Basic Information
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Name: Professor Oladimeji OLADEPO |
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Department: Health Promotion and Education |
Designation: Professor |
Brief Biography: |
Completion Date |
University of Ibadan, Nigeria |
B.Sc. |
September 1978 |
Nursing Education |
University of Ibadan, Nigeria |
Master of Public Health |
June 1981 |
Public Health (Health Education) |
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC |
Part of Split PhD |
1985 |
Public Health |
University of Ibadan, Nigeria |
PhD |
July 1986 |
Public Health |
Academic Advancement, Positions and Honours
1. Academic advancement
- 1999 Professor, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria
- 1996 Reader, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria
- 1990 Senior Lecturer, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria
- 1987 Lecturer I, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria
- 1984 Lecturer II, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria
- 1981 Temporary Assistant Lecturer, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria
2. Positions
i. University of Ibadan, Nigeria
- Professor & Departmental International linkage programme 2017-todate
- Professor & Head of Department, Faculty of Public Health, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, July 2012 -to 2016
- Professor & Dean, Faculty of Public Health, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, 2008 -2012.
- Coordinator, Future Health Systems Research, University of Ibadan Nigeria 2005-2007,2009-2018
- Professor & Head of Department of Health Promotion and Education, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan 2002-July 2008
- Project Leader, African Regional Health Education Centre (ARHEC), College of Medicine, University of Ibadan. Aug-Nov, 1995
- Project Coordinator, WHO/GPA AIDS Information Resource Centre, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan. (1992-94)
ii. World Health Organisation
- Temporary International Professional (Health Promotion and Education), World Health Organisation, South-East Regional office, New Delhi: June 22- December 5, 2008.
- Department of Communicable Diseases and Mental Health (NMH) {Health Promotion and Education} World Health Organization, South East Regional office, New Delhi
- Capacity enhancement of health promotion content and skills among faculty from training institutions in SEAR countries
- Develop a short course on health promotion for Ministry of Health programme managers on practice, strategy and policy development, and behaviour change among other issues;
- Develop health promotion course evaluation tool.
3. Honours
a. Professional Qualification
▪ Fellow, Royal Society of Public Health, United Kingdom
b. Membership of Academic and professional bodies
▪ American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
▪ Royal Society of Public Health, United Kingdom
▪ The International Union of Health Promotion (IUHPE),
▪ Association of Schools of Public Health in Africa
c. Distinguished International awards and honours
- Visiting Scientist Fellow, World Health Organization (WHO) at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, U.S.A (1998-1999),
- John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation (Chicago USA) Fund for Leadership (1996)
- Visiting Scholar Fellowship, Department of Population, Family and Reproductive Health, the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, USA (2007)
- Research Fellow, Analysis of Non-Communicable Diseases Prevention Policies, African Population Health Research Center, Kenya & International Development Research Centre, Canada (2013-2015).
- Member, Editorial Board/ Reviewer of local and International journals
d. Editorial member of local and International peer reviewed journals
i. BMC Cancer USA
ii. Global Health Promotion,
iii. Health Promotion International
iv. Health Education Research
v. African Journal of Reproductive Health
vi. African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences
vii. PLO Neglected Diseases
External Examiner
- School of Public Health, University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana.
- School of Public Health, Makerere University, Uganda
- Babcock University, Ilishan-Remo, Ogun State.
External Assessor for professorial grade
- School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, USA.
- Babcock University, Ilishan-Remo, Ogun State, Nigeria
- Adeleke University, Ede, Osun State, Nigeria
C. Technical Advisory and Consulting Services
a. International
- Chairman, Human Resources for Health (HRH) Knowledge and Research Group (HRH-KRG), Population Council, Nigeria (2015 -2017)
- Member, Steering Committee on Patent Medicine Project, Nigeria, Sight Savers International - 2012 -2017
- Facilitator, workshop on Dissemination and Implementation Science/Research training workshop Uganda, Mbarara (Western Uganda), 13 -29 May 2013.Cordinated by Joint Clinical Research Centre (JCRC). Funded by Clinical Operational & Health Services Research (COHRE) Training Program.
- Facilitator, WHO/TDR regional workshop on “Implementation Research Proposal Development Workshop” Kampala, Uganda, 5-10 March 2012. Funded by Tropical Diseases Research, World Health Organization, Geneva
- Resource Person, ECOWAS Malaria Elimination Task Force. July – August, 2012
- Executive Committee member, Associations of Schools of Public Health, c/o University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana. 2009-2014
- Facilitator, WHO/TDR regional workshop on “Implementation Research Proposal Development Workshop” Kampala, Uganda, 4-10 March 2012. Tropical Diseases Research, World Health Organization, Geneva.
- Lead Technical Advisor, Impact Evaluation Baseline Data Collection in Akwa Ibom, Anambra, and Gombe States in the Nigeria Malaria Control Booster Project. (World Bank- assisted) August 2011- June 2012. National malaria Control Program/World Bank.
- Technical Advisor, Impact Evaluation Baseline Data Collection in Akwa Ibom, Anambra and Gombe States in the Nigeria Malaria Control Booster Project. (World Bank-assisted) September 2011- June 2010. National malaria Control Program/World Bank.
- Member, World Health Organisation (WHO) Health Equity Analysis and Social Determinants of Health, WHO Regional Office for Africa 2011- to date
- Temporary Adviser, Finalization of the Zimbabwe National Health Promotion Policy, 13-15th August, 2011 (WHO AFRO)
- Temporary Adviser, Facilitation of Health Equity Experts Meeting on Development of Regional Tools and strategies Nairobi, Kenya, 26-29 July 2011 (WHO/AFRO)
- Temporary Adviser, Facilitation of Health Promotion Training for Bhutan nationals at the All India Institute of Hygiene & Public Health, Kolkata, India, 1 to 15 August 2009. WHO/SEARO
- Consultant, Support to the Additional Financing for the Malaria Control Booster Project Patent Medical Vendor Intervention. The World Bank: February –June 30, 2010
- Member, World Health Organisation (WHO) committee on Social Determinants of Health Expert Committee, WHO Regional Office for Africa 2010 to date
- Member, World Health Organisation (WHO) Expert Advisory Panel on Health Promotion (Geneva) 2008-2010
- Technical Resource Person, Writing the Nairobi Call to Action for Closing the Implementation Gap in Health Promotion. 7th Global Conference on Health Promotion, Nairobi, Kenya. 2009
- Temporary adviser to the WHO on various assignments on malaria control and prevention, diarrhoea diseases and Onchocerciasis.1985-2012)
- Evaluation Consultant, Monitoring and Evaluation Institutional Appraisal - Shehu Idris College of Health Sciences and Technology (SICHST), Kaduna, Nigeria. Management Strategies in Africa (MSA). May, 2008
- Consultant, Framework and Evaluation of audience responses to the book titled “Ears to the Ground” Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH) Kenya, January-June 2008.
- Consultant, Training Faculty staff in tertiary Institutions on Health Promotion and Development of short course on Health Promotion for staff use in India, WHO-SEARO, New Delhi, from 10 July 2007 to 21 July 2007.
- International Executive Member, Future Health Systems Research Global consortium working to ensure innovative and sustainable improvements in health and reduction in poverty 2006 to date.
- Evaluation Consultant, Mid-term review of the activities of the special intervention zone (SIZ) and review of the effectiveness of the Oncho surveillance systems in six Ex-OCP countries. September, 2005. World Health Organisation, African Region. Ouagadougou
- Evaluation Consultant World Bank on African Programme for Onchocerciasis Control. World Bank, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Washington DC, USA. Feb– Sept 2005
- Evaluation Consultant, Organisation and Programme Evaluation of Community Life Project, Lagos. Funded by Ford Foundation, Lagos. May – December, 2005
- Evaluation Consultant, Kaduna State School of Health Technology Institutional Appraisal. Management Strategies in Africa (MSA), October –December, 2004
- Evaluation Consultant, Evaluation of Adolescent Health and Information Project (AHIP) Advocacy Programme in Northern Nigeria. International Women’s Health Coalitions (WHC), New York, USA. July-August 2004
- Evaluation Consultant, Evaluation of Impact of HIV/AIDS on Public Sector Capacity Development in Sub Saharan African (Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe)”. African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF), Harare, Zimbabwe. 2003
- Evaluation Consultant, Primary Health Care Delivery Service in Nigeria: A Quantitative Survey Approach, World Bank Project 2002
- Consultant and Coordinator, Small Grants Projects in Nigeria “Culture and Health Grants Program for Africa.” Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH) Kenya, Sept.2000-June, 2002
- Consultant, “African Youth Alliance (AYA) Program” (HIV/AIDS program funded by Bill and Melinda Gates” Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH) Washington D.C. July 2000- December, 2001.
- Program and Evaluation Consultant, “New choices for a New Africa” Project on Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health/HIV/AIDS program 1999-June, 2002. The Center for Development and Population Activities (CEDPA), in collaboration with YMCA of the USA. 1999-2002
- Evaluation Consultant, “Improving Reproductive Health Outcomes for Pregnant and Parenting Teens, Kumasi, Ghana” Implemented by the Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana (PPAG). Program for Appropriate Technology for Health (PATH) Washington D.C. USA, January 1999 –December, 2001
- Evaluation Consultant, “Reproductive Health for special Program for Populations in Kumasi, Ghana”. Program for Appropriate Technology for Health (PATH) Washington D.C. USA, January 1999 –December, 2001
- Consultation Assignment, “Standardisation of Training Manuals for Community Based Eye Care Workers. HRD for the prevention of blindness in West Africa Project”. West African Postgraduate Medical College in collaboration with Sight Savers International. Dec 1999–June 2001
- Consultation Assignment, CEDPA’S ENABLE PROJECT, (Reproductive HIV/AIDS Nigeria. Center for Development and Population Activities (CEDPA) Washington DC, USA September – December, 2000
- Evaluation Consultant, Field Review of Guide to monitoring and evaluating adolescent Reproductive Health Programs. FOCUS on Young Adults, Washington DC, USA July 27- August 30, 1999
- Consultant, The Center for Development and Population Activities (CEDPA), USA. Convene a training workshop for YMCA participants and provide technical assistance in workshop design and implementation. October 4-12, 1999
- Evaluation Consultant, “Critical Assessment of YMCA Adolescent Reproductive Health in Senegal and Ghana”: Center for Development and Population Activities CEDPA) Washington DC, USA July, 1999
- Evaluation Consultant, “Case Studies on the coordination between service delivery and HIV/STD/ pregnancy prevention mass communication programs targeting adolescents”. Advocates for Youth, Washington DC, USA. September –December, 1998
- Program and Evaluation Consultant, “Adolescent Reproductive Health programmes and Research”. Advocates for Youth, Washington DC, USA; January- September, 1998
- Consultant, The Priestman Group (The Primary Health Care, Research, Training, Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation and Management Specialists consulting group to UNICEF (Jan. 1987 - 1994)
- Evaluation Consultant, “Institutional and Programme evaluation of Youth for Population information and Communication (YPIC), Kumasi Ghana”. (Sexual and Reproductive Health HIV/AIDS program). Youth for Population, Information and Communication (YPIC), Ghana, June, 1996
- Evaluation Consultant, “West Africa Youth Initiative”. Association for Reproductive and Family Health, Ibadan, Nigeria and Rockefeller Foundation USA, February 1994 to 1999
- Consultant, “Research Study for Proposed National STD Prevention Pilot Project: National STD/HIV Project, Nigeria”. The World Bank December 1993 – February, 1994
- Consultant, “Evaluation of Health Education efficacy in Nigeria”. Federal Health Education Bureau (FHEB) Nigeria, December 1992 – March, 1993. University of North Carolina, USA
- Consultant, “Development of educational materials for sexually transmitted Diseases and AIDS”. Ministry of Health, Oyo State and the European Economic Commission (EEC), December 1992
- Research Associate, “UNICEF Baseline survey of 81 Local Government Areas of Nigeria”. (Covers PHC structures, functions and effectiveness of endemic disease programmes.). UNICEF December 1991 – August, 1992
- Research Consultant for African Network for the Prevention and Protection against Child Abuse and Neglect (ANPPCAN) Ibadan Monitoring Unit. ANPPCAN Nigeria 1991/1992
- Health Education Consultant, “WHO Global Programme on AIDS (GPA) African, South East Asian and Pacific region poster, P.4 V.H. No. P.89/175.” WHO Geneva 15th January, 1990 – 15th January, 1992
- Consultant, CCCD Nigeria to assess the baseline data gathering in respect of the Malaria Control Programme in Idah Local Government area, Kogi. October 21 – 28, 1990
- Evaluation Consultant, “Evaluation of community participatory workshops in Nigeria”. UNICEF, Lagos, September 1990
- Consultant, Designing of Need Assessment Baseline Instrument of Health Education in Malaria Control for 1990 CCCD/ARHEC Training Workshop, May, 1990.
- Consultant, Evaluation of CCCD EPI Health Education Plan. Banjul Gambia. 5th – 9th March, 1990
- Consultant, Follow-up visit Gongola State to assess level of 1989 EPI programme plan approval and provision of consultation on areas of concern, CCCD, USAID Nigeria, January 6 – 13, 1990
- Consultant, “Audience Research in Family Planning (Beliefs, Attitude, Practice)” ID.AF. NGA 38. Family Health Services (FHS) Nigeria. 1990
- Evaluation Consultant, “Combating Childhood Communicable Diseases (CCCD) targeting Malaria, Diarrheal and Acute Respiratory Disease)”. USAID/ Centers for Disease Control (CDC) on the yearly 5-week Inter-Country Training Programme on Planning and Management of the Health Education component of child survival programmes for four years. July 1987, 1988, 1989 and 1990
- Consultant Facilitator, “Primary Health Care Zone C Health Education Seminar”,CCCD/USAID Project Kaduna, December 11-14, 1989.
- Evaluation Consultant, “Needs Assessment on Communication, Community Mobilization intervention (Malaria) project in Suleja and Rafi Local Governments of Niger State Nigeria.” UNICEF September-December, 1989.
- Consultant, “Review of the State of the art and Practice of Health in West Africa”. Centre file 34-88-4723. International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Regional Office for West and Central Africa, Dakar, Senegal February-December, 1989.
