Dr. Olusegun S. OLUWOLE



Name: Olusegun S. OLUWOLE

Designation: Senior Lecturer
Department: Medicine
Phone Number: +2348034384463

Google Scholar Profile

Research Gate Profile

ORCID Profile

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Current Research and Capacity Building Projects including Grants

1. Title: The Nature of Consciousness during Sleep
Funder: Self
Brief Summary: Consciousness is present in wake-period, and in sleep. Perception, and Cognition appears during sleep in the phenomenon of dreams, but the state of Consciousness changes in deterministic cycles of NREM, and REM sleep stages. Published findings show that themes of wake-period like vocation, family, socials, violence, and climate, and themes that are not experienced in wake-period like flying, free fall, and seeing angels are recurrent in dreams of diverse cultures. Consciousness, therefore, acquires attributes in dreams that are not present, or manifest in wake-period. These new attributes include teleportation, entanglement, and superposition, which are quantum in nature. Some of these attributes are present in pathological states like psychedelic, psychoses, and behaviour disorders. Consciousness in dreams, therefore, advance understanding of physiology, and pathological states.
Role: Principal Investigator

Completed Research 

Research topics that have been completed include physiological, and pathological muscle-stretch reflexes, and skin-muscle reflexes in newborns and adult Nigerians; comparison of perception of vibration in skin and bone; multi-centre abortive treatment of migraine; early stroke management; motor neurone disease and endogenous retroviruses; post-traumatic seizures; dementias of the elderly; endemic ataxic polyneuropathy in Nigerian, toxicokinetics of intake of cassava food; exposure to cyanide in Nigeria; cassava cultivars in Nigeria and Tanzania; climate and cassava cultivars in Tanzania and Brazil; sleep habits of Nigerian undergraduates; circatidal rhythm of urine production in young healthy Nigerians; pathogenesis of konzo in East, and Central Africa; global climate dynamics and occurrence of konzo, and lathyrism; climate and seasonal influenza epidemics, and pandemics; climate and seasonal epidemics of meningococcal menigitis.



Book Section

1. Oluwole, O.S.A.  &  Onabolu, O.A. (2003). Cyanogenic compounds in cassava and exposure to cyanide. In V. R. Preedy & R. R. Watson (Eds.), Reviews in food and nutrition toxicity (pp. 41–62, Vol. 1). Taylor and Francis.

Journal Articles

2. Oluwole, O.S.A. (2022). Dynamics of consciousness in dreams. Dreaming 32,  75.

3. Oluwole, O.S.A. (2020). Quantum field structure of dream spacetime. International Journal of Dream Research, 234–243.

4. Oluwole, O.S.A. (2019). Recurrent dreams of Nigerian undergraduates. Dream-ing : journal of the Association for the Study of Dreams, 29(4), 339.

5. Oluwole, O.S.A. (2019). Circatidal rhythm of void volume in young healthy adults. Biological Rhythm Research, 50, 524—533.

6. Oluwole, O.S.A. (2017). Dynamic regimes of el niño southern oscillation and influenza pandemic timing. Frontiers in Public Health, 5, 301.

7. Oluwole, O.S.A. (2017). Deterministic chaos, el nino southern oscillation, and seasonal influenza epidemics. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 5, 1–15.

8. Oluwole, O.S.A. (2016). Waves of el nino-southern oscillation and influenza pandemics. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 4, 25.

9. Oluwole, O.S.A. (2015). Climate change, seasonal changes in cassava production and konzo epidemics. Int J Global Warming, 8, 18-30.            

10. Oluwole, O.S.A. (2015). Climate regimes, el nino-southern oscillation and konzo epidemics. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 3(40).

11. Oluwole, O.S.A. (2015). Climate regimes, el nino-southern oscillation and meningo-coccal meningitis epidemics. Frontiers in Public Health, 3(187).

12. Oluwole, O.S.A. (2015). El Nino-southern oscillation and cassava production in Tanzania and Brazil. Climatic Change 31, 273-285.

13. Oluwole, O.S.A. (2015). El nino-southern oscillation and lathyrism epidemics. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 3(60).

14. Oluwole, O.S A. (2015). Global cassava food supply and occurrence of ataxic polyneuropathy and konzo. European Journal of Nutrition and Food Safety, 5, 138–149.     

15. Oluwole, O.S.A. (2015). Seasonal influenza epidemics and el ninos. Frontiers in Public Health, 3(250).

16. Oluwole, O.S.A. (2015). Cyclical konzo epidemics and climate variability. Annals of neurology, 77 (3), 371–380.

17. Oluwole, O.S.A., & Oludiran, A. O. (2013). Geospatial association of endemicity of ataxic polyneuropathy and highly cyanogenic cassava cultivars. International journal of health geographics, 12, 41–48.

18. Oluwole, O.S.A. (2011). Incidence and risk factors of early post-traumatic seizures in nigerians. Brain injury, 25(10), 980–988.

19. Oluwole, O.S.A. (2010). Lifetime prevalence and incidence of parasomnias in a population of young adult Nigerians. Journal of neurology, 257, 1141–7.

20. Oluwole, O.S.A. (2010). Sleep habits in Nigerian undergraduates. Acta neurologica Scandinavica, 121, 1–6.


Not Available


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 Facebook: Profile Link  LinkedIn: Profile Link  Twitter: Profile Link
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Other Interest/Hobbies


1. Open Source Programming

2. Database Development

3. Natural Language Text Analysis

Journal Review Assignments

1. Frontiers in Climate and Health

2. Frontiers in Public Health

3. Frontiers in Veterinary Science

4. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience

5. Frontiers in Forest and Global Change

6. Frontiers in Environmental Science

7. Frontiers in Energy Research

8. Lancet

9. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry

10. Journal of the Neurological Sciences

11. Food and Chemical Toxicology

12. Medical Science Monitor

13. African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

14. Annals of Ibadan Postgraduate

15. Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice

Journal Editorial Board

1. 2022-  Associate Editor, Frontiers in Climate and Health

Community Services

1. 2013-2015.  President , Medical and Dental Consultants’ Association of Nigeria

2. 2011-2013. 1st Vice President, Medical And Dental Consultants’ Association of Nigeria.

3. 2009-2011 Vice Chairman, The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU), University of Ibadan Branch.

4. Sept. 2011. Chairman, Local Organising Committee, National Executive Committee Meeting, ASUU, University of Ibadan.

5. Nov. 2009. Member, ASUU Agreement Distillation Committee, ASUU, UI.

6. 2009-2010. Chairman, Ethics Committee, Nigerian Medical Association, Oyo State.

7. 2008-2010. Chairman, Medical and Dental Consultants’ Association of Nigeria, UCH Branch.

8. 2008. Chairman, History Committee, Nigerian Medical Association, Oyo State.

9. 1995-1997. Chairman, Nigerian Medical Association, Oyo State.

10. 1993-1994. Vice Chairman, Nigerian Medical Association, Oyo State.

11. 1991-1992. 2nd Vice President, National Association of Resident Doctors of Nigeria .

12. 1991-1992. Chairman, Residency Training Committee, National Association of Resident Doctors of Nigeria .

13. 1991-1992. Zonal Coordinator, Western Zone, National Association of Resident Doctors of Nigeria .

14. 1990-1992. President, Association of Resident Doctors, UCH, Ibadan .

15. 1989-1990. Chairman, Residency Training Committee, UCH, Ibadan.

16. 1980-1981. Member, Student Representative Council, University of Ibadan.

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