Basic Information


Name: Dr. Amidu O. SULAIMAN

Faculty: Dentistry

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 Department:Restorative Dentistry


 Brief Biography:


Not Available



  1. Completed:  A prospective assessment of the coronal restoration of endodontically  treated teeth carried out at the University College Hospital, Ibadan.  Jan 2006 – Dec 2008
  2. In Progress:  Cracks and its sequelae on teeth of patients presenting at the Conservation Clinic, Dental Centre, University College Hospital, Ibadan 2012

Till date

  1. Dissertation and Thesis:  A prospective assessment of the coronal restoration of Endodontically treated teeth carried out at the University College Hosital, Ibadan Between Jan. 2006 –Dec. 2008.  Submitted to the National Postgraduate Medical  College of Nigeria in May 2009.


Books already published  

Chapters in books already published  

Articles that have already appeared in Refereed Conference proceedings:

  1. Ajayi DM, Abiodun-Solanke IMF, Sulaiman AO and Ekhalufoh EF.  A Retrospective study of traumatic injuries  to teeth at a Nigerian tertiary Hospital.  Proceedings at the 5th Annual Scientific Conference of the International Association for Dental Research, Ibadan. 29th Aug-1st 2006
  2. Gbadebo SO, Ajayi DM, Solanke IMF and Sulaiman AO.  Survival of Glass Fiber post retained endodontically treated teeth’ 6 months preliminary Result of a clinical study.  Proceedings at the 2nd Scientific Conference Of the Nigerian Society for Restorative Dentistry, Ibadan.Sept. 26th-27th


Articles that have already appeared in learned journals:

  1. Ajayi DM, Abiodun-Solanke IM, Sulaiman AO and Ekhalufoh EF. A retrospective study of traumatic injuries to teeth at a  Nigerian Tertiary hospital.  Nig J. Clin Med 2012 July – Sept; 15(3):320-325.

Books, Chapters in Books and articles already accepted for publications:

  1. Sulaiman AO, Shaba OP, Dosumu OO and Ajayi DM.  Coronal tissue  loss in endodontically treated teeth. Afr. J Med Med Sci. Accepted Oct 2012
  2. Sulaiman AO, Dosumu OO and Amedari McK.  Maxillary first premolar With three canals – A case report.  Annals Ib Postgraduate Med.Accepted Jan
  3.  Dosumu OO, Sulaiman AO and Amedari McK.  Double tooth: twined with Hypodontia – A case report.  J Med Biomed Research;  Accepted Jan 2013

Technical Reports and monographs:   NIL


 5th Annual Scientific Conference of the International Association for Dental Research, Ibadan.  29th Aug-1st Sept 2006.  Ajayi DM, Abiodun-Solanke I Sulaiman AO and Ekhalufoh EF. A retrospective study of traumatic injuries to teeth at a Nigerian tertiary hospital

2nd Scientific Conference of the Nigerian Society for Restorative Dentistry,Ibadan 26th -27th Sept 2012. Gbadebo SO, Ajayi DM, Solanke IMF and Sulaiman AO. Survival of Glass Fiber post retained endodontically treated teeth; 6 months Preliminary result of a clinical study.

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