- Technical Counsellor, “ACSI-CCCD Project (698-0421-60). Inter-Country training programme in Health Education” at Ecole de Santé Publique Kinshasa, Zaire. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) September 2-17, 1989.
- Technical Resource Person, “Nigerian Guinea worm Eradication Programme SW Zone States: Facilitator- preparation workshop”. Global 2000 June 20-22, 1989.
- Consultant, Need Assessment for EPI in 6 Nigeria States CCCD/ARHEC/USAID, March – June 1989
- Consultant, “Pretesting Revised Primary Health Care, Health Education materials” (Educational materials on immunization and diarrhoea diseases). UNICEF/Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH) Nigeria, December 1988.
- Consultant Follow-up, Cross-River State on Implementation of Health Education Component of EPI, ARHEC/UNC/CDC Project 1988
- Temporary Adviser, World Health Organisation (W.H.O) “The Second Workshop on Epidemiological Methods for Diarrhoeal Disease Research”, Rangoon, Burma, June 8-19, 1987. WHO Geneva.
- Consultant, Needs Assessment assignment for Nigerian States participating in CCCD Programmes, ARHEC/UNC/CDC March 1987.
- Consultant, Evaluation of Primary Health Care Services in Owo Local Government of Nigeria. UNICEF 1987.
- Consultant, ASCI-CCD Consultative planning meeting, Cote-d'Voire, February – March CDC/CCDC/USAID 1987.
- Evaluation Consultant, ARHEC/UNC/CDC on “Management of Health Education Component of Combating Childhood Communicable Diseases (CCCD) in Chapel Hill, U.S.A. 1987.
- Consultant, Evaluation assignment to write the evaluation report of International Collaborative Project on Combating Childhood Communicable Diseases (CCCD) 1987.
- Advisory Member, Committee designing W.H.O. indicators of Health Promotion in collaboration with School of Public Health, University of California, Los Angeles, U.S.A. (Dec. 1984 to January 1986)
b. National
- Consultant, The Development of The National Strategic Plan For Health Promotion (2019)
- Consultant , University College Hospital Ibadan, Nigeria (2007 todate)
- “Roles and Performance of Frontline Health Workers on Maternal, New-born and Child Health Services at PHC Level in Nigeria” Population Council, Nigeria (2016)
- Country Coordinator, Programme for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH) Culture and Health Grants Project in Africa. (2001-2002, January-July 2008).
- Member, the National Health Promotion Policy Implementation Committee, (2007 to date)
- Technical Advisor, Federal Ministry of Health Strategic Framework and Implementation plan for the National Health Promotion Policy (2007).
- Consultant, Development of Behavioural Change Communication (BCC) Strategy document. Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH). 2005
- Technical Advisor, Development of National Health Promotion Policy, Federal Ministry of Health, Nigeria. (2007)
- Chair, Behavioural Change Communication Technical Working Group (TWG) of the National steering committee anti-malaria treatment policy implementation group charged with the responsibility of driving the process of change from the use of Chloroquine as first line medicine in the treatment of uncomplicated malaria to the use of Artemisinin-Based Combination Therapy, (2006).
- Member, Oyo State Technical Review Committee on World Bank Assisted Project on HIV/AIDS, (2005)
- Consultant: “Roll Back Malaria Nigeria’s Malaria Communication Strategy, Federal Ministry of Health, (2003-2004)
- Consultant, Evaluation of Board Source Two-year Partnership. Development Alternatives and Resource Centre (DARC), (2003/2004).
- Evaluation Consultant, Institutional and Program Evaluation of Nigerian Youth AIDS Programme (NYAP) (November, 2000).
- Member, Oyo State Malaria Study Policy Group (1999 – to date)
- Member, Oyo State, Child Monitoring Centre (1992-98)
- Member, National Committee HIV/AIDS/STI, Control, Federal Ministry of Health, Abuja. (1993)
- Evaluation Consultant: “Evaluation of Functional Female Literacy for Health Project in Benue and Niger States”. PRIESTMAN, March, (1993).
- Consultant, Development of Behavioural Change Communication (BCC) Strategy document. Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH). 2005
- Consultant, “Development of a training manual and Guide for Adolescent Peer Counsellors. Adolescent Reproductive and Family Health Programme, Nigeria, October, (1992).
- Consultant, “Writing of Medium term plan for HIV/AIDS Control in Oyo State of Nigeria”. Oyo State Government, November (1992).
- Evaluation Consultant, “Evaluation of attitude, opportunities and problems of youth in Nigeria”. Centre for African Settlements Studies and Development (CASSAD), Nigeria, August (1992).
- Member, Planning Committee on FMOH/GPA – WHO Collaboration Conference on the Social and Behavioural Research Aspect of HIV and AIDS. University College Hospital/College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, (1990)
- Member, World Health Day Planning Committee for UCH/College of Medicine, February - April, (1990)
- Member, Committee to review Nigeria University Commission Minimum Academic Standards and Course Grade System, (May, 1990)
- Member, Oyo State Board of Environmental Protection Commission (1990).
- Consultant, Evaluation for the 4th International Workshop on Health Education in Malaria Control within the context of a Primary Health Care Approach, (July 11 – August 18, 1990)
- Follow-up Consultant, Second Evaluation visit to Katsina, Kano, Gongola, Plateau and Benue States, Nigeria to assess level of 1989 EPI Programme Planning Implementation. (March/- April, 1990)
- Consultant, Final Evaluation of African Imo State Ministry of Health Child Survival Project Nigeria PRIESTMAN GROUP, ARHEC, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan. (August 1989)
- Member, Curriculum Review Committee for Nurse/Midwife/Public Health Nurse programme. Federal Centre for Training of Teachers of Health Sciences, University College Hospital, Ibadan. (January 1989).
- Member, Oyo State Committee on Control of AIDS, (1988).
c. Institutional
- Member, Senate, University of Ibadan. (Since becoming a professor in 1999)
- Member, Committee to review Nigeria University Commission Minimum Academic Standards and Course Grade System May, 1990.
- Member, University Appointment & Promotion Committee for Academic Staff (1999 to date)
- Member, University Consultancy Services (1999)
- Member, Board of the Post Graduate School (2002 to date)
- Member, Finance Committee, Post Graduate School (2008 – 2012)
- Member, Committee of Provosts and Deans (2008 – 2012)
- Member, Committee for Innovations and Entrepreneurship (2008 to date)
- Member, Sub-committee University of Ibadan Vision Committee (2010)
- Member, University Strategic Plan Development Committee (2011)
- Head of Physical Environment Unit, University Strategic Plan Development Committee (2015)
- Member, University of Ibadan Centre for Innovations and Entrepreneurship Committee (2010 to date)
- Member, Ad-Hoc Committee on review of Regulations and Guidelines of Promotions of academic staff (2013)
- Chairman, Administrative Committee for the Centre for Population and Reproductive Health (2008-2010)
- University Focal Person, The Nigeria Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Program (NFELTP) (2008-2012)
- Member, Writing of Pre-Proposals to Would-Be-Donors: Call for Submission of Proposals of Projects 2001 by a 9-man Committee. (The outcome of this exercise led to the MacArthur Foundation giving a sum of $3,000,000.00 (Three Million Dollars) to the University of Ibadan. (2000)
- Member, Committee on Planning and writing of grant-oriented research proposals for member of the academic staff of the University. McArthur Foundation Project, University of Ibadan. (2003)
- Member, Preparation of Appointment and Promotion guidelines, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan (2013)
- Member, Committee on designing M.Sc. Nursing Curriculum for the Department of Nursing, University of Ibadan, January to December, (1981).
- Member, Sub Committee on the Review of Sharing Formula for Generated Revenues (2010)
- Member, Committee on University Commission accreditation (2012)
- Chair, Committee on Developing of the Masters’ degree Curriculum for the Centre for Innovation and entrepreneurship (2012)
- Chair, Faculty Committee on 2011 NUC accreditation
- Member, Faculty Committee on 2013 NUC accreditation
- Director, Future Health Systems Research Consortium, University of Ibadan (2006 to date)
- Member, University Private Sector Collaboration Committee which led to the establishment of Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovations (2003)
- Member, Executive Committee Association of Schools of Public Health in Africa (2010 to date)
- Represented the Vice-Chancellor, Deputy Vice-Chancellors at some university events
- Member, Committee on Update on 2013 NUC accreditation
- Member, Appointment and Promotions Committee for Academic Staff (2002 to date)
- Member, College Promotion Panel (2006-to date)
- Member, College Postgraduate Committee (2008 to date)
- Member, Academic Board, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan (1982-to date)
- Member, Committee on Update on 2013 NUC accreditation
- Member, M.B.B.S. Sub-curriculum Committee College of Medicine. (1987/1988, 2008-todate)
- Member, Careers Board Committee College of Medicine. (1988 – 90)
- Member, Malaria Research Group, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, (1998 to date)
- Member, College Consultancy Committee (2005)
- Member, Committee on Preparation of Faculty of Public Health Vision and Mission -2002
- Member, College Appointment & Promotion Committee for Academic Staff, 2002 to date
- Represented the Provost at some College events
a) Funded and Completed
1. 2017-2019 Effect of Mobile Phone Short Message on Immunisation Uptake (OPP ID 1182578).
The Round 19 Grand Challenges Explorations Phase 1. Funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates
Foundation, USA. (Principal Investigator)
2. 2016-2019: Optical Smart Malaria Diagnostic (OSMD) (Excelscope 2.0). (Collaborative partnership between LUMC, Flexible Optical BV, University of Ibadan and Industrial Design Engineering) Funded by Tu Delft Global Initiative, Delft Centre for Systems and Controls and won second place in Edmund Optics 2017 Educational Award with optical support products from Edmund Optics in support of OSMD (Co-Investigator)
3. 2014-2017: Analysis of Non-Communicable Diseases Prevention Policies in Africa: Funded by African Population and Health Research Center Kenya (APHRC), in partnership with the International Development Research Centre, Canada (IDRC). (Principal Investigator)
4. 2018: Implementation Research Training for Young Investigators in Nigerian Private Universities. Funded by African Regional Health education Centre, University of Ibadan. (Principal Investigator)
5. 2016. Implementation Research Training for Young Investigators in Health-related Discipline in
Federal Universities in Southwest Nigeria. Funded by TDR WHO. (Principal Investigator)
6. 2014-2015: Strengthening HIV Prevention and Risk Reduction Behaviours of Out of School Youth in Saki West Local Government: Funded by Civil Society for HIV/AIDS in Nigeria (CiSHAN), Oyo State. (Principal Investigator)
7. 2015: Private Health Provider Mapping in Ogun State, Nigeria, Funded by Malaria Consortium
Nigeria (Principal Investigator)
8. 2012-2014: Improving Malaria Diagnosis and Treatment among Patent Medicine Vendors by Strengthening PMV Association. Funded by Accordia Global Health Foundation, USA. (Principal Investigator)
9. 2011-2012. A Study of the Role of Patent Medicine Vendors (PMVs) in the Informal Anti- Malarial Market in Nigeria, Funded by Center for Health Market Innovations (CHMI), Washington, DC, USA (Principal Investigator)
10. Sept 2012 - Defining Future Strategic Directions for Development Partners in Health Care Markets. Funded by Rockefeller Foundation through John Hopkins University Future Health Systems Consortium, USA.
11. 2011. Identifying key barriers to – and opportunities for enhancing the wide-scale uptake of RDTs in Nigeria’s private health sector. Funded by The Global Health Group, University of California, San Francisco, USA (Principal Investigator)
12. 2008. Compliance with HIV related Biosafety guidelines by Medical Laboratory Scientists in Oyo state, Nigeria. Funded by Senate Research grant, University of Ibadan (Principal Investigator)
13. 2007-2008.Cervical Cancer Screening Programme in Nigeria. Funded by Exxon Mobil with MD Andersen Cancer Centre, University of Texas, USA (Co- Investigator)
14. 2007. Using Evidence-Based Data in Promoting Policy Decisions on Gender-Based Violence in Nigeria. Funded by The Enabling HIV/AIDS+TB and Social Sector Environment (ENHANSE)/USAID. (Principal Investigator)
15. 2007. Knowledge, Attitudes and Screening Practices among Older Men Regarding Prostate
Cancer, Oyo State Nigeria. Funded by The Gates Institute (Principal Investigator)
16. 2006-2010: How can the poor get access to effective malaria treatment? Future Health Systems
Consortium. Funded by DFID, UK. (Principal Investigator)
17. 2004. Building Educational Capacity of Religious Leaders for Effective and Sustained Delivery of HIVAIDS in Kaduna and Oyo State, Nigeria. Funded by National Action Committee on AIDS (NACA): World Bank Assisted HIV/AIDS Programme (Principal Investigator)
18. 2003–2007. Community Directed Interventions (CDI) for Major Health Problems in Africa.
Funded by WHO/TDR/ UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases, Geneva. (Principal Investigator)
19. 2003 -2005. AIDS Prevention Initiative in Nigeria (APIN) on Evidenced Based Model for Behavioural Intervention on HIV/AIDS Prevention in Nigeria. Funded by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation through Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts. (Principal Investigator)
20. 2003 – 2004. AIDS Prevention Initiative in Nigeria (APIN) on Print Media Contributions to HIV/AIDS Control in Nigeria. Funded by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation through Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts. USA (Principal Investigator)
21. 2002: Study of Primary Health Care Delivery Service in Nigeria: A Quantitative Survey
Approach, World Bank Project. (Co-Principal Investigator)
22. 2000 –2002: Developing and Evaluating Reproductive Health HIV/AIDS Education and Service Programmes for Out-of-School Youth in Southwestern Nigeria. Funded by Rockefeller Foundation, New York. (Principal Investigator)
23. 1998-2002. Identification and clinical evaluation of potential antimalarial components from the Nigeria Phytomedicine compendium. Funded by the Multilateral Initiatives on Malaria, UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases Geneva. (Co-Investigator)
24. 1998-2002. Intersectoral Model for Management, Control and Policy Formulation on Drug Resistant Malaria. Funded by UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Programme on Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (Principal Investigator)
25. 1998-2000. Incorporating socio-cultural and economic characteristics of mothers and caregivers in the home management of malaria in children. Funded by the Multilateral Initiatives on Malaria, UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases, Geneva. (Co-Investigator)
26. 1997-1999 Sexual Relationship, Communication and Risk Perception among Adolescents and
Young Adult in Markets and Motor Parks in South West, Nigeria. (Principal Investigator)
27. 1997-1998. Couple’s Reproductive Decision-Making and Contraceptive Practice in Nigeria.
