 2007; 27 (4): 351-69.
- Ajayi I.O; Falade C. O; Bamgboye, Afolabi E; Oduola A. M.; Kale O. O; (2008)Assessment of a treatment guideline to improve home management of malaria in children in rural south-west Nigeria. Malar. J. 2008 Jan 29; 7:24.
- Odejide AO, Omigbodun O, Ajuwon AJ, Makanjuola V, Bamgboye EA, Oshiname FO, (2008): Focus groups discussion findings from Nigeria. In: Swimming with crocodiles: The culture of extreme drinking (Ed Martinic M, Measham F) Taylor and Francis Group 120-132, ISBN 13; 978-0-415-95548 (New York, USA) (20%).
- Bamgboye, Gordon K. Osagbemi (2008).Prevalence and determinants of non adherence to highly active antiretroviral therapy among people living with HIV/AIDS in Ibadan, Nigeria the J Infect Developing Countries 2008; 2(5):369-372.
- Bamgboye E. A.(2008) Strengthening data management: Bottom-Top approach. Workshop Abuja May 20th -21st
- Bamgboye E. A. Family planning – a strategy for maternal mortality and morbidity reduction; Guest Lecture delivered at the World Population Day, United Nations Abuja, Nigeria Friday 11th July 2008.
- Al-Nahedh N; Bamgboye E. A; Influence of mothers’ characteristics on their perceptions and use of the growth chart. East. Mediterr Health J. 2008 Sep – Nov; 9 (5-6): 974-80.
- Bamgboye E. A. Family planning – a strategy for maternal mortality and morbidity reduction; Guest Lecture delivered at the World Population Day, United Nations Abuja, Nigeria Friday 11th July 2008.
- Brown B.J., A. Bamgboye and O. Sodeinde Causes of death in childhood cancer at the Department of Paediatrics, University College Hospital, Ibadan. African Journal of Medicine; Mar. 2008
- Brown B.J, A Bamgboye, O. Sodeinde; Early deaths and other challenges to childhood cancer survival in Ibadan, Nigeria. Central African Journal of Medicine;
- Adesina Oladokun; Oyedunni Arulogun; Regina Oladokun; Imran O Morhason-Bello; Elijah A. Bamgboye; Isaac F Adewole; Oladosu A Ojengbede
Acceptability of child adoption as management option for infertility in Nigeria: evidence from focus group discussions.African journal of reproductive health 2009;13(1):79-91. - S. Nsagha, E. A. Bamgboye,A B O Oyediran: Childhood leprosy in Essimbiland of Cameroon: results of chart review and school survey. Nig. Qt J. Hosp. Med. Vol. 19(3) July – Sept; 2009. Pp 7-10
- S. Nsagha, E. A. Bamgboye, and A. B. O.O. Oyediran: Operational barriers to the implementation of multidrug therapy and leprosy elimination in Cameroon. Indian J. Dermato Venereo Leprol September – October 2009 Vol. 75 Issue 5. Pp 469-475.
- Bamgboye E.A. and V. O. Okoruwa (2009). Designs of Experiments and Surveys. Proceeding
- Ana Godson R.E.E, Sridhar Mynepalli KC, Bamgboye, Elijah A;(2009) Environmental risk factors and health outcomes in selected communities of the Niger Delta area, Nigeria. Perspectives in Public Health. July, 2009 Vol. 129 No. 4 pgs.183-191.
- Bamgboye E. A. (2009). HIV/AIDS among at High risk populations in Nigeria: Finding from an integrated Bio-Behavioural Surveillance Survey. Submitted to Family Health International (FHI)/ Global Health Initiative Nigeria (GHAIN).
- Bamgboye E. A., Garba K., Egbokhare F. O., Olayinka A. I., Ikotun O., Ekhaguere G.O.S., Oluleye A.E., Ojelabi O., Agbaje A. A. B., and Bamiro O. A. (2009): Promoting Excellence in Teaching Research and Community Service: A 5-Year Strategic Plan for University of Ibadan 2009-2014.
- Yusuf O. Bidemi, Bamgboye E. Afolabi, and Gbotosho, O. Grace (2010). Stability Analysis of a Malaria Model with Resistance Classes: Biostatistics, Bioinformatics and Biomathematics 2010 Mili Publications, India
- B. Yusuf, A. S. Adebowale, A. F. Fagbamigbe, E. A. Bamgboye and A. B. O. O. Oyediran : Profile of academic and senior non-teaching staff in a Nigerian University. International Journal of Educational Administration and Policy Studies Vol. 2(7), pp. 92-98, September, 2010.
- Merrigan M, Azeez A, Bamgboye A, Chikabuli O, Onyekwena O, Eluwa G, Aiyenigba B, Kawu I, Ogungbemi K Hamelmann C (2010): HIV prevalence and risk behaviours among men having sex with men in Nigeria; Sexually Transmitted Infections. 2011 Feb;87(1):65-70. Epub 2010 Sep 6.
- Samuel A. Olowokere, Akinola A. Fatiregun, Joshua O. Akinyemi, Afolabi E. Bamgboye , ( 2010) HIV prevalence and risk.
- Ogan Okechukwu S. and Bamgboye E. Afolabi (2010). Correlates of left ventricular mass in hypertensive Nigerians: an echocardiographic study. Cardiovascular J. of Africa. Vol. 21, No.2 March/April 2010. Pp.
- Bamgboye E.A and Omotade O. (2010): The situation of health care service delivery in PATHS2 supported States - Jigawa, Kano, Kaduna and Enugu, reports of baseline survey.PATHS2, January, 2010 164 pages.
