Professor Olakayode O. OGUNDOYIN

Basic Information


Name: Olakayode O. OGUNDOYIN


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 Designation: Professor

Brief Biography:




OGUNDOYIN Olakayode Olaolu 


Lecturer I  DR






West African College of Surgeons (ObafemiAwolowo University Teaching Hospital, Ile-Ife)



Feb, 2003

Oct, 1990

Paediatric Surgery

Medicine and Surgery

Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife  



Determination of Aetiology and Pathogenesis of Anorectal Malformations in Children


1).Ademola S, Gana J, Oluwatosin O, Ogundoyin O. Changing Pattern  of Skin Cancers

in Southwestern Nigeria. UICC World Cancer Congress, July 8 – 12 2006,

Washington DC, USA, Medimond International Proceedings Publishers: 225 – 230.

(2). Sowande O.A, Adejuyigbe O., Abubakar A.M, Ogundoyin O.O,Akinkuolie A.A.

Complications of Colostomy in Infant and Children. Nigerian Journal of Surgery

1999; 6(1): 19 – 22.

(3). Agbakwuru E.A, Faponle A.F, Adesunkanmi A.R.K, Ogundoyin O.O. Practice and

Acceptance of Day Care Surgery in a Semi Urban Hospital. East African Medical 

Journal 2001; 78(4): 170 – 173.

(4).Uba A.F, Sowande O.A, Amusa Y.B, Ogundoyin O.O,Chinda J.Y, Adeyemo A.O,

Adejuyigbe O. Management of Oesophageal Foreign Bodies in Children. East

AfricanMedical Journal 2002; 79(6): 58 – 62.

(5).Uba A.F, Sowande O.A, Adejuyigbe O, Chirdan L.B, Ogundoyin O.O,Ihezue C.H.

Appraisal on Fluid and Electrolyte Management in Paediatric Surgical Patient.

Nigerian Journal of Medicine 2002; 11(3): 95 – 100.

(6). Ogundoyin O.O, Oluwatosin O.M. Profile of the Division of Paediatric Surgery, of

theDepartment of Surgery of University College Hospital, Ibadan. The Ibadan

Surgeon 2002;28(3): 119 – 121.

 (7).Agbakwuru E.A, Adesunkanmi A.R.K, Fadiora S.O, Olayinka O.S, Aderonmu

A.O.A,Ogundoyin O.O. A review of typhoid perforation in a rural African

Hospital. West African Journal of Medicine 2003; 22(1): 22-25.

 (8).Adesunkanmi A.R.K, Badmus T.A, Ogundoyin O.O. Causes and determinants of

outcome ofintestinal perforations in a semi urban African community. Annals of

College of Surgeons ofHong Kong 2003; 7: 116 – 123.

(9).Adesunkanmi  A.R.K, Olasooko S.O, Agbakwuru  E.A, Ogundoyin O.O.

Cholecystectomy for Cholelithiasis in Rural and Semi-urban Communities. Nigerian

Journal of Surgical Sciences 2003; 13(2): 63 – 64.

(10).Adesunkanmi A.R.K, Badmus T.A, Ogundoyin O.O. Determinants of outcome of

Inguinal herniorrhaphy in Nigerian patients. Annals of College of Surgeons of Hong

Kong 2004; 8: 14 – 21.

(11).Adesunkanmi A.R.K, Badmus T.A, Ogundoyin O, Ogunrombi A.B. Abdominal

Cocoon. Nigerian Journal of Surgical Sciences 2005; 15(2): 52 – 56.

(12).Lawal T.A, Ogundoyin O.O. Omental Cysts in Children. The Ibadan Surgeon 2006; 29(1): 42 – 45.

(13).Sowande O.A, Adejuyigbe O, Ogundoyin O.O, Uba A.F, Chinda J.Y. Spontaneous

Scrotal Fistula: A rare complication of incarcerated inguinal hernia in infancy.

Journal of Indian Association of Paediatric Surgeons 2006; 11(4): 244 – 5.

(14).Ogundoyin O.O, Ogunlana D.I, Onasanya O.M. Intestinal Stenosis Caused by

Perinatal Intussusception in a Full – Term Neonate.  American Journal of

Perinatology 2007; 24(1): 23 – 25.

(15).Sowande O.A, Ogundoyin O.O, Adejuyigbe O. Pattern and factors affecting

management outcome of neonatal emergency surgery in Ile-Ife, Nigeria. Journal of

Surgical Practice 2007; 11: 71–75.

(16).Atalabi M.O, Ogundoyin O.O, Ogunlana D.I, Onasanya O.M, Lawal T.A, Olarinoye

S.A. Hydrostatic Reduction of Intussusception under Ultrasound Guidance: An

Initial Experience in a Developing Country. African Journal of Paediatric Surgery

2007; 4(2): 68 – 71.

(17).Ogundoyin O.O, Afolabi A.O, Lawal T.A. Paediatric Intussusception in Ibadan,

Southwestern Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Surgery 2008; 14(1): 13 – 16.

(18).Afuwape O.O, Ogundoyin O.O, Ogunlana D.I, Adeleye A.O. Adult Sacrococcygeal

Teratoma: A Case Report. Ghana Medical Journal 2009; 43(1): 40 – 42.

(19).Ogundoyin O.O, Afolabi A.O, Ogunlana D.I, Lawal T.A, Yifieyeh A.C.Pattern and

outcome of childhood intestinal obstruction at a Tertiary Hospital in Nigeria. African

Health Sciences 2009; 9(3): 170 – 173.

(20) Lawal T.A, Atalabi O.M, Adekanmi A.J, Ogundoyin O.O. (2009)Factors

influencing the practice of hydrostatic reduction of Intussusception amongst

Radiologists in Nigeria.West African Journal of Ultrasound Vol. 10. Pg:1 – 4.

(21) Ogundoyin O.O, Olulana D.I, Lawal T.A. Childhood Intussusception: A Prospective

study of management trend in a developing Country. African Journal of Paediatric

Surgery. Accepted on 18th June, 2012. (In Press)                                      

 (22)Ogundoyin O.O, Olulana D.I, Lawal T.A. Childhood Intussusception: Impact of

delay in presentation in a developing Country. African Journal of Paediatric

Surgery. Accepted on 11th July, 2012. (In Press)

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