Funded by Population Research Fund Management Unit, Nigerian institute of Social and
Economic Research, Ibadan. Nigeria. (Principal Investigator)
28. 1997-1998. Multi-country Study on the Implementation and Potential Sustainability of Community-directed Treatment of Onchocerciasis with Ivermectin. Funded by UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases, Geneva. (Principal Investigator)
29. 1998. Perceived Stress Factors, Coping Mechanisms and Prevalence of High Blood Pressure Among Staff of the University of Ibadan. Funded by Senate Research Grant, University of Ibadan. (Principal Investigator)
30. 1997-1998 An Exploratory Study on Recording and Reporting Systems at the Community Level.
Funded by UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical
Diseases, Geneva. (Principal Investigator)
31. 1996-1997 A Training Approach to Improving HIV/AIDS Knowledge of Health Workers in Oyo State, Nigeria. WAF 121(96-027). Funded by World AIDS Foundation Institut Pasteur, Paris, France. (Principal Investigator)
32. 1996-1998. Evaluation of a school-based youth to youth Male Adolescent Reproductive and Counselling program. Funded by John D and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Chicago USA.GA/95- 34739A-POP (Principal Investigator)
33. 1995: Developing of a Reporting Form for Illiterate Communities Related to Community Self- Treatment with Ivermectin. Funded by World Health Organization ID No.
95/GL/RES/TDR/311/FA/942, (Principal Investigator)
34. 1995-1996: The Economic Impact of Onchocerciasis in the Ibadan-Ibarapa Health Zone Oyo State, Nigeria, Part of a Multicountry Study of the Economic Impact of Onchocercal Skin Disease. Funded by UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Programme on Research and Training in Tropical Diseases TDR, Geneva. (Principal Investigator)
35. 1995-1996: Validation of the Pictorial Community Self- Treatment Reporting Form. Funded by UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Programme on Research and Training in Tropical Diseases Geneva. (Principal Investigator)
36. 1993-1994: Evaluation of an Oral Rehydration Therapy (ORT) Educational Intervention in a Rural Nigerian Community. Funded by Applied Diarrheal Disease Research Project (ADDR)/USAID, Grant No. 135, (Principal Investigator)
37. 1994: Enhancing Local Government Capacity on Implementing Diarrhoeal Disease Programmes.
Funded by Applied Diarrhoea Disease Research Project (ADDR), Harvard Institute of
International Development. USAID/UNICEF. Grant No. 135b (Principal Investigator)
38. 1992: Needs assessment on educational information and communication component of the Essential Drugs Programme. Funded by the Federal ministry of Health, Nigeria. (Co-Principal Investigator)
39. 1991-1992: A comparative study of perceived behavioural indicators of Child Abuse and Neglect among parents in Niger and Oyo States of Nigeria. Funded by Inter-Africa Committee, Nigeria. (Principal Investigator)
40. 1991-1993: Testing the Effectiveness of Health Education and Communication Strategies to Encourage Patients' Compliance with Treatment Recommendations for Mectizan. Funded by the Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH)/Onchocerciasis Research Committee and Tropical Diseases Research/WHO, Geneva. M.H.2846/5.6/128 FMOH/OORC/TDR (Principal Investigator).
41. 1990-1991: Audience Research on Family Planning, Beliefs Knowledge Attitudes and Practices
ID-AF-NGA-38. Funded by Family Health Services, (Co-Principal Investigator)
42. 1989-1990: Review of the state of art and practice of Health Education in West Africa. Funded by the International Development Research Centre, Regional Office for West and Centre Africa, Dakar, Senegal. ID 34-88A723. (Co-Principal Investigator)
43. 1989-1990: PHC Mobilization and Intervention in Suleja and Rafi Local Government areas of
Niger State Nigeria. Funded by USAID. (Co-Principal Investigator)
44. 1988-1989: Risk factors associated with diarrhoea diseases in rural Nigeria community. World
Health Organisation, Geneva. ID C6/1181/1 MIE (Co-Principal investigator)
45. 1984-1986: The role of patient education in the treatment of Onchocerciasis in a rural Nigeria community. Funded by UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR), Geneva. ID 830566 (Principal Investigator)
46. 1981-1984: Social and Behavioural Aspects of Tropical Diseases in the context of a Primary Health Care Approach ID 800432. Funded by UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR), Geneva. Switzerland, (Co-Investigator)
c. On-going Funded Research-Global
47. Collaborative partnership research between Delft University of Technology (Industrial Design Engineering), Netherlands) and the University of Ibadan)
a. 2018- 2020 :Schistoscope Automated Diagnostic Project. Smartphone application for the detection of S c h i s t o s o m a haematobium using cell phone microscope, low-cost filter and Discreet Wavelet Transform (Co-Investigator)
b. 2019-2023:INSPiRED – INclusive diagnoStics for Poverty RElated parasitic Diseases in Nigeria and Gabon. INSPiRED aims to improve the diagnosis of three major poverty-related diseases (malaria, schistosomiasis and hookworm infection) and reduce their grave impact in endemic countries. The focus is to develop easy-to-operate smart optical diagnostics devices for parasitic diseases which are integrated, inclusive (co-creation with stakeholders), and thoroughly tested in laboratory and field settings. Funded by WOTRO _Award Number: W O7.30318.OO9 .
(i) Books or chapters in books already published
- Oladimeji Oladepo and Henry Lucas (2013) Improving the performance of Patent Medicine Vendors in Nigeria. A chapter in Transforming Health Markets in Asia and Africa. Improving quality and access for the poor. Routledge UK and New Y ISBN 13; 978-1-84971-416-7.
- Oladepo, O. (2008). Down the miry clay avenue: engaging the 3/5 auxiliary gear. Ibadan University Press.
- Oladimeji Oladepo The quality of Life Determinants and Case Study Applications. Environmental and Health Planning in Nigeria Ibadan University Printery (2008) ISBN:978-38385-8-X
- Mary Anne, Kathlin Christensen, Rikka Trangsrud, Fletchanie Martin, Janet Shauri, Aliu Mohammed, Mwikali Jioko, Gerald SA, Emmanuel Telvisi, and Oladepo, O. Ears to the Ground. PATH Culture and Health Grants Project in Africa 2008
- Oladepo O, Kabiru S, Adeoye BW, Oshiname F, Ofi B, Oladepo M, Ogunbemi O, Lawal A, Brieger WR, Bloom G, and Peters DH: Malaria treatment and policy in three regions in Nigeria: The role of Patent Medicine Vendo Future Health Systems Working paper 1, September 27, 2007.
- Bamiro , Oladepo, O, (2003) Planning and Writing Grant-Oriented Research Proposals, Postgraduate School, University of Ibadan.
- Oladepo, (2002) Public Health Education (in Health Education and Health Promotion book) Edited by Ademuwagun Z. A et al. Ibadan Sterling-Horden Publishers (Nig) Ltd.
- Oladepo, (1999). Social Support for Out-of-School Adolescents in ‘A Status of Adolescents and Young Adults in Nigeria’ (chapter in the for Health Sciences, Training, Research and development International, CSS Press Ltd., Lagos. PP 296-298.
- Oladimeji Oladepo, Oyedunni Osowole, Rotimi Omidiji, Modupeola Oladepo and Cecilia Ajayi (1998) improv and Contraceptive Use in Ondo State. (Book) Publisher: Population Research Fund Management, Nigerian Institute of Social and Economic Research (NISER). P 1-45
- Oladimeji Oladepo and Henry Lucas (2013) Improving the performance of Patent Medicine Vendors in Nigeria. A chapter in Transforming Health Markets in Asia and Africa. Improving quality and access for the poor. Routledge UK and New Y ISBN 13; 978-1-84971-416-7.
- Serruya, S. J., Guimarães, R., de Albuquerque, I. O., Morel, C. M., Bloom, G., Champion, C., Oladepo, O.,... & Block, M. A. G. Innovating for health and development. Fostering innovation for global health, 523.
- Oladepo, O., Adeniyi, J. D., & Brieger, W. R. Education in the Control of a Tropical Disease
(ii) Articles that have already appeared in Learned Journals
i. Health Behaviour, Primary Health Care and Disease Control and Health Systems - Posi E. Aduroja, Yetunde O. John-Akinola, Mojisola M. Oluwasanu and Oladimeji Oladepo (2021). Prevalence of physical activity and dietary patterns as predictors of cardiovascular diseases among two semi-urban dwellers in Ibadan, Nigeria. African Health Sciences. (accepted)
- Adeola Onasanya, Michel Begston, Oladimeji Oladepo, JO Van Engleen,Jan Carel Diehl ( 2021) Rethinking the Top-Down Approach to Schistosomiasis Control and Elimination in Sub-Saharan Africa Front. Public Health, 18 February 2021
- John-Akinola YO, Oluwasanu MM, Oladepo O. Urban poor community settings’ knowledge and screening practices for cervical cancer in Ibadan, Nigeria (2021) JCO Global Oncology DOI: 10.1200/GO.20.00619 JCO Global Oncology7 (2021) 1024-1031. Published online June 29, 2021.
- Tolulope Aremu, Ifeoluwa B. Anibijuwon, Yetunde O. John-Akinola, Mojisola Oluwasanu, Oladimeji Oladepo (2021). Prevalence and Factors Associated With Alcohol Use in Selected Urban Communities in Ibadan, Nigeria. International Quarterly of Community Health Education, DOI: 10.1177/0272684X211006515 . Published 11 Apr 2021
- Adenike Osiberu, Mojisola Oluwasanu, Mofeyisara Omobowale, Yetunde John-Akinola, Oladimeji Oladepo. Diabetes Knowledge and Screening Practices Among Adults In A South-Western Nigerian City. Journal of Preventive Medicine and Hygiene (2021); Accepted
- Oladepo, O., Dipeolu, I. , & Oladunni, O. (2020) Outcome of Reminder Text Messages Intervention on Completion of Routine Immunisation in Rural Areas, Nigeria. Health promotion international. HPI-2020-074.R2 .ID: daaa092
- Oladepo,O. Team Building and Responsible Conduct of Research(2020) Afr. J. Biomed. Res. Vol. 23 (Supplement 2, July, 2020); 21- 25
- Oladepo,O. Research sponsoring, Financial Management and Responsible Conduct of Research(2020) Afr. J. Biomed. Res. Vol. 23 (Supplement 2, July, 2020); 21- 25
- Mojisola Oluwasanu, Opeyemi Oladunni, and Oladimeji Oladepo Multisectoral approach and WHO ‘Bestbuys’ in Nigeria’s nutrition and physical activity policies. Health Promotion International, 2020, 1–11 doi: 10.1093/heapro/daaa009
- Adeola Onasanya, Maryam Keshinro,, Oladimeji Oladepo, Jo Van Engelen,, Jan Carel Diehl(2020). A Stakeholder Analysis of schistosomiasis diagnostic landscape in SouthWest Nigeria: insights for Diagnostics co-creation. Frontiers in Public Health
- Oyeyemi, A. S., Oladepo, O., Adeyemi, A. O., Titiloye, M. A., Burnett, S. M., Apera, I. (2020). The potential role of patent and proprietary medicine vendors’ associations in improving the quality of services in Nigeria’s drug shops. BMC Health Services Resarch. 20 (567)
- Sluiter, M., Onasanya, A., Oladepo, O., Engelen, J. V., Keshinro, M., Van, G., Diehl, J. C. Target product profiles for devices to diagnose urinary schistosomiasis in Nigeria. 2020 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference. 2020
- Van, G., Onasanya, A., van Engelen, J., Oladepo, O., Diehl, J. C. (2020). Improving access to diagnostics for Schistosomiasis case management in Oyo state, Nigeria: Barriers and opportunities. Diagnostics; 10(328). doi:10.3390/diagnostics10050328 (20th May)
- Yetunde O. John-Akinola, Mojisola Oluwasanu, and Oladimeji Oladepo (2019) Knowledge and Screening Practices for Cervical Cancer Among Urban Poor Communities in Ibadan, Nigeria, Journal of Global Oncology 95:Supplement_1, 3-3
- Agbana, Van, Oladepo, O., Vdovin, Oyibo, Diehl. Schistoscope: Towards a locally producible smart diagnostic device for Schistosomiasis in Nigeria. 2019 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference. 2019
- Atolagbe, F & Oladepo, (2019). Knowledge and reporting of adverse drug reaction among patent medicine vendors in Ibadan south-west local government area, Oyo State, Nigeria. African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences. Accepted for publication 02/09/2019; ref: (AJMMS3992)
- Oladepo, O., Dipeolu, I. , & Oladunni, O. (2019). Nigerian rural mothers' knowledge of routine childhood immunizations and attitudes about use of reminder text messages for promoting timely completion.. Journal of public health policy. doi:10.1057/s41271-019-00180-7
- Abiona, , Oluwasanu, M., & Oladepo, O. (2019). Analysis of alcohol policy in Nigeria: multi- sectoral action and the integration of the WHO "best-buy" interventions.. BMC public health, 19(1), 810. doi:10.1186/s12889-019-7139-9
- Oladepo, O., Oyeyemi, S., Titiloye, M. A., Adeyemi, A. O., Burnett, S. M., Apera, I., Alliu, M. (2019). Malaria testing and treatment knowledge among selected rural patent and proprietary medicine vendors (PPMV) in Nigeria.. Malaria Journal, 18(1), 103. doi:10.1186/s12936-019-2732-z
- Juma, P. , Mohamed, S. F., Matanje Mwagomba, B. L., Ndinda, C., Mapa-Tassou, C., Oluwasanu, M., Oladepo, O . . . Mbanya, J. -C. (2018). Correction to: Non-communicable disease prevention policy process in five African countries.. BMC public health, 18(1), 1112. doi:10.1186/s12889-018-5993-5
- Oladimeji Oladepo, Oluwasanu , Abiona O. (2018). Analysis of tobacco control policies in Nigeria: historical development and application of multi-sectoral action. BMC Public Health, 18((Suppl 1);959), pp. 77-88.