- Ola SO, Otegbayo JA, Akere A, *Odaibo GN *Olaleye DO, Bamgboye EA, Olubuyide IO, Ayoola EA. Hepatitis B and E viral infections among Nigerian healthcare workers at the 2nd Unibadan Conference of Biomedical Research of the University of Ibadan, Nigeria held at the Conference Centre, UI, Ibadan, Nigeria, July 7-9, 2010.
- Adebowale S.A, Fagbamigbe A.F., Bamgboye E.A. Rural-Urban differential in maternal mortality estimate in Nigeria, sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Medical and Applied Biosciences 2010: 2: 74-92
- Ola SO, Akere A, Otegbayo JA, Omokhodion F, Olofin AA,Bamgboye EA: Hepatitis B immunization programme at UCH, Ibadan. African Journal of Clinical and Experimental Microbiology. 2011:12(2);67-71.
- Dickson S. Nsagha, Anne-Cecile Z. K. Bissek; Sarah M. Nsagha; Anna L. Njunda; Jules C. N. Assob; Earnest N. Tabah; Elijah A. Bamgboye, Alain Bankole O. O. Oyediran; Peter F. Nde; Alfred K. Njamnshi; Social stigma as an epidemiological determinant for leprosy elimination in Cameroon: Journal of Public Health in Africa 2011; volum2 2:e10. Pp 38-44.
- Fagbamigbe AF, Akinyemi JO, Adedokun BO, Bamgboye EA. Gender variation in self-reported likelihood of HIV infection in comparison with HIV test result in rural and urban Nigeria. AIDS Research and Therapy 2011; 8: 44.
- Dickson S. Nsagha, Elijah A. Bamgboye, Jules C. N. Assob, Anna L. Njunda; Kamoj H.L.F, Cecile Z. K. Bissek, Tabah E.N., Oyediran A.B.O.O., Njamnshi A.K. Elimination of leprosy as a public health problem by 2000 AD: an epidemiological perspective. Pan Africa Medical Journal 2011; 9:4.
- Apau, G. S., Fagbamigbe, A. F.*, Adebowale, S. A. and Bamgboye, E. A. Modelling morbidity related absenteeism among workers in University of Ibadan Community, Nigeria: Poisson regression. International Journal of the Physical Sciences Vol. 6(18), pp. 4458-4465, 9 September, 2011
Consultant in the design, field work or implementation, statistical analysis and report writing in the following projects for the Federal Ministry of Health, Nigeria:
1. |
HIV/AIDS/STI Integrated Biological Surveillance Survey in Nigeria- FHI/GHAIN |
2008 |
2. |
HIV Sero-prevalence Sentinel Survey, Federal Ministry of Health, Abuja |
2007/2008 |
3. |
National AIDS/HIV, Reproduction Health and Serological Survey (NARHS Plus) |
2007 |
4. |
Monitoring of HIV Drug Resistance Emerging During Treatment and related programme factors in sexual ART sites in resource-limited settings |
2007 |
5. |
Development of Monitoring and Evaluation Guideline, Training Manual and data management and use of Data for Routine Immunization in Nigeria NPHCDA/E-PRIME |
2007 |
6. |
Behavioral Surveillance Surveys (BSS): Police and Armed Forces, Female Sex Workers, Youth and Transport workers FMOH/NASCAP/SFH/APIN/FHI |
2007 |
7. |
Evaluation of the NYSC Reproductive Health, HIV Prevention and AIDS Care Project for Adolescent of Mother People in Nigerian |
2006 |
8. |
Evaluation of Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV/AIDs program in Nigeria- APIN |
2005-2006 |
9. |
Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for the health sector reform response to HIV and Aids in Nigeria, 2005, Federal Ministry of Health (Nigeria) |
2006 |
10. |
National HIV/AIDs and Reproductive Health Survey, 2005, Abuja, Federal Ministry of Health, Nigeria. |
2005 |
11. |
The 2005 National HIV/Syphilis Sentinel Survey among Pregnant Women attending Ante-natal clinics in Nigeria. Abuja Federal Ministry of Health |
2005 |
12. |
National AIDs and STI Control Programme: National Situation and Response Analysis of the Health Sector Response to HIV/AIDS in Nigeria |
2004-2005 |
Special Assignments – National/ International
- Member task force on The Burden of Disease Studies in Nigeria- Department of Research, Planning and Statistics, Federal Ministry of Health. 2005-2006
- Member, Special group to produce National Health Sector Strategic Plan for HIV/AIDS in Nigeria 2005-2009. National AIDs and STI Control Programme: Federal Ministry of Health , Abuja. 2005
- Member, WHO expert Committee on Teachers of Medical Statistics in Medical Schools, that produced the 2nd Edition of Teaching Health Statistics, Lesson and Seminar Outlines, Geneva Switzerland. 1996
- Appointed Member, National for Committee Control of Trypanosomiasis, Nigeria. 1989
- Appointed Consultant Medical Statistician, Nigeria Primary Health Care Programme. 1989
- Member, Task Force on Development of Nigeria Health Management Information System. 1988
- Appointed Member, on Task Force for Disease Surveillance in Nigeria. 1988
- Appointed Member, Sub-Committee on Task Force HIV/AIDS Control Programme, Nigeria.1998
Former Vice-Chancellor
University of Ibadan
Vice-Chancellor (2005 – 2010)
University of Ibadan
Former Vice-Chancellor
University of Ibadan
University of Ibadan
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