- Juma Kenneth, Reid M, Roy M., Vorkoper S., Temu T. M. Levitt N. S., Oladepo O., ... Yonga (2018). From HIV prevention to non-communicable disease health promotion efforts in sub- Saharan Africa: A Narrative Review. AIDS, 32((Suppl 1)), pp. S63-S73.
- Juma, Pamela , Shukri F. Mohamed, Beatrice L. Matanje Mwagomba, Catherine Ndinda, Clarisse Mapa-Tassou, Mojisola Oluwasanu, Oladimeji Oladepo et al. "Non-communicable disease prevention policy process in five African countries authors." BMC public health 18, no. 1 (2018): 961.
- Oluwasanu, Mojisola Morenike, and Oladimeji Oladepo. "Effects of a multi-level intervention on the pattern of physical activity among in-school adolescents in Oyo state Nigeria: a cluster randomised tria" BMC public health 17.1 (2017): 833.
- Ezeama Martina C, Oladepo O. and Enwereji E.E. (2018) Strategies for HIV AND AIDS Prevention Programmes among In-School Adolescents in Imo State, Nigeria DOI: Pages 16-22
- Opeyemi Abiona and Oladepo Oladimeji. Perception, Attitude and Willingness of Under-Five Children Caregivers to Growth Monitoring in Ibadan South-West Local Government Area, Oyo State, Nigeria. Af J Med. Med. Sci. (2016) 45
- Philomena Omoregie, Oladimeji Oladepo and Ademola Adelekan (2017) Community Assessment of Water and sanitation practices in Cholera affected and Non -cholera affected communities in 2001 outbreak in Ibadan (2017) European Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences Vol 4, October Issue 10
- Thomas O., Ojemakinde K. O., Ajayi I. O., Omigbodun A. O., Fawole OI, Oladepo O (2012) Population-based prevalence of abnormal cervical cytology findings and local risk factors in Ibadan, Nigeria: implications for cervical cancer control programs and human papilloma virus immunization. Acta Cytol. 56(3):251-8. doi: 10.1159/000337444. Epub 2012 Apr 26.
- Buys, T. P., Cantor, S. B., Guillaud, M., Adler-Storthz, K., Cox, D. D., Okolo, C., Arulogon, O., Oladepo, O.... & Follen, M. (2012). Optical technologies and molecular imaging for cervical neoplasia: a program project update. Gender medicine, 9(1), S7-S24.
- Yusuf B., Arulogun O. O., Oladepo O. and Olowokeere F. (2011) Physical violence among intimate partners in Nigeria: A multi-level analysis. Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology Vol. 3(4), April 2011. 2141-2316 ©2011
- Gerald Bloom, Hilary Standing, Henry Lucas Abbas Bhuiya, Oladimeji Oladepo and David Peters (2011) Making health markets work better for poor people: the case of informal providers. Health Policy and Planning 2011; 1–8. doi:1093/heapol/czr025
- Timon P H Buys, Scott B Cantor, Martial Guillaud, Karen Adler-Storthz, Dennis D Cox, Clement Okolo, Oyedunni Arulogon, Oladimeji Oladepo, Karen Basen-Engquist, Eileen Shinn Edward Neely Atkinson, Luc Bidaut, Pierre Lane, J Lou Benedet, Dianne Miller, Tom Ehlen, Roderick Price, Isaac F Adewole, Calum Macaulay, Michele Follen (2011) Optical Technologies and Molecular Imaging for Cervical Neoplasia: A Program Project Update. Gender Medicine. 09/2011 PMID: 21944317[Pub Med
- Oladepo, W. Brieger, B. Adeoye, H.P. David, B. Lawal: Awareness of anti-malarial policy and malaria treatment Practices of patent medicine vendors in three Nigerian States. Afr. J. Med. med. Sci. (2011) 40, 345-352
- Chika Rose Onyemaa, Oladimeji Oladepo (2011) Knowledge and attitude of safety belt use among professional drivers in a tertiary Nigerian Institut International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, 1745-7319, Volume 18, Issue 1, 2011, Pages 57 – 64
- Oladepo O and Akpejunor Stella Eserogene (2010) Preparations for Retirement among Edo State Civil Servants in Benin City, Nigeria: Implications for Health Educati African Journal of Studies in Education. Vol. 6 & 7, No 1and 2 April September 2010. ISSN: 0189-241X
- Hyder, S. Syed, P. Puvanachandra, G. Bloom, S. Sundaram, S. Mahmood, M. Iqbal, Z. Hongwen, N. Ravichandran, O. Oladepo, G. Pariyo, D. Peters “Stakeholder analysis for health research: Case studies from low- and middle-Income countries” (2010) Public Health (Elsevier)124 (2010) 159–166
- Oladimeji Oladepo, Grace Tona and Fred. O. Oshiname and Musibau A. Titiloye. (2010). Malaria knowledge and agricultural practices that promote mosquito breeding in two rural farming communities in Oyo State, Nigeria. Malaria Journal: 91doi: 10.1186/1475-2875-9-1
- The CDI Study Gr (2010) Community-directed interventions for priority health problems in Africa: results of a multicountry study. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2010; 88:509- 518.
- Oyindamola Yusuf, Babatunde W. Adeoye, Oladimeji Oladepo, David H. Peters and David Bishai. Poverty and fever vulnerability in Nigeria: a multilevel analysis (2010) Malaria Journal 2010, 9:235doi:10.1186/1475-2875-9-235. Published 19 August 2010
- Ajayi IO, Oladepo O, Falade CO, Bamgboye EA, Kale O. The development of a treatment guideline for childhood malaria in rural Southwest Nigeria using participatory approach. Patient Educ Couns. 2009 May;75(2):227-37. doi: 10.1016/j.pec.2008.10.013. Epub 2008 Dec 18. PubMed PMID: 19097844.
- Rowen Aziz, Meenakshi Gautham, Oladimeji Oladepo, Kate Hawkins (2009) Improving Provider Performance id21 insights Communicating Development Research
- Ademola Ajuwon, Fawole Funmilayo, Oladimeji Oladepo, Kayode Osungbade, Michael Asuzu (2008). Effects of training programme on HIV/AIDS prevention among primary health care workers in Oyo State, Nigeria. Health Education 01/2008; 108(6):463-474
- Claire Champion, Henry Lucas, M. Hafizur Rahman, Abbas Bhuiya, Oladimeji Oladepo and David Peters (2008) Health Markets and Future Health Systems: Innovation for equity. Global Forum for Health Research Vol. 5 No. 30.
- Shamsuzzoha B Sayed, Adnan, A Hyder, Gerald Bloom, Sundaram, Abbas Bhuiya, Zhang Zhenzhong, Barun Kanjilal, Oladimeji Oladepo, George Pariyo, David H Peters (2007) Exploring Evidence-Policy Linkages in Health research plans: A case study from Six Countrie Health Res Policy Syst. 2008; 6: 4. Published online 2008 March 11. doi: 10.1186/1478-4505-6-4.
- Miller D, Okolo CA, Mirabel Y, Gulliaud M, Arulogun OS, Oladepo O, Craig B, Follen M, Adewole IF (2007) Knowledge Dissemination and evaluation in cancer screening Implementati Programme in Nigeria. Gynecol Onchol. 107(IS): S196-S207. Epub 2007 Sept 21
- John Raeburn, Marco Akerman, Komatra Chuengsatiansup, Fanny Mejia, Oladimeji Oladepo (2007). Community capacity building and health promotion in a globalized wo Health Promotion International 01/2007; 21 Suppl 1:84-90.
- Oladepo O, Brieger W, Otusanya S, Kale O, Offiong, S, Titiloye M. Land size and onchocerciasis status of peasant farmers in southwestern Nigeria. Tropical Medicine and International Health. 2007; 2(4):334-340
- Miller, D., Okolo, C. A., Mirabal, Y., Guillaud, M., Arulogun, O. S., Oladepo, O., ... & Adewole, I. F. (2007). Knowledge dissemination and evaluation in a cervical cancer screening implementation program in Nigeria. Gynecologic oncology, 107(1), S196-S207.
- Ikeoluwapo Ajayi, Oladele O. Kale, Oladimeji Oladepo and E. Afolabi Bamgboye (2007) Using “Mother Trainers” for Malaria Control: The Nigerian Experience. International Quarterly of Community Health Education. Vol. 27, No. 4
- Falade C. O., Ogundiran M. O., Bolaji M. O., Ajayi I. O., Akinboye O., Oladepo O., Adeniyi J. D., Oduola A. M. The influence of cultural perception of causation, complications, and severity of childhood malaria on determinants of treatment and preventive pathways. Int. Q Community Health Educ. 2005-2006;24(4):347-63.
- Peters, H., Bloom, G., Rahman, M. H., Bhuiya, A., Kanjilal, B., Oladepo, O., et al. 2006. Research for Future Health Systems. (2006) Global Forum Update on Research for Health 2006, 3: 133-137.
- Falade C. O., Oladoyinbo, T. F., Elemile T. , Ajayi I. O., Fawole O. I., Oladepo O., Adeniyi J. D., and Oduola A. M. J. (2006) How well equipped are health care facilities to manage childhood malaria? The situation in selected Local Government Areas in South Western Nigeria. African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences Vol. 35, 329-335,
- Ebong O, Ajaiyeoba EO, Ononwu MJ, Akinboye DO, Gbotosho GO, Falade CO, Bolaji OM, Oladepo O, Osowole, Happi, Fawole OF, Ogundahunsi T, Agbawa IM, Oduola Oman Oduola AMJ, (2005) Contribution of Indigenous Health Care givers to Herbal management of febrile illnesses in Rivers State, South-South, Nigeria. West African Journal of Pharmacology Drug Research January –December Vol. 21 9 (Nos 1&2) 48-54.
- Yussuf OB, Oladepo O, Odunbaku SO Alaba O Osowole O (2005) Identifying Predisposing Factors Associated with Malaria and Drug Resistant Infections in Ibada African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences (2005) vol. 34:251-258.
- John Raeburn, Marco Akerman, Komatra Chuengsatiansup, Fanny Mejia, Oladimeji Oladepo (2006) Community Capacity Building and Health Promotion in a Globalized W Health Promotion International 21 Suppl. 1: 84-90
- Oyedunni Osowole, Edith Ajaiyeoba, Olayinka Bolaji, Dora Akinboye, Olufunmilayo Fawole, Catherine Falade, Grace Gbotosho, Omonike Ogbole, Joseph Ashidi, Oyindamola Abiodun, Mofolusho Falade, Woquan Sama, Oladimeji Oladepo, Oludele Itiola, Ayoade Oduola (2005) Survey of Treatment Practices for Febrile Illnesses among Traditional Healers in the Nigerian Middle Belt Zone. African J. Traditional Complementary and Alternative Medicines 2(3): 337–344.
- Happi T., Gbotosho G. O., Sowunmi A., Falade C. O., Akinboye D. O., Oladepo O., Oduola A. M. J. (2004): Malaria Diagnosis: false-negative ParaSightTM tests in falciparum malaria patients in Nigeria. African Journal of Medicine and Medical Science.33: 15-18
- Asa A, Adegbenro C, Dare FO, Adeniyi JD, Osowole OS, Oladepo O., Enhancing treatment Compliance in the treatment compliance in the management of Childhood Malaria in South Western Nigeria: The Use of participatory Approach in ensuring Intervention appropriateness (2004). Int’l Quarterly of Community Health Education Vol. 22(4) 239
- Yusuf OB, Oladepo O, Odunbaku SO, Alaba O, Osowole OS. Factors associated with malaria treatment failures in Ibadan. Afr J Med Med Sci. 2005 Sep;34(3):251-8. PubMed PMID: 16749357.
- Ande O, Oladepo O, and Brieger WR (2004) Comparison of Knowledge on Diarrhoeal Disease Management between Two Types of Community-Based Distributors in Oyo State, Nigeria. Health Education Research, 19 (1): 110
- Happi, C. T., Gbotosho, G. O., Sowunmi, A., Falade, C. O., Akinboye, D. O., Oladepo, O., & Oduola, A. M. (2004). Malaria diagnosis: false negative parasight-F tests in falciparum malaria patients in Nigeria. African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences, 33(1), 15-18.
- Brieger W. R., Osamor P. , Salami K. S., Oladepo O., Otusanya S. A. 2004. Interactions between patent medicine vendors and customers in urban and rural Nigeria. Health Policy and Planning. 19(3): 177-182.
- Ajaiyeoba O., Falade C. O., Fawole O. I., Akinboye D. O., Gbotosho G. O., Bolaji O. M., Ashidi J. S., Abiodun, Osowole O. O., Itiola O. A., Oladepo O., Sowumi O., Oduola J. A. (2004) Efficacy of herbal remedies used by herbalists in Oyo state Nigeria for the treatment of plasmodium falciparum infections- a survey and observation. Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences 33, 115-119.
- Falade CO, Oyedunni SO, Adeniyi JD, Oladepo O, Oduola AMJ, 2004: Attitude of Health Care Workers to the Involvement of Alternative Healthcare Providers in the Home Management of Childhood Malar Int’l Quarterly of Community Health Education Vol. 23(2) 169-180.
- Sola , Asa A, Dare FO, Oladepo, Adeniyi JD, Adegbenro C. (2003). Trend and seasonal variations in Reported Cases of Childhood Malaria in South-Western Nigeria, 1990-1999. Journal of the Population Association of Nigeria. ISN 597-0612. Vol. 3. No 1. September 2003.
- Ajaiyeoba O., Oladepo O., Fawole O. I., Bolaji O. M., Akinboye D. O., Ogundahunsi O. A. T., Falade C. O., Gbotosho G. O., Itiola O. A., Happi T. C., Ebong I. M., Ononiwu I. M., Osowole OO, Oduola O. O., Ashidi J. S. and Oduola A. M. J. (2003) Cultural Categorisation of febrile Illness in Correlation with Herbal Remedies for treatment in Southwestern Nigeria. Journal of Ethno pharmacology 85, 179-185.
- Brieger W. R., Delano G. , Lane C. G., Oladepo O, Oyediran K. A (2002) West African Youth Initiative: outcome of a reproductive health education program. Journal of Adolescent Health 01/2002; 29(6):436-46.
- Ajayeoba O., Osowole O. S., Oduola O. O., Ashidi J. S., Akinboye D. O., Gbotosho G. O., Falade C. O., Ogundahunsi O. A. T., Fawole O. I., Bolaji O. M., Falade M. O., Oladepo O., Itiola O. A. and Oduola A. M. J. (2002). Nigerian antimalaria ethnomedicine 2: Ethnobotanical survey of herbal remedies used in the treatment of febrile illnesses in the middle belt of Nigeria. Journal of Phytomedicine and therapeutics 7 (1 & 2): 26-39.
- Omotade O., Adeyemo A. A., Kayode C. M., Oladepo O. (2001). Treatment of childhood diarrhoea in Nigeria: need for adaptation of health policy and programmes to cultural norms. Journal of Health Population and Nutrition (Impact Factor: 0.95). 01/2001; 18 (3):139-44
- Oladimeji Oladepo, William Brieger, Sakiru Otusanya (2000) Testing Alternative Record Keeping formats not Requiring Literacy Skills: Onchocerciasis Control at Village Level. International Quarterly of Community Health Education Vol 19 (1) 43-50.
- Brieger W. , Adeniyi, J. D., Parker, K., and Oladepo, O (2000) Health Education In Africa. Health Education Research, August 2000 (1-6)
- Anyanwu, J. C., & Oladepo, O. (1998). The role of men in family planning in Nigeria: A case study of cross River State. Nigerian Institute of Social and Economic Research (NISER), University of Ibadan.
- Ademola, Ajuwon, Oladimeji O. Oladepo, Bartholomew Sati and Patrick Otoide (1997) Improving Primary School Teachers’ Ability to Promote Visual Health in Ibadan, Nigeria. International Quarterly of Community Health Education, Vol. 16, Number 3 - 19. pp175-185.
- Oladepo, Brieger R, Otusanya S., Kale O., Offiong S. and Titiloye M. (1997) Farmland size and onchocerciasis status of peasant farmers in southwestern Nigeria. Tropical Medicine and International Health; 2 (4): 334-340.
- Oladepo , Okunade A., Brieger W. R., Oshiname, F. O. and Ajuwon A. J. (1996) Outcome of two patient education methods on recruitment and compliance with Ivermectin in the treatment of onchocerciasis. Patient Education and Counselling, Volume 29, 237-245.
- Omotade, O., Kayode, C. M., Adeyemo, A.A and Oladepo, O. (1995). Observations on Hand washing Practices of Mothers and Environmental Conditions in Ona- Ara Local Government Area, Oyo State, Nigeria. Journal of Diarrhoeal Disease Research Volume 13, No 4: 224-228
- Oladepo, O. (1994). risk behaviour of Nigerian adolescent girls, implication for educational intervention. Women's Behaviour issue, 1(2).
- Aderinokun, A. and Oladepo, O. (1994) Beliefs, Attitudes and Oral Hygiene Practices among School Children in Nigeria: The Case of Idikan Community. Annals of the Social Science Council of Nigeria, No 6, 109-119.
- Omotade O, Kayode C.M,. Oladepo. O, Dare. O.O and AdeyemoAA (1994) Perception and Local Management Patterns of Diarrhoeal Diseases in South-West Nigeria: Implications for Prevention, Control and Management. Proceedings of the 5th African Conference on Diarrhoea Diseases, Kenya 1 166-175.
- Oladepo, O. (1994) Rehydration Therapy (ORT) Use and Feeding During Design of an Educational Intervention to Promote Oral Diarrhoea in a Rural Nigerian Community Proceedings of the 5th African Conference on Diarrhoea Diseases, Kenya 209 -214.
- Omotade, O., Kayode, C.M, Dare, O.O, Oladepo, O. and Adeyemo, A.A. (1994) Perceptions and First-Line Home Treatment of Diarrhoeal Diseases in Ona- Ara Local Government Area of Oyo State. Nigerian Journal of Paediatrics Volume 21 (supple.): 80-87.
- Oladepo, (1994) Educational Intervention Strategies Based on Rural/Urban Differences in Perceptions and Treatment of Childhood Diarrhoea, in Southwestern Nigeria. Journal of Paediatrics Volume 21(Supple), 9-21.
- Oyejide, O., Oladepo, O. and Oke, E.A. (1994) Hygiene behaviour practices as discriminants for the occurrence of childhood diarrhoea. African Journal of Medicine and Medical Science, Volume 23: 207-213.
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- Oladimeji Oladepo, Olufemi Leticia Ricketts, Yetunde Akinola-John (2009) Knowledge and Utilisation of Cervical Cancer Screening services among Nigerian Students International Quarterly of Community Health Education 29 (3) 393 - 404
- Oladepo Yusuf B, Arulogun OS, John Akinola Y, Arulogun O, (2009) Prostate Cancer Awareness, Knowledge and Screening Practices among Older Men in Oyo State, Nigeria. International Quarterly of Community Health Education volume 30, issue 3.
- Ademola Ajuwon, Fawole Funmilayo, Oladimeji Oladepo, Kayode Osungbade, Michael Asuzu (2008) Effects of training programme on HIV/AIDS prevention among primary health care workers in Oyo State, Nigeria. Health Education, vol. 108 No. 6
- Oladimeji Oladepo, Yusuf Oyindamola (2008) Aversion towards HIV Antibody Testing in Tertiary Institut Ibom Medical Journal Vol. 3 Number 7, Aug 2008
- Miller D, Okolo CA, Mirabal YN, Guillaud M, Arulogun OS, Oladepo O, Crain B, Follen M, Adewole IF. Knowledge dissemination and evaluation in a cervical screening implementation program in Nigeria. Gynecol Oncol 107(1 Suppl 1): 196-207, 2007
- Ikeoluwapo Ajayi, Oladele O Kale, Oladimeji Oladepo, and E Afolabi Bamgboye (2007) Using Mothers Trainers for Malaria Control: The Nigerian Experience. International Quarterly of Community Health Education Vol. 27 (4) 351-368 2006-2007
- Caleb A. Adegbenro, JD Adeniyi and O. Oladepo (2006). Effect of Training Programme on screening Secondary Schools Teachers’ knowledge and Attitude towards Reproductive Health Education in Rural Schools, Ile Ife, Nigeria. African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences
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- Charles A. Okochi, Oladimeji Oladepo, and Ademola Ajuwon (2001) Knowledge about AIDS and Sexual Behaviours of Inmates of Agodi Prisons in Ibadan, Nigeria.) International Quarterly of Community Health Education 19(4) 353-352
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(iii) Technical Reports and Monographs
iii. Planning, Management and Evaluation of Health Programmes - Oladimeji Oladepo (2020) National Strategic Plan for Health Promotion 2020-2024. Abuja Nigeria.
- Oladepo Oladimeji (2019) National Health Promotion Policy. Revised 2019. Nigeria
- Oladimeji Oladepo (2018)Tobacco Control and Legislation in Nigeria: Chronicles of Intrigues and Victories globaltobaccocontrol Apr 11, 2018
- Oladimeji Oladepo Implementation Research Training for Young Investigators in Nigerian Private Universities (2018) African Regional Health education Centre, University of Ibada Final Report .African Regional Health Education Centre, University of Ibadan, Nigeria.
- Oladepo, O, Oluwasanu M, Abiona O; Analysis of Non-Communicable Diseases Prevention Policies in Nigeria: Final Report: University of Ibadan and African Population and Health Research Center Kenya (APHRC) (2017)
- Oladimeji Oladepo (2017) “Roles and Performance of Frontline Health Workers on Maternal, New-born and Child Health Services at PHC Level in Nigeria” Final Repor Population Council, Nigeria (2016)
- Oladimeji Oladepo Implementation Research Training for Young Investigators in Health-Related Disciplines in Federal Universities in Southwestern Nigeria (2016). African Regional Health Education Centre, Department of Health Promotion & Education Faculty of Public Health, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. Final Report ID No. B40413 the UNCICEF/UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (WHO/TDR)
- Oladimeji Oladepo Curriculum Review of community health practitioners’ training institutions as part of the curriculum review process Save the Children, Nigeria. 2014
- Oladimeji Oladepo and Musibau Titiloye: Improving malaria diagnosis and treatment among Patent Medicine Vendors by strengthening PMV Associati Accordia USA 2014
- Oladimeji Oladepo, Abisoye Oyeyemi, Titiloye Musibau, Adedayo Adeyemi, Sarah Burnett and Iorwa Apera (2014) Strengthening Patent Medicine Vendors’ Associations in Nigeria for Improved Malaria Management (SPANIMM) Phase 1 Final Report ( 2014) Future Health Systems Research Group, University of Ibadan, Nigeria and Niger Delta University, Nigeria In collaboration with Accordia Global Health Foundation, and West African Infectious Diseases Institute.
- Oladimeji Oladepo ‘National Health Promotion Policy’. Ghana August, 2013
- Oladimeji Oladepo and Musibau Titiloye: Improving malaria diagnosis and treatment among Patent Medicine Vendors by strengthening PMV Associations. Accordia USA 2013
- Oladimeji Oladepo, Ademola Ajuwon, Musibau Titiloye, Oladapo Olley, Pauline Osamor, Oluwafemi Dipeolu and Fagbamigbe Francis (2012) “The Role of Patent Medicine Vendors (PMVs) in the Informal Anti-Malarial Market in Nigeria”. Results for Development, Institute, Center for Health Market Innovations, Washington, US
- Oladepo O, Jegede AS, Adeoye BW, Dipeolu IO. (2009) The Potential Role of Patent Medicine Vendors Associations in the Provision of Quality Anti-Malarial Drugs to the P
- Community Directed Interventions (CDI) for Major Health Problems in Africa. A multi- Country study (2008) Report UNICEF/UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases Geneva.
- Oladimeji Oladepo, Oladepo O, Kabiru S, Adeoye BW, Oshiname F, Ofi B, Oladepo M, Ogunbemi O, Lawal A, Brieger WR, Bloom G, and Peters DH: Malaria treatment and policy in three regions in Nigeria Malaria Treatment in Nigeria-Role of Patent Medicine Selle - Policy Brief. Future Health systems. 2008.
- Oladepo et al Malaria treatment in Nigeria: The role of patent medicine ve Future Health Systems, University of Ibadan, Ibadan. Nigeria. Policy. November 2008
- Oladimeji Oladep Malaria Treatment in Nigeria-Role of Patent Medicine Sellers. Policy brief. Future Health Systems. 2008
- Oladimeji Oladep Down the Miry Clay Street Engaging the 3 by 5 Auxiliary Gears. (The Lecture portrays the abysmal health situation in Nigeria and strongly recommends the use of Health Promotion as magic panacea. Inaugural Lecture, University Press. University of Ibadan. May 2008.
- Oladimeji Oladepo and Arulogun, Promoting Policy Decisions on Gender-Based Violence in Nigeria. Policy Brief. EHANSE/USAID. 2007.
- Oladimeji Oladepo, Toyin Akpan and Richard Kohl (2007) Evaluation of the work of the Community Life Projects (CLP), Lagos
- Oladepo Oladimeji (2006) National Health Promotion Policy. Nigeria
- Oladepo O, Capacity Development Training to improve Management functions of Health Promotion Staff at the Federal Ministry of Health and Selected states in Nigeria. A report 2006 and 2007. Partnership for Transforming Health Systems (PATHS), Abuja, Nigeria
- Harald Burmeister, Patrick Kayembe Kalambayi, Georges Koulischer, Oladimeji Oladepo, Bernard A Philippon, Eleuther Tarimo (2005) External Evaluation of African Programme for Onchocerciasis Control (APOC) Re World Bank, International Bank for Reconciliation and Development, Washington DC USA.
- Adeniyi J, Oladepo O, Soyibo A, Study of Primary Health Care Delivery Service in Nigeria: A Quantitative Survey Approach, World Bank, Washington DC. USA.2004
- Oladepo, O and Sadiya Daura (2004). Evaluation of Adolescent Health and Information Project (AHIP) Advocacy Programme in Northern Nigeria. International Women’s Health Coalitions (IWHC), 24, East Street, New York, NY 10010, New York USA
- Oladepo, O, Brieger WR, Ajuwon AJ, Otusanya S, Talabi A, Kabiru S, Oludare M (2004). Final Report Developing and Evaluating Reproductive Health Education and Service Programmes for Out of School Youth in Western Nigeria. Rockefeller Foundation New York USA.
- Oladep O. (2004). The evaluation of the partnership between Development Alternatives and Resource Center (DARC) Nigeria and Board source Washington DC, USA. Development Alternatives and Resource Center, Nigeria.
- Adeniyi, J., Oladepo, O., & Soyibo, A. (2003). Survey of primary health care service delivery in Lagos and Kogi: a field report. African Regional Health Education Center, University of Ibadan.
- Oladepo, (2003) National Baseline Participatory Learning Appraisal Report Nigeria YMCA “YES” Project. YMCA, Lags Nigeria.
- Oladep O Evaluation Report: New choices for a New Africa” Project on Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health (2002). The Center for Development and Population Activities (CEDPA) in collaboration with the YMCA of the USA.
- Oladepo, (2002) Final Evaluation of YMCA of Nigeria New Choices for a New Africa Programme. YMCA, Lagos, Nigeria.
- Oladepo O (2001) Report of Participatory Census of Sexual Behaviour and Reproductive Health Knowledge: Kakuri, Kaduna State. Center for Development and Population Activities (CEDPA) Washington DC, USA.
- Oladepo, O. (2001) Report on Participatory Appraisal on Reproductive Health with Adolescents and Community Members in YMCA Project Areas in Nigeria. CEDPA, Washington DC, USA.
- Oladepo (2000) Report of Institutional and Programme Evaluation of Nigerian Youth AIDS Programme, Lagos. Nigerian Youth AIDS Programme, Lagos.
- Oladepo O., 2000.Obadiah M; Dennis-Antwi; Faal H; Hagan M; Ofili U, Bob Egbe S (2000) Flipchart for Community Eye Education. Sight Savers International
- The West African Youth Initiative: Promoting Change in Adolescent Health through Peer Education Association for Family and Health, ARFH Monograph Series No. 3.1999.
- Anne Halaand, Oladele Akogun and Oladimeji Oladepo (1999) Reporting with picture A concept paper for Researchers and Health Policy Decision–Makers. UNDP/World bank/WHO Special programme for Research and training in Tropical Diseases, Geneva Switzerland.
- Herdman, and Oladepo, O. (1999) Powerful Partnerships: Linking IEC and services for Adolescent Sexual health. Advocates for Youth, Washington DC, USA.
- Oladepo, and Awity, K (1999) Young Men Christian Association (YMCA): Critical Assessment of Adolescent Reproductive Health Programs in Ghana and Senegal. Center for Development and Population Activities (CEDPA) Washington DC, USA. July 1999.
- Oladepo, O (1999) Report of Baseline Evaluation: Improving Reproductive Health Outcomes for Special Adolescent Populations in Kumasi, Ghana (Youth development Foundation, Kumasi, Ghana). Program for Appropriate Technology for Health (PATH) Washington D.C. USA.
- Oladepo, (1999) Report of Baseline Evaluation: Improving Reproductive Health Outcomes for Pregnant and Parenting Teens in Kumasi, Ghana. (Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana); Program for Appropriate Technology for Health (PATH) Washington D.C. USA.
- Haliu Birie, Ahmed Ali, C. Nwaorgu, Ephraim Madu, Joseph Okeibunor, Oladimeji Oladepo, William R. Brieger, S. A. Otusanya, Mohmoun Homeida, Kababshi Meduni Saliman, M. M. Ali, Ajay Tandon, Helen Guyatt, Uchi Amazigo, Oladele O. Kale and J. Hans Remme (1998) Economic Impact of Onchocercal Skin Disease (OSD). Report of a Multi Country Study. UNDP/World Bank/WHO special program for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR), African Program for Onchocerciasis Control (APOC), Onchocerciasis Coordination Unit, Africa Region. The World Bank.
- Oladimeji Oladepo, Ane Haaland, Oladele Akogun, Tieman Diarra, Massitan Dembele, Henry Edeghere, Margaret Mafe, Rich Umeh, Hans Remme, Oladele Kale, Uche Amazigo, Boakye Boatin, Stephanie Meredith, Mitchell Weiss, Christine Witte, Yankum Dadzie, Azodoga Seketeli, Daniel Etyaale, Mounkaila Noma and Jean-Baptiste Roungou (1998) Community- Directed Treatment with Ivermectin (CDTI) - A Practical Guide for Trainers of Community- Directed African Program for Onchocerciasis Control, World Health Organisation (WHO).
- Oladimeji Oladepo, Michael Asuzu, Kayode Osungbade, Olufunmilayo Fawole, Ademola Ajuwon, Adeniyi Ogundira (1998) a Training Approach to Improving HIV/AIDS Knowledge of Health Workers in Oyo State, Nigeria. World AIDS Foundation Institut Pasteur, Paris, France.
- Advocating Adolescent Reproductive Health in Sub Sahara Africa. Advocates for Youth, Washington DC, USA.
- Oladepo, (1997) Life Planning Education Curriculum: A Guide for Trainers of Male Adolescent Peer Educators in Secondary Schools. MacArthur Foundation, Chicago, USA.
- Oladepo, O (1997) Situation Analysis of Family Life Education in Oyo State in Public Secondary Schools, Association for Reproductive and Family Health, Ibada
- Brieger, W.R and Oladepo, O. (1997) West African Youth Initiative Final Evaluation Re Advocates for Youth, Washington DC, USA. April, 1997
- Hubley, Ogundiran, Oladepo O et al A 5-year Country medium Term Plan for Control of HIV/STD infections in Oyo State) 1993- 1997) Oyo State Ministry of Health, Ibadan
- Anal, A., Oladepo, O., and Omolewa, M. (1996) Improvement of Rural Health in Oyo State. UNICEF
- Oladepo, (1996) Validation of the Pictorial Community Self-Treatment Reporting Form. World Health Organisation (WHO) Tropical Diseases Research, Geneva, Switzerland.
- Oladepo (1995) Development of a Reporting Form for Illiterate Communities Related to Community Self-Treatment with Ivermectin. World Health Organisation, Tropical Diseases Research Programme, Geneva.
- The Federal Health Education Branch, Ministry of Health and Social Services, in collaboration with African Regional Health Education Centre, University of Ibadan. (1995) Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of Men and women of Reproductive Age about Family Planning in Selected Local Government Areas in Nigeria. (Prepared by: Adeniyi, J.D., Olaseha, I.O., Oladepo, O., Ajuwon, A. and Oshiname, F.) Lagos
- Adeniyi, J.D., Olaseha, I.O., and Oladepo, O. (1995) A Report of the Assessment of Three Northern Universities for the Selection of Suitable One for the Establishment of a Department of Health Promotion and Education. The Federal Health Education Branch (FHEB) in collaboration with African Regional Health Education Centre (ARHEC), University of Ibadan.
- Oladepo, (1995) Evaluation of Oral Rehydration Therapy (ORT) Educational Intervention in a Rural Nigerian Community. Final Report. Applied Diarrhoea Disease Research Project, Harvard Institute for International Development. USA.
- Oladepo, (1994) Management of Children with Diarrhoea at Ayedade Local Government. A Training Guide for Health Workers. African Regional Health Education Centre, University of Ibadan in collaboration with the Applied Diarrhoeal Diseases Research Program of the Harvard Institute of International Development.
- National AIDS/STD Control Programme, Federal Ministry of Health and Social Services (1993) Training Manual for AIDS/PHC Integration (District Level). Ransome-Kuti, , Adeniyi, J.D., Olaseha I.O., Oladepo, O., Anifalaje, L.A., Amana, A., Awosiyan, W.)
- Adeniyi, J.D., Udoh C.O., Olaseha I.O., Oladepo, O., Iyun, B.F. The Nigerian Essential Drugs Programme: a baseline for the Design of the Information, Education and communication Component. (1993). A world bank assisted Project. The Priestman Group of Consultants African Regional Health Education Centre, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan in collaboration with Federal Ministry of Health, Lagos.
- Oladepo, O., Dare O.O. and Osotimehin B.O. (1993) Training Guide and Manual of Operations for Adolescent Reproductive and Family Health Program. College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, for the McArthur Foundation, Chicago, U.S.A.
- National AIDS/STD Control Programme, Federal Ministry of Health and Social Services (1993) Training Manual for AIDS/PHC Integration (LGA Level). (prepared by: Ransome-Kuti, Adeniyi, J.D., Olaseha I.O., Oladepo, O., Anifalaje, L.A., Amana, A. and Awosiyan, W.)
- Femi-Pearse, Adeniyi, J.D., Olaseha, I.O., and Oladepo, O. (1993) Promoting Health through Women's Functional Literacy and Intersectoral Action. An In-depth Evaluation Report. The Federal Ministry of Health and Human Services, Lagos and the World Health Organisation
- Oladepo, O. and Akinmade, O. (1993) A Comparative Study of Perceived Indicators of Child Abuse and Neglect among Parents in Niger and Oyo States of Nigeria. Inter-African Committee on Traditional Practices Affecting the Health of Women in Africa.
- Federal Ministry of Health and Social Services and S. Agency for International Development, Combating Childhood Communicable Diseases Programme (1992) the Efficacy of Health Education in Nigeria: A Selected Review of Field Work and Research Activities in Nigeria (1980-1992). (prepared by: Adeniyi, J.D., Olaseha, I.O., Brieger, W.R., Oladepo, O., Ajuwon, A.J. and Oshiname, F.O.) Lagos, Nigeria.
- Oladepo, (1992) The Implementation of Pre-test of baseline Instruments for FGN/UNICEF 1991/95 Country Programme. UNICEF, Nigeria.
- Ipadeola, Ogundiran, A.O., Oladepo, O., Adigun, I.O, Shokunbi, W., Fatunmbi, Akintunde, F., Saliu, Olayinka, Olayinka, S.A., Onisebe, S., Oshuntoki, and Winfolabi (1992) A 5-Year Country Medium Term Plan for Control of HIV/STD Infections in Oyo State (1993 – 1997) Oyo State Ministry of Health, Ibadan
- Adeniyi, J.D., Olaseha, I.O., Oladepo, O., Sorungbe, A.O. and Odunsi, P.Y. (1991) A Summary of Reports of the Assessment Visit by Staff of the Schools of Health Technology, Public Health Schools of Nursing, Community Health Officers, and Primary Health Care Tutors Training Institutions in the States of the Federation. Manpower Division, Primary Health Care Department, Federal Ministry of Health and Human Services, Lagos.
- Adeniyi, J.D., Olaseha I.O., Oladepo, O. (1990) The Healthcom and Niger State Ministry of Health Primary Health Care mobilization intervention project in Rafi Local Government Area of Niger State: A Baseline Survey. African Regional Health Education Centre, Ibadan, Nigeria.
- United States Agency for International Development and S. Department of Health and Human Services, International Health Programs Office, U.S. Centers for Disease Control (1990) Health Education Planning and Management for Child Survival Programs: A Training Guide (prepared by: Ademuwagun, Z.A., Adeniyi, J.D., Brieger, W.R., Olaseha I.O., Oladepo, O., Omishakin, M.A., Stuart, G., Dawson, L., Wright, E., Eng, E., Parrish, T., Steckler, A., Veney, J., Luchok, K., Foushee, V., Parker, K., and Parker).
- Adeniyi, J.D., Brieger, W.R., Olaseha I.O., Oladepo, O. Parker, K., Ramsey. (1990) Workshop in Health Education for Malaria Control in the context of a Primary Health Care
- Adeniyi, .D., Ladipo, O.A., Olaseha I.O., Oladepo, O. (1990) Audience Research about Family Planning Knowledge, Attitude and Practice in Nigeria. A Literature review. JHU/PCS PROJECT AF.NGA-38. The Priestman Group of Consultants African Regional Health Education Centre, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan. for the Population Communication Services Unit of the Johns Hopkins University.
- Oladepo : Report on the Course Design and Team Building Phase. (1990) African Regional Health Education Centre, University of Ibadan; Office of International Public Health Programs, University of North Carolina; and International Health Program Office, Centr. for Dis. Control.
- Adeniyi, J.D., Olaseha I.O., Oladepo, O. (1990) Health Education in West Africa: State of the Art. International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Dakar, Senegal.
- African Regional Health Education Centre, University of Ibadan; Office of international Health Program, University of North Carolina; and International Health Programs Office, S. Centers for Disease Control (1989) Report of an Intercountry Training Programme on the Planning and Management of the Health Education Component of the Combating Childhood Communicable Diseases Project. (I was responsible for writing pages 1- 10, 22-43 and appendixes 1 and 2).
- Adeniyi, J.D., Olaseha, I.O., Oladepo, O., Egunjobi, L. and Brieger, W.R. (1989) A Pre-test of the Revised Federal Ministry of Health/UNICEF Training and Educational Materials, Priestman Consultants, University of Ibadan, Consultancy Services Unit.
- Oyejide C, Oladepo, Oke E. O. Project Report v- Risk factor associated with Diarrhoea in Nigeria rural community. ID-CC/1181/IMIE. World Health Organisation, Geneva, Switzerland.
- African Regional Health Education Centre, University of Ibadan; Office of International Health Program, University of North Carolina; and International Health Programs Office, U.S. Centers for Disease Control (1988) Report of the Second Annual Intercountry Training Programme on the Planning and Management of the Health Education Component of the Expanded Programme on Immunization for the Combating Childhood Communicable Diseases Project (I was responsible for writing pages 17-44 and appendixes 6, 7 and 8).
- African Regional Health Education Centre, University of Ibadan; Office of International Health Programs, University of North Carolina; and International Health Programs Office, U.S. Centers for Disease Control (1987) Report of an Intercountry Training Programme on the Planning and Management of the Health Education Component of the Combating Childhood Communicable Diseases Project
Postgraduate Supervision (Completed)
(i) PhD
S/No |
Student’s name |
Title of thesis |
Year of graduation |
1. |
Outcome of an intervention programme on smoking behaviour among secondary schools students in three Local Government Areas, Lago State |
2005 |
2. |
OLUWATOSIN, Abimbola |
Knowledge of breast cancer and its early detection measures among rural women in Akinyele Local Government Area, Ibadan, Nigeria |
2006 |
3. |
AKIN-OTIKO, Bridget Omowumi |
Outcome of a behaviour change communication intervention for improving midwifery practices on improved maternal newborn and child health in Kaduna, Kaduna State. (University of KwaZulu Natal, Durban. South Africa) |
2012 |
4. |
ATULOMAH Nnodimele Onuigbo |
Effects of Two Health Eduation Interventions on Adherence to AntiHypertensive Medication and on Blood Pressure in Selected Tertiary Health Facilities in SouthWestern Nigeria |
2014 |
5. |
EZEAMA Martina Chikaodinaka |
School-Based HIV/AIDS Risk-Reduction Intervention Programmes among Adolescents in Orlu Senatorial Zone, Imo State, Nigeria |
2015 |
6. |
DIPEOLU Isaac Oluwafemi |
Effect of Mobile-Phone Reminder Text Messages on Mothers’ Knowledge and Completion of Routine Immunisation in Rural Areas of Oyo State, Nigeria |
2017 |
7. |
OLUWASANU Mojisola Morenike |
A Multi-Level Intervention on the Physical Activity Behaviours on In-School Adolescents on Oyo State, Nigeria |
2018 |
(ii) Master of Public Health
S/No |
Student’s name |
Title of dissertation/project |
Year of graduation |
1. |
RICHARD Adeyemi Akobi |
Perceived Reasons For Compliance With Post-Partum Care Appointment Among Mothers At Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospitals Complex Ile-Ife |
1991 |
2. |
OLANIYAN Enock Sunday |
Infant Feeding Practice In Oyo Town; Implication For Health Education |
1992 |
3. |
OWOADE Abel Niyi |
Opinon And Beliefs Of Professionals Driver In Ibadan About Road Traffic Accidents: Implications For Road Safety Educations For Road Safety Education |
1992 |
4. |
OGUNDARE Dada Oladipo |
Feeding Practices And Ocurrence Of Diarrhoea Among Children Of Low Socio- Economic Status In Ibadan City: Implications For Health Education |
1992 |
5. |
Experience Of Women Contraceptive Users In Akure Local Government Area Of Ondo State: Implications For Subsequent Choice And Compliance. |
1994 |
6. |
MRS. AGNES Yemisi Awoleye |
Group Action in Agbowo to Promote Proper Refuse Disposal |
1994 |
7. |
AYODEJI Nurudeen Adeleke |
Knowledge, Attitude, Practices and Status of Oral Health Among Junior Secondary Pupils In Ibadan Municipality Implications For Health Education. |
1996 |
8. |
ONYEJEKWE Christian Chukwuemeka |
Knowledge and Use of Contraceptives among Adolescent Mothers in Ogbere Community, Egbeda Local Government Area, Oyo State, Nigeria |
2001 |
9. |
FALODUN Abayomi Olugbenga |
Patterns of Alcohol Consumption Among Army Personnel in Ibadan Metropolis: Implication For Health Education |
2002 |
10. |
ODEMUYIWA Esther Olufunmilayo |
Assessment of the Preparedness Of Teachers as Family Life Educators In Secondary Schools in Somolu Local Government Area Of Lagos State Nigeria |
2002 |
11. |
ODIDI Yetunde Olawunmi |
Knowledge and Attitude towards HIV Antibody Testing and Risk Behaviour among Student of Colleges of Education in Oyo Town, Oyo State Nigeria |
2002 |
12. |
OSAMOR Pauline Ejemen |
Knowledge and Selling Practice of Patient Medicine Vendors (PMV) Regarding the Treatment Of Malaria in Idikan Community, Ibadan, Oyo State |
2002 |
13. |
OLUGBEMI Olufemi Majekodunmi |
Knowledge about Aids Perceived Susceptibility to HIV among Male Secondary School Students In Lagos, Nigeria. |
2003 |
14. |
AKPEJUNOR Stella Eseroghene |
Preparations For Retirement Among Edo State Civil Servants in Benin City, Nigeria: Implication For Health Education |
2004 |
15. |
NGOBUA Samuel Jacob |
Socio-Cultural Practices that may Favour the Transmission of HIV in a Rural TIV Community in Benue State, Nigeria |
2005 |
16. |
OLASOJI Olatoun |
Drugs Stored at Home for Self-Care among Adults in Ibadan South West Local Government Area of Oyo States, Nigeria: Implications for Drug Use Education. |
2005 |
17. |
LAWAL Abimbola A. |
Knowledge and Practice of Positive Living by Persons Living with HIV in Ibadan and Lagos Nigeria |
2006 |
18. |
ORJI Bright Chukwudi |
Use of Intermittent Preventive Treatment of Malaria among Women Attending Fee Paying And Free Ante Natal Clinics in Selected Local Government Areas in Parts Of Oyo State |
2006 |
19. |
AJAYI Jumai Ausetu |
Sexual Risk Taking Behaviour Among Customs Personnel In The Seme Border Command, Nigeria. |
2007 |
20. |
BADEJO, Adedamola Folasade |
The Utilization of Youth Friendly Clinics among Secondary School Students in Ibadan North Local Government Area, Oyo State. |
2007 |
21. |
JEGEDE Ademola Oluborede |
Knowledge, Opinion And Attitude of Household Head about Reproductive Health Right in Ibadan South West Local Government Area Oyo State Nigeria |
2007 |
22. |
OYEYEMI Adebusola Oluwatosin |
Hiv/Aids Educational Needs Of Churches And Mosques In Oyo State, Nigeria |
2007 |
23. |
Patterns of Mothers Communication on HIV/AIDS with their Adolescent Children in Ibadan Metropolis |
2007 |
24. |
ABALAKA Grace Eleojo |
Married Women’s Knowledge Of And Intention To Use Female Condom In Ibadan West Local Government Area, Oyo State, Nigeria |
2008 |
25. |
OKOSUN Thank-God |
Perceptions And Practices Of Homosexuality Among Undergraduates Of The University Of Ibadan, Nigeria |
2008 |
26. |
BUBA Laban, Daniel |
Patients’ Knowledge And Ability To Interpret Prescription Warning And Dosage Label Instructions In Two Public Secondary Health Care Facilities In Ibadan, Nigeria. |
2009 |
27. |
ONYEMA Chika Rose |
Factors Influencing the Pattern of Safety Belt Use among Professional Drivers Employed by the University of Ibadan, Nigeria |
2009 |
28. |
ABDULLAHI Ali Salihu |
Pre-retirement Preparations Among Staff Of The University Of Ibadan; Ibadan, Nigeria |
2010 |
29. |
AWOPEGBA Remi Oluwafemi |
HIV/AIDS Educational Needs of Christian and Islamic Religious Leaders In Oyo and Kaduna States, Nigeria |
2010 |
30. |
OLADIRAN Tolulope Franca |
Perception And Practices Of Blood Donation Among Adults In Ibadan South-East Local Government Area(LGA), Nigeria |
2010 |
31. |
OLANIYI Oludele Esther |
Clients’ Utilization And Perceived Level Of Satisfaction With Services Received At The Cervical Screening Clinic, University College, Ibadan, Nigeria |
2010 |
32. |
OLAKUNLE Ebenezer Olawale |
The Use Of Drug Combination In The Treatment Of Febrile Illnesses Among Motor Vehicle Spare Part Sellers In Ibadan Southwest |
2011 |
33. |
ONIFADE Olusola Adewale |
Knowledge And Attitudes Of Health Workers To Contraceptives Provision And Use Among Unmarried Adolescents In Ibadan |
2011 |
34. |
ADETULE Adebowale Oyebanji |
Pattern Of Acceptance Of Hepatitis B Vaccination Among Clinical Staff Of The University College Hospital, Ibadan |
2012 |
35. |
FATUNBI Omolara Mobolanle |
Assessment Of Sanitary Condition Of Food Establishment And Their Patronage In Selected Communities in Ibadan North-West Local Government Area Of Oyo State |
2012 |
36. |
OSHILAJA Morenike Ronke |
Perceptions Of Married Men And Women Relating To Caesarean Section In Ibadan North Local Government Area, Oyo State, Nigeria |
2012 |
37. |
BOLARINWA, Kolawole Kazeem |
Process Evaluation Of Behaviour Change Communication Materials Developed And Utilized For HIV Prevention By Non Governmental Organizations In Oyo State, Nigeria. |
2013 |
38. |
ABIONA Opeyemi |
Perceptions, Attitude and Practice of Growth Monitoring by Caregivers of Under-Five Children in Ibadan South-West Local Government Area, Oyo State |
2014 |
39. |
ADETONA Adebanke Ashake |
Factors Influencing the Practice of Breast Self Examination among Young Women in Ibadan North West Local Government Area, Oyo State |
2014 |
40. |
AKINWUNTAN Olubukola Ayotunde |
Influence of Parental Connectedness on Public Secondary School Students’ Sexual Behaviour in Ibadan North East Local Government Area, Oyo State |
2014 |
41. |
AMAO Josephine Olufunmike |
Satisfaction of Nursing Mothers with Antenatal Care Services received in Selected Secondary Health Care Facilities in Oyo State, Nigeria |
2014 |
42. |
BABAJIDE Stephen Olutayo |
Cervical Cancer Awareness and Risk Behaviour among Brothel-Based Female Sex Workers in Ibadan North Local Government Area, Oyo State, Nigeria |
2014 |
43. |
METIBOBA Loveth Olufunto |
Knowledge and Practice of Traditional Birth Attendants on the Prevention of Mother-To-Child HIV Transmission in Ibadan Metropolis, Oyo State Nigeria |
2014 |
44. |
ONAFESO Oluwatimilehin |
Knowledge of Child’s Rights and Perceived Parental Compliance among Primary School Pupils in Ibadan North-East Local Government Area, Oyo State |
2014 |
45. |
UKOHA Chidinma Emma |
A 12-Month Analysis of Types, Sources and Content of Family Planning Issues in Selected National Nigerian Newspapers |
2014 |
46. |
ADEWOYE Adetoun Aina |
Satisfaction of Patients with the Health Care Services in Out-Patient Department of Olabisi Onabanjo University Teaching Hospital, Sagamu, Nigeria |
2015 |
47. |
BEJIDE Bolutife Regina |
Experience of Vaginal Douching among Female Undergraduates of the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. |
2015 |
48. |
COKER Olasunkanmi Samson |
Perceptions and Practice of Mobile Phones Use While Driving among the Undergraduate Students of the University of Ibadan, Nigeria |
2015 |
49. |
EMORUWA Ayokunle |
Compliance of Commercial Motorists with Road Traffic Regulations in the University of Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria |
2015 |
50. |
IZANG Yakubu Dauda |
Risk Perception and Level of Preparedness for Flood Disaster among Residents on Adabale River Bank, Yemetu, Ibadan, Nigeria |
2015 |
51. |
ODIBO Margaret Efe |
Factors Responsible for Unintended Pregnancy among Adolescent Girls in Ibadan North Local Government Area of Oyo state. |
2015 |
52. |
OKOLI Nkechi Ifeyinwa |
Knowledge, Attitude and Level of Preparedness for Menopause among Pre-Menopausal Nurses in University College Hospital Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria |
2015 |
53. |
OMIWALE Funke Damilola |
Risk Perception and Disposition towards Hepatitis B Virus Screening and Vaccination among College of Medicine Undergraduates’ University of Ibadan, Nigeria |
2015 |
54. |
OMOREGIE Imade Philomena |
Practices relating to Water and Sanitation in Cholera Affected Communities and Non-Cholera Affected Communities in 2011 in Ibadan North West Local Government Area |
2015 |
55. |
OYEDOKUN Fayeke Islamiyyah |
Factors Influencing Compliance with the National AntiMalarial Treatment Guidelines by Facility-Based Secondary Health Care Physicians in Oyo State, Nigeria |
2015 |
56. |
ODIBO Efe Margaret |
Factors Responsible For Unintended Pregnancy Among Adolescent Girls In Ibadan North Local Government Area Of Oyo State |
2015 |
57. |
ADAKO Olajumoke Precious |
Knowledge Of Breast Cancer And Preference Of Early Detection Screening Measures Among Female Undergraduate Students Of Ekiti State University, Ado Ekiti, Nigeria |
2015 |
58. |
AKANBI Funmilola Adebunmi |
Prevalence Of Hypertension And Risk Factors Among Adolescent Apprentice In Ibadan North East Local Government Area, Oyo State |
2015 |
59. |
ATOLAGBE Folorunso Mojisola |
Awareness And Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting Practices Of Community Pharmacists And Patent Medicine Vendors In Ibadan South-West Local Government Area |
2015 |
60. |
ODUM Catherine Uzoamaka |
Prevalence And Pattern Of Fast Food Consumption Among Adolescents In Ibadan North East Local Government Area, Oyo State, Nigeria |
2015 |
61. |
OJO Keji Samson |
Knowledge, Attitude And Practice Of Physical Exercise Among Postgraduate Students Of University Of Ibadan, Ibadan |
2015 |
62. |
OKUNADE Kehinde Adebimpe |
Assessment Of Prison-Based HIV/AIDS Preventive Educational Programmes In Lagos State, Nigeria |
2015 |
63. |
OTUN Bolanle Afusat |
Knowledge, Perception And Utilization Of Prostate Cancer Screening Services Among Secondary School Male Teachers In Ibeju-Lekki Local Government Area, Lagos State |
2015 |
64. |
ADESANYA Maria Abidemi |
Factors Influencing Mental Health Problems of the Elderly in Ido Local Government Area, Oyo state, Nigeria. |
2016 |
65. |
OYEDEJI Sarah Temilola |
Patterns and Predictors of Mammography Use as a Breast Cancer Screening Service among Female Nurses in University College Hospital, Ibadan. |
2016 |
66. |
WERROR Benjamin Tsenongo |
Knowledge, Attitude and Use of Motorcycle Helmet among Commercial Motorcyclists in Akinyele Local Government Area of Ibadan, Oyo state. |
2016 |
67. |
YUSUF Abdulkabir Toriola |
Knowledge of Motorcycle Accidents and Utilisation of Safety Kits among Commercial Motorcyclists in Ido Local Government Area, Oyo state. |
2016 |
68. |
AJAGUNNA Folakemi Olabisi |
Acceptance and Compliance with Environmental Sanitation Laws by Household Heads in Ibadan North Local Government Area, Oyo State |
2016 |
69. |
AKINLADE Adunola Funke |
Knowledge and Perception about Hypertension and its Risk Factors among Staff of Ibadan North Local Government Ibadan, Nigeria |
2016 |
70. |
AMEH Stephen Audu |
Prevalence of Mouth Pipetting of Petrol and Knowledge of Associated Health Hazards among Automobile Mechanics in Lokoja Local Government Area of Kogi State. |
2016 |
71. |
ANEKWE Chinenye Ifechukwu |
Foot Care Practices and Associated Factors Among Diabetic Outpatients at University College Hospital, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. |
2016 |
72. |
DIRI Nmeri Victoria |
Knowledge and Practice of Placement of Under-Five in Front Seats of Vehicle among Parents in Ibadan North Local Government Area, Oyo State |
2016 |
73. |
ESSIENUDOH, Imaofon Godwin |
Knowledge, Attitude and Prevalence of Second hand Smoking among Undergraduate Students of the University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria |
2016 |
74. |
Prevalence, Knowledge and Preventive Practice of Schistosomiasis among Selected Secondary School Students in Oluyole Local Government, Oyo State, Nigeria |
2016 |
75. |
MGBOH Chinenyenwa Josephine |
Attitude and Willingness of Accept Human Papilloma Virus Vaccine among Early Adolescent Girls in Ibadan North Local Government Area, Oyo State |
2016 |
76. |
NWOSU-IWUOHA Esther Chinonso |
Prevalence, Pattern and Determinants of Alcohol Consumption among Students of The Polytechnic, Ibadan, Oyo State |
2016 |
77. |
OGBU Chioma Geraldine |
Dietary Habits and Nutritional Status of Upper Primary School Children in Public School in Urban Slum Communities of Ibadan North West Local Government Area, Oyo State, Nigeria |
2016 |
78. |
Knowledge, Experience and Health Seeking Behaviour about Sexually Transmitted Infections among Out-of-School Adolescents in Ibadan North West Local Government |
2016 |
79. |
OLAJIRE Afeez Olaiya |
Compliance with Prescribed Dietary Regimen among Hypertensive Out-Patients at the University College Hospital, Ibadan, Oyo State |
2016 |
80. |
SALAKO, Seyi Pius |
Knowledge and Contraceptives Use Behaviour among Undergraduate Students in University of Ibadan |
2016 |
81. |
YIRENKYI Paulina Funmi |
Attitude and Perception towards Post-Partum Weight Gain amongst Mothers receiving Post-Natal Services in Public Health Facilities in Ibadan North Local Government Area, Oyo State, Nigeria |
2016 |
82. |
ADEBANJO Timilehin Titilade |
Factors Affecting Oral Contraceptive Use and Discontinuation among Married Women in Ibadan North Local Government Area, Ibadan, Oyo state. |
2017 |
83. |
ADELEKE Adeolu Anthony |
Knowledge, Perception and Attitude of About-To-Wed Couples Towards Premarital Sickle Cell Genetic Testing and Counseling in Ibadan North-East Local Government Registry, Oyo state |
2017 |
84. |
Knowledge and Attitude of Married Men to Exclusive Breastfeeding in Ibadan North Local Government, Oyo State, Nigeria. |
2017 |
85. |
POPOOLA Olubunmi Afolasade |
Health Promotion Activities in Selected Secondary Health Care Facilities in Ibadan. |
2017 |
86. |
ABIOLA Aishat Ajoke |
Breakfast Consumption Pattern and Nutritional Status among In-School Adolescents in Ibadan North Local Government Area Oyo State, Nigeria |
2017 |
87. |
ADEGBORE Abidemi Kafayat |
Misuse of Insecticide Treated Net among Household Heads in Apete Community of Ido Local Government Area, Ibadan, Oyo State |
2017 |
88. |
ADEOSUN Florence Olufunmilayo |
Use of Herbal Remedies for Infants by Nursing Mothers in Ibadan South East Local Government Area, Oyo State, Nigeria |
2017 |
89. |
EGBEKUNLE Kikelomo Oluwafisayo |
Knowledge, Perception, Attitude and Use of Food Labelling Information among Undergraduate Students of the University of Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria |
2017 |
90. |
KAZZIM Shiyanbola Deborah |
Psychosocial Effects of Sickle Cell Disease on Adolescents Receiving Care in Two Secondary Health Care Facilities in Ibadan South – West Local Government Area Oyo State |
2017 |
91. |
OYENIYI Kolapo Adekunle |
Attitudinal Disposition and Adoption of Female Sterilisation among Married Women in Ife North Local Government Area, Oyo State, Nigeria |
2017 |
Current PhD Supervisions
S/No |
Student’s name |
Title of thesis |
1. |
Oladunni Opeyemi |
Training intervention to enhance growth monitoring delivery by caregivers of children under the age of five in Ibadan Oyo State |
2. |
Aduroja Posi |
Church-based intervention for promoting tetanus toxoid vaccination uptake among unmarried women in rural settlement of Oyo State |
a) Funded and Completed
1. 2017-2019 Effect of Mobile Phone Short Message on Immunisation Uptake (OPP ID 1182578). The Round 19 Grand Challenges Explorations Phase 1. Funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, USA. (Principal Investigator)
2. 2016-2019: Optical Smart Malaria Diagnostic (OSMD) (Excelscope 2.0). (Collaborative partnership between LUMC, Flexible Optical BV, University of Ibadan and Industrial Design Engineering) Funded by Tu Delft Global Initiative, Delft Centre for Systems and Controls and won second place in Edmund Optics 2017 Educational Award with optical support products from Edmund Optics in support of OSMD (Co-Investigator)
3. 2014-2017: Analysis of Non-Communicable Diseases Prevention Policies in Africa: Funded by African Population and Health Research Center Kenya (APHRC), in partnership with the International Development Research Centre, Canada (IDRC). (Principal Investigator)
4. 2018: Implementation Research Training for Young Investigators in Nigerian Private Universities. Funded by African Regional Health education Centre, University of Ibadan. (Principal Investigator)
5. 2016. Implementation Research Training for Young Investigators in Health-related Discipline in Federal Universities in Southwest Nigeria. Funded by TDR WHO. (Principal Investigator)
6. 2014-2015: Strengthening HIV Prevention and Risk Reduction Behaviours of Out of School Youth in Saki West Local Government: Funded by Civil Society for HIV/AIDS in Nigeria (CiSHAN), Oyo State. (Principal Investigator)
7. 2015: Private Health Provider Mapping in Ogun State, Nigeria, Funded by Malaria Consortium Nigeria (Principal Investigator)
8. 2012-2014: Improving Malaria Diagnosis and Treatment among Patent Medicine Vendors by Strengthening PMV Association. Funded by Accordia Global Health Foundation, USA. (Principal Investigator)
9. 2011-2012. A Study of the Role of Patent Medicine Vendors (PMVs) in the Informal Anti- Malarial Market in Nigeria, Funded by Center for Health Market Innovations (CHMI), Washington, DC, USA (Principal Investigator)
10. Sept 2012 - Defining Future Strategic Directions for Development Partners in Health Care Markets. Funded by Rockefeller Foundation through John Hopkins University Future Health Systems Consortium, USA.
11. 2011. Identifying key barriers to – and opportunities for enhancing the wide-scale uptake of RDTs in Nigeria’s private health sector. Funded by The Global Health Group, University of California, San Francisco, USA (Principal Investigator)
12. 2008. Compliance with HIV related Biosafety guidelines by Medical Laboratory Scientists in Oyo state, Nigeria. Funded by Senate Research Grant, University of Ibadan (Principal Investigator)
13. 2007-2008.Cervical Cancer Screening Programme in Nigeria. Funded by Exxon Mobil with MD Andersen Cancer Centre, University of Texas, USA (Co- Investigator)
14. 2007. Using Evidence-Based Data in Promoting Policy Decisions on Gender-Based Violence in Nigeria. Funded by The Enabling HIV/AIDS+TB and Social Sector Environment (ENHANSE)/USAID. (Principal Investigator)
15. 2007. Knowledge, Attitudes and Screening Practices among Older Men Regarding ProstateCancer, Oyo State Nigeria. Funded by The Gates Institute (Principal Investigator)
16. 2006-2010: How can the poor get access to effective malaria treatment? Future Health Systems Consortium. Funded by DFID, UK. (Principal Investigator)
17. 2004. Building Educational Capacity of Religious Leaders for Effective and Sustained Delivery of HIVAIDS in Kaduna and Oyo State, Nigeria. Funded by National Action Committee on AIDS (NACA): World Bank Assisted HIV/AIDS Programme (Principal Investigator)
18. 2003–2007. Community Directed Interventions (CDI) for Major Health Problems in Africa. Funded by WHO/TDR/ UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases, Geneva. (Principal Investigator)
19. 2003 -2005. AIDS Prevention Initiative in Nigeria (APIN) on Evidenced Based Model for Behavioural Intervention on HIV/AIDS Prevention in Nigeria. Funded by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation through Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts. (Principal Investigator)
20. 2003 – 2004. AIDS Prevention Initiative in Nigeria (APIN) on Print Media Contributions to HIV/AIDS Control in Nigeria. Funded by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation through Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts. USA (Principal Investigator)
21. 2002: Study of Primary Health Care Delivery Service in Nigeria: A Quantitative Survey Approach, World Bank Project. (Co-Principal Investigator)
22. 2000 –2002: Developing and Evaluating Reproductive Health HIV/AIDS Education and Service Programmes for Out-of-School Youth in Southwestern Nigeria. Funded by Rockefeller Foundation, New York. (Principal Investigator)
23. 1998-2002. Identification and clinical evaluation of potential antimalarial components from the Nigeria Phytomedicine compendium. Funded by the Multilateral Initiatives on Malaria, UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases Geneva. (Co-Investigator)
24. 1998-2002. Intersectoral Model for Management, Control and Policy Formulation on Drug-Resistant Malaria. Funded by UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Programme on Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (Principal Investigator)
25. 1998-2000. Incorporating socio-cultural and economic characteristics of mothers and caregivers in the home management of malaria in children. Funded by the Multilateral Initiatives on Malaria, UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases, Geneva. (Co-Investigator)
26. 1997-1999 Sexual Relationship, Communication and Risk Perception among Adolescents and Young Adult in Markets and Motor Parks in South West, Nigeria. (Principal Investigator)
27. 1997-1998. Couple’s Reproductive Decision-Making and Contraceptive Practice in Nigeria. Funded by Population Research Fund Management Unit, Nigerian Institute of Social and Economic Research, Ibadan. Nigeria. (Principal Investigator)
28. 1997-1998. Multi-country Study on the Implementation and Potential Sustainability of Community-directed Treatment of Onchocerciasis with Ivermectin. Funded by UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases, Geneva. (Principal Investigator)
29. 1998. Perceived Stress Factors, Coping Mechanisms and Prevalence of High Blood Pressure Among Staff of the University of Ibadan. Funded by Senate Research Grant, University of Ibadan. (Principal Investigator)
30. 1997-1998 An Exploratory Study on Recording and Reporting Systems at the Community Level. Funded by UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases, Geneva. (Principal Investigator)
31. 1996-1997 A Training Approach to Improving HIV/AIDS Knowledge of Health Workers in Oyo State, Nigeria. WAF 121(96-027). Funded by World AIDS Foundation Institut Pasteur, Paris, France. (Principal Investigator)
32. 1996-1998. Evaluation of a school-based youth to youth Male Adolescent Reproductive and Counselling program. Funded by John D and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Chicago USA.GA/95- 34739A-POP (Principal Investigator)
33. 1995: Developing of a Reporting Form for Illiterate Communities Related to Community Self- Treatment with Ivermectin. Funded by World Health Organization ID No. 95/GL/RES/TDR/311/FA/942, (Principal Investigator)
34. 1995-1996: The Economic Impact of Onchocerciasis in the Ibadan-Ibarapa Health Zone Oyo State, Nigeria, Part of a Multicountry Study of the Economic Impact of Onchocercal Skin Disease. Funded by UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Programme on Research and Training in Tropical Diseases TDR, Geneva. (Principal Investigator)
35. 1995-1996: Validation of the Pictorial Community Self- Treatment Reporting Form. Funded by UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Programme on Research and Training in Tropical Diseases Geneva. (Principal Investigator)
36. 1993-1994: Evaluation of an Oral Rehydration Therapy (ORT) Educational Intervention in a Rural Nigerian Community. Funded by Applied Diarrheal Disease Research Project (ADDR)/USAID, Grant No. 135, (Principal Investigator)
37. 1994: Enhancing Local Government Capacity on Implementing Diarrhoeal Disease Programmes. Funded by Applied Diarrhoea Disease Research Project (ADDR), Harvard Institute of International Development. USAID/UNICEF. Grant No. 135b (Principal Investigator)
38. 1992: Needs assessment on educational information and communication component of the Essential Drugs Programme. Funded by the Federal Ministry of Health, Nigeria. (Co-Principal Investigator)
39. 1991-1992: A comparative study of perceived behavioural indicators of Child Abuse and Neglect among parents in Niger and Oyo States of Nigeria. Funded by Inter-Africa Committee, Nigeria. (Principal Investigator)
40. 1991-1993: Testing the Effectiveness of Health Education and Communication Strategies to Encourage Patients' Compliance with Treatment Recommendations for Mectizan. Funded by the Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH)/Onchocerciasis Research Committee and Tropical Diseases Research/WHO, Geneva. M.H.2846/5.6/128 FMOH/OORC/TDR (Principal Investigator).
41. 1990-1991: Audience Research on Family Planning, Beliefs Knowledge Attitudes and Practices ID-AF-NGA-38. Funded by Family Health Services, (Co-Principal Investigator)
42. 1989-1990: Review of the state of art and practice of Health Education in West Africa. Funded by the International Development Research Centre, Regional Office for West and Centre Africa, Dakar, Senegal. ID 34-88A723. (Co-Principal Investigator)
43. 1989-1990: PHC Mobilization and Intervention in Suleja and Rafi Local Government areas of Niger State Nigeria. Funded by USAID. (Co-Principal Investigator)
44. 1988-1989: Risk factors associated with diarrhoea diseases in rural Nigeria community. World Health Organisation, Geneva. ID C6/1181/1 MIE (Co-Principal investigator)
45. 1984-1986: The role of patient education in the treatment of Onchocerciasis in a rural Nigeria community. Funded by UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR), Geneva. ID 830566 (Principal Investigator)
46. 1981-1984: Social and Behavioural Aspects of Tropical Diseases in the context of a Primary Health Care Approach ID 800432. Funded by UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR), Geneva. Switzerland, (Co-Investigator)
c. On-going Funded Research-Global
47. Collaborative partnership research between Delft University of Technology (Industrial Design Engineering), Netherlands) and the University of Ibadan)
a. 2018- 2020: Schistoscope Automated Diagnostic Project. Smartphone application for the detection of Schistosoma haematobium using cell phone microscope, low-cost filter and Discreet Wavelet Transform (Co-Investigator)
b. 2019-2023:INSPiRED – INclusive diagnoStics for Poverty RElated parasitic Diseases in Nigeria and Gabon. INSPiRED aims to improve the diagnosis of three major poverty-related diseases (malaria, schistosomiasis and hookworm infection) and reduce their grave impact in endemic countries. The focus is to develop easy-to-operate smart optical diagnostics devices for parasitic diseases which are integrated, inclusive (co-creation with stakeholders), and thoroughly tested in laboratory and field settings. Funded by WOTRO Award Number: W O7.30318.OO9 .
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